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IB DP Biology Study Notes

8.3.3 Structure and Function of Chloroplasts

Chloroplasts, present in green plants and certain algae, serve as the vital centres for photosynthesis. This section delves into the structural complexity and functional significance of chloroplasts, particularly emphasizing the thylakoid membrane and stroma.

Structure of Chloroplasts

Chloroplasts are specialized organelles uniquely adapted for photosynthesis. Understanding their structure reveals the intricacy of their role in energy conversion.

Outer and Inner Membrane

  • Outer Membrane: This barrier is porous and allows most ions and molecules to pass through.
  • Inner Membrane: Less permeable, the inner membrane controls the passage of substances and maintains the proper stromal environment. It also contains many embedded proteins involved in chloroplast biogenesis and function.


  • Definition: The stroma is the aqueous matrix within the chloroplast, encompassing a complex mixture of enzymes and structures.
  • Enzymes: Hosts enzymes necessary for the Calvin Cycle and other biosynthetic pathways, like starch and lipid synthesis.
  • DNA and Ribosomes: Possesses its unique genetic system that collaborates with nuclear genes to synthesize essential chloroplast proteins.

Thylakoid Membrane

  • Definition: Consisting of a phospholipid bilayer, the thylakoid membrane is the structural basis for light-dependent reactions.
  • Chlorophyll and Accessory Pigments: These molecules absorb light energy and pass it through the antenna complex to the reaction centre.
  • Photosystems: Two distinct photosystems (I and II) operate in a series, driving the flow of electrons.
  • ATP Synthase: Utilizes the proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane to synthesize ATP.


  • Definition: The internal space of the thylakoids, crucial for building the proton gradient required for ATP synthesis.

Function of Chloroplasts

The specialization of chloroplasts for photosynthesis is evident in its unique structural and functional adaptations:

Chlorophyll and Accessory Pigments

  • Absorption of Light: The variety of pigments enables the absorption of different wavelengths, enhancing light-capturing efficiency.
  • Energy Transfer: Facilitates energy movement to the reaction centres where photochemical reactions occur.

Thylakoid Membrane

  • High Surface Area: The stacking into grana increases surface area for greater absorption and reaction space.
  • Arrangement of Photosystems: This ensures the sequential transfer of electrons, allowing efficient energy conversion.


  • Environmental Buffering: The stroma's pH and ionic environment support the optimal functioning of enzymes.
  • Interconnection with Cytoplasm: Metabolic integration with the cytoplasm through transporters aligns photosynthesis with cellular demands.

Significance of the Thylakoid Membrane and Stroma in Photosynthetic Processes

Thylakoid Membrane

  • Photolysis Site: Here, water molecules are split, providing electrons to replace those lost in Photosystem II, and releasing oxygen.
  • Electron Transport Chain: The electron flow through protein complexes drives the proton pumping, setting up conditions for ATP synthesis.


  • Hosting Calvin Cycle: This is where CO2 is captured and converted into glucose, utilizing ATP and NADPH from the light reactions.
  • Integration with Other Pathways: The stroma’s enzymatic content connects photosynthesis with other biosynthetic routes, like amino acid synthesis.

Interconnection Between Thylakoid Membrane and Stroma

The cooperative functioning of the thylakoid membrane with the stroma is the core of the chloroplast's efficiency. Light energy absorbed by the thylakoid membrane is converted into chemical forms (ATP and NADPH) within the lumen and membrane. These are then used in the stroma for carbon fixation and reduction, leading to the formation of sugars and other organic molecules.


Chloroplasts contain their own DNA, which encodes some of the proteins and RNA necessary for their function. This DNA is involved in the replication, transcription, and translation processes within the chloroplast. The presence of DNA in the chloroplast supports the endosymbiotic theory, suggesting that chloroplasts were once independent prokaryotic organisms that were engulfed by a host cell.

The stroma has an alkaline pH because protons are actively pumped into the thylakoid lumen during light-dependent reactions. This higher pH is essential for the enzymatic activity of Rubisco and other enzymes in the Calvin Cycle. It facilitates the carboxylation reaction, where CO2 is fixed into an organic molecule, an essential step in light-independent reactions.

A granum is a stack of thylakoids within the chloroplast. The granum structure increases the surface area of the thylakoid membrane, allowing more space for light-dependent reactions to occur. This maximises the efficiency of photosynthesis by accommodating more chlorophyll and accessory pigments, photosystems, and electron transport chains.

Accessory pigments in chloroplasts, like carotenoids and phycobilins, absorb light energy at wavelengths not absorbed by chlorophyll. They then pass this energy to chlorophyll for use in photosynthesis. Unlike chlorophyll, which absorbs mainly blue and red light, accessory pigments absorb different wavelengths, enabling the plant to capture a broader spectrum of light energy. This enhances the efficiency of photosynthesis by utilising more of the available sunlight.

The chloroplast has a unique biomembrane system consisting of three main membrane components: the outer membrane, the inner membrane, and the thylakoid membrane system. The outer and inner membranes form the chloroplast envelope, and the thylakoid membranes create a system of interconnected stacks. This system allows compartmentalisation, providing unique environments for different metabolic processes, such as the light-dependent reactions in the thylakoids and the Calvin Cycle in the stroma.

Practice Questions

Describe the structure and function of the thylakoid membrane and stroma in the chloroplast. Explain how they cooperate in the process of photosynthesis.

The thylakoid membrane consists of a phospholipid bilayer and contains chlorophyll and accessory pigments, photosystems, and ATP synthase. It is the site for light-dependent reactions where photons are absorbed and transferred to reaction centres, initiating electron flow, proton pumping, and ATP synthesis. The stroma is the aqueous matrix hosting enzymes for the Calvin Cycle, where CO2 is fixed into glucose using ATP and NADPH. The thylakoid and stroma cooperate seamlessly; ATP and NADPH generated in the thylakoid membrane are used in the stroma for carbon fixation, linking light-dependent and light-independent reactions.

Explain the significance of chloroplasts having both an outer and inner membrane. Include in your explanation the function of these membranes and how they contribute to the organelle's overall functionality.

The outer membrane of the chloroplast is porous and allows most ions and molecules to pass through, whereas the inner membrane is less permeable and controls the passage of substances. The inner membrane also contains embedded proteins involved in chloroplast biogenesis and function. This dual membrane system ensures compartmentalisation within the chloroplast, enabling distinct microenvironments. The inner membrane maintains the specific conditions of the stroma, necessary for the functioning of the Calvin Cycle, while the outer membrane acts as a selective barrier, regulating the interaction with the cytoplasm. Together, they provide structural integrity and functional specialization.

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