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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

1.1.2 Kinetic Molecular Theory

The Kinetic Molecular Theory (KMT) serves as a foundational pillar in comprehending the behaviour of gases. This theory elucidates the properties of gases by examining the motion of their particles, providing a robust framework for understanding various gas laws and thermodynamic principles.

Postulates of the Kinetic Molecular Theory

Basic Assumptions

  • Particle Nature: Gases are composed of a vast number of minuscule particles, typically atoms or molecules. These particles are in ceaseless, random motion, travelling in straight lines until they collide with other particles or the container walls. The Basics of Collision Theory further explain the implications of these particle collisions.
  • Negligible Volume: The actual volume of individual gas particles is minuscule compared to the total volume of the gas. This suggests that a significant portion of a gas's volume is essentially empty space, with particles dispersed sparsely.
  • No Attractive or Repulsive Forces: One of the defining characteristics of gas particles is their independence. They neither attract nor repel each other, moving freely until they encounter another particle or the container's boundary. This principle is pivotal in understanding Van der Waals Forces which act between molecules.
  • Elastic Collisions: When gas particles collide, either with each other or with the container walls, the collisions are perfectly elastic. This means that the total kinetic energy remains constant before and after the collision, with no energy lost to friction or other forces. The concept of elastic collisions is crucial in the study of Factors Affecting Rate of Reaction.
  • Kinetic Energy and Temperature: The average kinetic energy of gas particles is directly proportional to the gas's absolute temperature. This implies that all gases, irrespective of their specific properties, possess the same average kinetic energy at a given temperature. This is a key principle in the discussion of Rate Equations, which relate to the speed of chemical reactions.

Explanation of Gas Pressure and Temperature

Gas Pressure

  • Origin of Pressure: The pressure exerted by a gas arises from the incessant motion of its particles. As these particles collide with the container walls, they exert force over a specific area, resulting in pressure. The more frequent and forceful these collisions, the higher the pressure.
  • Factors Affecting Pressure:
    • Number of Particles: Increasing the number of gas particles augments the frequency of collisions, thereby elevating the pressure.
    • Volume: Reducing the volume confines the particles to a smaller space, intensifying the frequency and force of collisions, which in turn amplifies the pressure.
    • Temperature: Elevating the temperature boosts the kinetic energy of the particles. As they move more rapidly, their collisions with the container walls become more forceful, leading to an increase in pressure. Understanding the relationship between temperature and the kinetic energy of particles is essential when studying the States of Matter.

Gas Temperature

  • Measure of Energy: Temperature essentially gauges the average kinetic energy of gas particles. A rise in the kinetic energy of these particles corresponds to an increase in the gas's temperature.
  • Factors Affecting Temperature:
    • Heating: Introducing heat to a gas amplifies the kinetic energy of its particles, making them move more swiftly and thereby raising the temperature.
    • Expanding: When a gas expands, it can perform work on its surroundings, potentially diminishing its internal energy and, consequently, its temperature.
    • Compressing: Compression can elevate a gas's temperature as the particles gain kinetic energy from the work done on the gas.

Particle Motion and its Implications

The relentless, random motion of gas particles has profound implications for their behaviour:

  • Diffusion: The inherent motion of gas particles facilitates their spread and mixing with other gases. This phenomenon, known as diffusion, explains scenarios like the dispersal of a perfume's scent throughout a room.
  • Effusion: Effusion refers to the ability of gas particles to pass through minuscule openings. The rate of this process is inversely proportional to the square root of the gas's molar mass, meaning lighter gases effuse more rapidly than heavier ones.
  • Gas Laws and the KMT: The Kinetic Molecular Theory underpins the various gas laws that describe the behaviour of gases under different conditions of temperature, pressure, and volume. For instance, Boyle's law, which states that the pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume at a constant temperature, can be explained by the KMT. As the volume decreases, particle collisions become more frequent, leading to increased pressure. This principle is central to understanding how gas pressure and temperature are interrelated and how they affect chemical reactions.


The theory states that gas particles occupy a negligible volume compared to the total volume of the gas, with most of it being empty space. This sparse distribution of particles in a large volume results in gases having a much lower density compared to the closely packed particles in solids and liquids.

According to the Kinetic Molecular Theory, gas particles are in constant, rapid motion. While gravity does exert a force on them, their inherent kinetic energy and the frequent, random collisions keep them dispersed throughout the container. This continuous motion counteracts the settling effect that gravity might otherwise cause.

The Kinetic Molecular Theory highlights the rapid, random motion of gas particles. Gases, with their widely spaced particles and high kinetic energy, can move and spread out more quickly than particles in liquids. This inherent motion and the lack of strong intermolecular forces in gases, compared to the more restricted movement in liquids, account for their higher rate of diffusion.

The Kinetic Molecular Theory postulates that most of the volume of a gas is empty space, with particles occupying a negligible portion. This vast amount of empty space allows gases to be easily compressed. When pressure is applied, the empty spaces between the particles reduce, leading to a decrease in the gas's volume.

In the context of the Kinetic Molecular Theory, "perfectly elastic" collisions mean that when gas particles collide, either with each other or with the walls of their container, there is no net loss of kinetic energy. The total energy before and after the collision remains constant. This ensures that the gas's energy remains consistent over time, unless external factors like temperature changes influence it.

Practice Questions

Outline the primary postulates of the Kinetic Molecular Theory and explain how they account for the behaviour of gases.

The Kinetic Molecular Theory (KMT) postulates that gases consist of a vast number of tiny particles in constant, random motion. These particles occupy a negligible volume compared to the total volume of the gas. They exert no attractive or repulsive forces on each other and move independently. Collisions between these particles and with the container walls, are perfectly elastic, conserving kinetic energy. The average kinetic energy of these particles is directly proportional to the gas's absolute temperature. These postulates account for gas behaviour by explaining properties like pressure, which arises from particle collisions with container walls, and temperature, which relates to their average kinetic energy.

How does the Kinetic Molecular Theory explain the relationship between the temperature of a gas and the average kinetic energy of its particles?

The Kinetic Molecular Theory posits that the average kinetic energy of gas particles is directly proportional to the gas's absolute temperature. This means that as the temperature of a gas increases, the average kinetic energy of its particles also rises, causing them to move more rapidly. Conversely, when the temperature decreases, the average kinetic energy of the particles drops, leading to slower movement. This relationship is fundamental in understanding gas behaviour, as it links the macroscopic property of temperature with the microscopic motion of particles, offering insight into phenomena like gas expansion upon heating or contraction upon cooling.

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