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IB DP Biology Study Notes

9.3.3 Plant Hormones

Plant hormones such as auxins, gibberellins, and cytokinins are essential regulators of growth and development, affecting processes like cell division, elongation, and differentiation in the shoot apex. They enable plants to respond to environmental cues and adapt to their surroundings.


Role in Cell Division and Elongation

  • Cell Division: Auxins play a role in cell division by activating specific genes that drive the cell cycle forward. This is crucial in meristematic regions such as the shoot apex where rapid growth occurs.
  • Cell Elongation: By loosening cellulose fibres in the cell wall, auxins facilitate cell elongation. They enable cells to absorb water more easily, thereby stretching and growing.
  • Directional Growth: Through differential distribution, auxins create concentration gradients that guide the growth direction of roots and shoots, adapting to environmental factors such as light and gravity.

Interaction with Other Hormones

  • Synergy with Cytokinins: Auxins work with cytokinins to control root development. A balanced ratio between the two regulates the differentiation of cells in root meristems.
  • Antagonistic to Abscisic Acid (ABA): Auxins counteract the growth-inhibiting effects of ABA, thereby modulating growth patterns.


Role in Stem Elongation and Germination

  • Stem Elongation: Gibberellins promote stem elongation by increasing cell division and elongation rates. This helps plants grow taller and compete for light.
  • Seed Germination: By degrading proteins that inhibit growth, gibberellins help break seed dormancy. They activate enzymes that release stored food in the seed, allowing germination and shoot emergence.

Regulation of Flowering

Gibberellins are vital in flower development, regulating specific flowering genes. They affect sex determination in certain species and may determine flower size, form, and timing.


Role in Cell Division and Differentiation

  • Cell Division: Cytokinins encourage cell division by advancing the cell cycle, particularly during the G2 phase. This interaction with auxins ensures ongoing meristematic activity in regions like the shoot apex.
  • Differentiation: By directing cell specialization, cytokinins shape tissue and organ development in the shoot, determining the fate of individual cells within the tissue.

Effects on Leaf Senescence

Cytokinins preserve leaf functionality by inhibiting protein degradation, maintaining chlorophyll content, and delaying the ageing process. This supports the overall health and longevity of the plant.

Integration of Hormonal Activities in the Shoot Apex

Coordination of Growth and Development

  • Apical Dominance: The complex interactions between auxins, gibberellins, and cytokinins in the main shoot apex inhibit the growth of lateral buds, maintaining a central growth focus.
  • Tissue Differentiation: These hormones collectively orchestrate tissue development, guiding the transformation of meristematic cells into specialized structures.
  • Adaptive Responses: By modulating growth patterns in response to environmental stimuli, plant hormones enable adaptive growth and developmental adjustments.

Environmental Impact on Hormone Function

Environmental signals such as light, temperature, and moisture deeply influence hormonal activity. They affect synthesis, transport, and function, aligning plant growth with environmental conditions.

  • Light: Photoreceptors in plants detect light intensity and wavelength, modulating hormone activity, particularly auxins, to guide growth towards light (phototropism).
  • Temperature: Temperature affects the stability and synthesis of hormones, thereby influencing growth rate and developmental transitions such as flowering.
  • Moisture: Water availability affects hormone transport and synthesis. For example, ABA levels increase during drought, inhibiting growth, while auxins might regulate root growth towards moisture.


Auxins promote root formation in plant cuttings by enhancing cell division and differentiation in the cut tissue. Gardeners and horticulturists often apply synthetic auxins to cuttings to stimulate root growth, making propagation more efficient and successful.

In viticulture, gibberellins are often applied to grape vines to increase berry size and elongate clusters, improving the grape's appearance. They can also reduce fruit set, leading to fewer but larger berries. This manipulation improves the marketability of table grapes, making them more appealing to consumers.

In dwarf plants, the balance of auxins and gibberellins can affect overall growth. A deficiency in gibberellins might lead to reduced stem elongation, while auxins continue to promote root growth and lateral shoot development. Manipulating this balance can be used in breeding programmes to develop plants with desired height characteristics.

Auxins are crucial in stimulating fruit development after pollination. They can induce the growth of unfertilized ovaries, leading to parthenocarpic (seedless) fruit. In some commercial agriculture practices, auxins are applied to promote uniform fruit development, benefiting crops like tomatoes.

Cytokinins delay leaf senescence by affecting gene expression related to ageing processes in leaves. They help maintain chlorophyll content and delay yellowing. In agriculture, applying cytokinins can prolong the shelf life of leafy vegetables or delay leaf drop in ornamental plants, enhancing their commercial value.

Practice Questions

Explain the role of gibberellins in stem elongation and seed germination, highlighting the specific mechanisms involved.

Gibberellins play a vital role in stem elongation by increasing the rate of both cell division and elongation within the stems, which allows plants to grow taller and better compete for sunlight. They do this by binding to receptors, leading to a cascade of signals that increase the expression of specific growth-related genes. During seed germination, gibberellins degrade proteins that inhibit growth, thus breaking seed dormancy. They activate enzymes that release stored nutrients within the seed, providing energy for the emergent shoot and ultimately facilitating germination.

Describe the interaction between auxins and cytokinins in regulating root development and differentiation. How does the balance between these two hormones affect the process?

Auxins and cytokinins interact synergistically to regulate root development. Auxins promote root formation and elongation, while cytokinins encourage cell division in root meristems. The balance between these two hormones is crucial for the proper differentiation of cells within the root. A high auxin-to-cytokinin ratio favours root formation, whereas a low ratio promotes shoot development. This balanced interaction ensures that the root system develops proportionately to the shoot system, maintaining an equilibrium in the plant's overall growth. It highlights the complexity of hormonal interplay in controlling specific growth patterns and developmental pathways.

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