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IB DP Biology Study Notes

8.1.2 Enzymes

Enzymes are biological catalysts that play a pivotal role in virtually all biochemical processes in the cell. These protein molecules accelerate chemical reactions without being consumed or altered, allowing life-sustaining processes to occur at a rate compatible with life.

Nature of Enzyme Catalysis

Active Site and Catalytic Action

  • Definition of Active Site: The active site is a specially shaped area of the enzyme that fits the shape of the substrate.
  • Catalytic Action: Enzymes work by reducing the activation energy required for reactions to occur, thus accelerating reaction rates. They achieve this by aligning substrates in the most favourable orientation and providing a suitable environment for the reaction. Understanding the structure of proteins is crucial to grasping how enzymes function at a molecular level.

Lock and Key Model

  • Concept: Emphasises the specific fit between the substrate and the active site of the enzyme.
  • Limitations: The model does not explain the flexibility of enzymes.

Induced Fit Model

  • Concept: Proposes that the active site is flexible and changes shape to fit the substrate.
  • Significance: This model accounts for the enzyme's ability to catalyse the reaction even more effectively, ensuring optimal fit with the substrate.

Substrate Specificity

  • Molecular Recognition: Enzymes exhibit remarkable specificity, recognising and binding specific substrates.
  • Enzyme-Substrate Complex: The binding of the substrate to the enzyme's active site forms an enzyme-substrate complex, a temporary association that allows the reaction to proceed. The concept of enzyme inhibition further illustrates how substrate interactions can be regulated.

Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity


  • Optimal Temperature: Enzymes have an optimal temperature, typically mirroring the organism's natural habitat.
  • Denaturation: Beyond the optimal range, enzymes lose their shape and functionality.
  • Low Temperature: At low temperatures, enzymatic reactions slow down but can often be restored when the optimal temperature returns.


  • Optimal pH: Most enzymes have an optimal pH at which they function most efficiently.
  • Variation in Optimal pH: Different enzymes have various optimal pH levels, depending on the location and function within the organism.
  • pH and Enzyme Shape: Changes in pH can alter the ionisation of side chains in the active site, potentially affecting substrate binding.

Enzyme Concentration

  • Enzyme-Substrate Collisions: Increasing the enzyme concentration generally increases reaction rates, as there are more frequent collisions between enzymes and substrates.
  • Saturation Point: At high substrate concentrations, all enzyme active sites may be occupied, reaching a saturation point where adding more enzyme will not increase the reaction rate.

Substrate Concentration

  • Effect on Reaction Rate: Initially, increasing substrate concentration will increase the reaction rate. However, beyond a certain point, all active sites are occupied, and the reaction rate levels off.

Enzyme Inhibitors

  • Types of Inhibitors: Enzyme inhibitors can be reversible or irreversible, competitive or non-competitive.
  • Regulatory Roles: Inhibition plays a regulatory role in controlling metabolic pathways within cells. For more detailed information on how enzymes are regulated, explore the topic of enzymes in metabolic pathways.
  • Medical Applications: Understanding enzyme inhibitors is crucial in drug design, such as in developing medications to inhibit enzymes involved in disease processes.

Cofactors and Coenzymes

  • Cofactors: Inorganic substances that may be required for the proper functioning of an enzyme. Examples include magnesium and zinc.
  • Coenzymes: Organic molecules that are often derived from vitamins and are required for the activity of certain enzymes. Examples include NAD+ and FAD.
  • Prosthetic Groups: These are permanently bound cofactors or coenzymes necessary for enzyme function.

Role in Catalysis

  • Functionality: Cofactors and coenzymes are essential in facilitating the reaction, often by accepting or donating electrons.
  • Diversity: They contribute to the diversity of reactions that enzymes can catalyse. The role of amino acids in enzyme structure and function illustrates the complexity of these biological catalysts.
  • Therapeutic Targets: Some drugs target the interaction between enzymes and their cofactors or coenzymes.

Importance of Enzymes in Biological Systems

  • Metabolism: Enzymes regulate both anabolic (building) and catabolic (breaking down) metabolic pathways. Enzymes also play a significant role in enzymatic digestion, breaking down food into absorbable components.
  • Genetic Expression: Enzymes are involved in DNA replication, transcription, and translation.
  • Digestion: Various enzymes break down food into absorbable components.
  • Regulation: Through allosteric sites and feedback inhibition, enzymes allow precise control over the cell's biochemical pathways.


Enzymes have diverse applications in industry and medicine. In the industrial sector, they are used in processes such as brewing, cheese making, and biofuel production, often enhancing efficiency and sustainability. In medicine, enzymes are used in diagnostic tests, drug production, and targeted therapies. Understanding enzyme function and inhibition has led to the development of drugs for diseases like HIV and cancer.

The induced fit model is preferred because it accounts for the flexibility of enzymes. Unlike the lock and key model, which assumes a rigid active site, the induced fit model proposes that the active site undergoes conformational changes to fit the substrate. This allows for more dynamic interaction and provides a better explanation for how enzymes can adapt to bind different substrates or perform various catalytic functions.

Enzymes contribute to homeostasis by regulating metabolic pathways that maintain a stable internal environment within an organism. They control the synthesis and breakdown of molecules, energy production, waste removal, and response to environmental changes. By finely tuning these processes, enzymes enable cells to respond efficiently to internal and external stimuli, thus maintaining equilibrium. This regulation ensures the proper functioning of organs and systems, contributing to overall health and well-being.

Competitive inhibitors bind to the enzyme's active site, competing with the substrate, whereas non-competitive inhibitors bind to an allosteric site, changing the enzyme's shape. Competitive inhibition can be overcome by increasing the substrate concentration, while non-competitive inhibition cannot. Both types of inhibitors reduce the enzyme's activity but do so through different mechanisms.

Enzymes are regulated through mechanisms such as allosteric regulation, feedback inhibition, and post-translational modification. Allosteric regulation involves molecules binding to sites other than the active site, altering enzyme shape and activity. Feedback inhibition occurs when a product in a pathway inhibits an earlier enzyme, controlling production. Post-translational modifications can activate or deactivate enzymes. Regulation ensures that pathways are activated only when needed, conserves resources, and maintains homeostasis within the cell.

Practice Questions

Explain the role of cofactors and coenzymes in enzyme-catalysed reactions and provide an example of each.

Cofactors are inorganic substances, such as metal ions like magnesium, that are necessary for the proper functioning of an enzyme. They may help in substrate binding or contribute to the enzyme's catalytic activity. Coenzymes are organic molecules, often derived from vitamins, such as NAD+, which assist enzymes by accepting or donating electrons in redox reactions. Together, cofactors and coenzymes facilitate the reaction by stabilising the transition state, lowering the activation energy, or providing functional groups required for catalysis. They are vital for the diversity and specificity of enzymatic reactions.

Describe how pH and temperature can affect enzyme activity and provide an example of an enzyme that functions at an extreme pH or temperature.

pH and temperature are critical factors influencing enzyme activity. Each enzyme has an optimal pH and temperature at which it functions most efficiently. Deviation from these optimal conditions can alter the enzyme's tertiary structure, thus affecting the active site's shape and, subsequently the enzyme's catalytic ability. For example, pepsin functions optimally at a pH of around 2 in the stomach. At extreme temperatures, enzymes can be denatured and lose their functional shape. Similarly, extremophiles, such as the enzyme Taq polymerase from Thermus aquaticus, are adapted to work optimally at high temperatures around 75°C.

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