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IB DP Biology Study Notes

9.1.4 Water Properties and Leaf Cell Walls

In plants, the adhesive property of water and the process of evaporation in leaf cells are instrumental in water transport. These features create tension forces that assist in water movement within the plant. This section explores these essential characteristics in more depth.

Water's Adhesive Properties

Understanding Adhesion

  • Definition of Adhesion: Adhesion is the attraction between water molecules and different types of molecules. This property is vital in plants, especially within the xylem vessels.
  • Adhesion in Nature: It's commonly observed as water droplets clinging to non-water surfaces like glass or leaf surfaces.

Role in Water Transport

Interaction with Cell Walls

  • Attraction to Cell Walls: Water molecules adhere to hydrophilic cellulose molecules present in the xylem vessels' cell walls.
  • Movement Against Gravity: This interaction enables the water to travel upwards, defying gravity.
  • Supporting Cohesion: Working alongside cohesion, adhesion forms a continuous water column to facilitate water's ascent through the plant.

Effect on Transpiration Stream

  • Enhancing Transpiration Stream: Adhesion helps maintain the transpiration stream, which is the movement of water from the roots to the leaves.

Leaf Cell Walls and Evaporation

Leaf Structure and Water Movement

Stomatal Role

  • Stomata: These are tiny openings in the leaf surface, through which water escapes as vapour.
  • Regulation: Guard cells surrounding the stomata regulate their opening and closing, controlling water loss.

Cell Wall Composition

  • Cellulose: Cell walls in leaf cells comprise cellulose, a polymer that exhibits an affinity for water molecules.
  • Hydrophilic Nature: The hydrophilic nature of cellulose facilitates adhesion, contributing to water transport.

Evaporation Process

Mechanics of Water Loss

  • Water Loss Through Transpiration: The process of evaporation in leaf cells results in water loss from the aerial parts of the plant.
  • Creating Tension: This loss engenders tension or negative pressure within the leaf.
  • Pulling Effect: The resultant tension draws water from other regions of the plant into the leaf, supporting a consistent water flow.

Adhesion in Different Parts of the Plant


  • Adhesion to Soil Particles: Water adheres to soil particles, facilitating its uptake into the root hair cells.
  • Importance in Dry Conditions: This property is particularly crucial in arid conditions, where efficient water uptake is vital.


  • Adhesion to Xylem Walls: Similar to roots, water's adhesion to the xylem walls in stems assists its upward movement.
  • Contribution to Structural Support: This movement and tension also provide some structural support to the plant.


  • Water Loss and Replacement Cycle: Continuous evaporation from the leaf surface ensures that water is persistently pulled into the leaf, maintaining a balance.

Interaction between Adhesion and Cohesion

  • Synergistic Effect: The cooperation of adhesion and cohesion enables water to travel through the plant efficiently. Cohesion ensures that water molecules remain attached, while adhesion helps them move upward against gravity.
  • Breakage Prevention: Without adhesion, the water column could become disrupted under tension, impeding water transport.
  • Capillarity: The combined effect of adhesion and cohesion leads to capillarity, allowing water to move through narrow tubes such as xylem vessels.

Adhesion in Various Plant Species

  • Differing Adhesive Properties: Different species may exhibit varying degrees of adhesive interactions, influencing their water transport efficiency.
  • Impact on Adaptation: Understanding these differences can shed light on how various plants adapt to unique environmental conditions.


Adhesion is essential in the transport of water in narrow xylem vessels because it allows water molecules to stick to the hydrophilic surfaces of the cell walls of the xylem. This attraction helps in the upward movement of water against gravity. In narrow vessels, the adhesive forces are more significant, leading to a strong attraction between the water molecules and the vessel walls. This enhances capillarity, enabling water to move through the narrow tubes more efficiently, contributing to the overall transport system within the plant.

Cohesion refers to the tendency of water molecules to stick together due to hydrogen bonding. In plants, this cohesive force ensures that water molecules form a continuous and unbroken column within the xylem vessels. If cohesion were weak, the water column could break under tension, disrupting water transport. Cohesion helps to maintain the integrity of the water column, even under the negative pressure created by transpiration, ensuring that water is continuously pulled upwards from the roots to the leaves.

Yes, environmental factors can significantly influence the evaporation process in leaf cells. Factors such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, and light intensity can affect the rate of transpiration. Higher temperatures and wind speed increase evaporation, while high humidity reduces it. The light intensity can influence the opening and closing of stomata, with more light leading to wider stomatal openings, thereby increasing transpiration. These environmental conditions can alter the balance between water absorption and loss, influencing the plant's overall water transport system.

If the adhesive property of water were reduced, the attraction between water molecules and the hydrophilic surfaces of the xylem vessels' cell walls would be weakened. This would decrease the efficiency of water moving upwards in the xylem vessels, especially in narrow tubes where adhesion plays a vital role. The integrity of the water column might also be compromised, leading to potential breakages. Overall, reduced adhesion would disrupt the water transport system, potentially affecting various physiological processes within the plant, such as photosynthesis and nutrient transport.

Stomata are pores found on the surface of leaves that facilitate gas exchange for photosynthesis. They also play a crucial role in water evaporation by allowing water vapour to escape from the leaf. This loss of water vapour creates a negative pressure or tension within the leaf, which helps draw more water from the plant's roots. By regulating the opening and closing of stomata, plants can control the rate of transpiration and water loss, balancing the need for CO2 absorption and water conservation.

Practice Questions

Explain how the adhesive property of water and the process of evaporation in leaf cells contribute to the tension forces that aid in water transport in a plant.

The adhesive property of water allows water molecules to attract different types of molecules, such as the hydrophilic cellulose in the xylem vessels' cell walls. This attraction helps water to move upwards against gravity. Evaporation in leaf cells, facilitated by stomata, creates a loss of water, resulting in tension or negative pressure within the leaf. This tension has a pulling effect that draws water from other regions of the plant, ensuring a consistent flow of water. Together, adhesion and evaporation support the efficient transportation of water throughout the plant.

Discuss the synergistic effect of adhesion and cohesion in water transport within a plant, and explain how these properties prevent the breakage of the water column.

Adhesion and cohesion work synergistically in water transport within plants. Adhesion allows water molecules to stick to other substances, such as the cell walls of the xylem vessels, while cohesion ensures that water molecules remain attached to each other. Together, they form a continuous water column that can move upward against gravity. Without adhesion, the water column would be susceptible to breakage under tension, disrupting water transport. The combined effect leads to capillarity, enabling water to move through narrow tubes like xylem vessels, ensuring efficient transport and maintaining the integrity of the water column.

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