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IB DP Biology Study Notes

7.5.2 Regulation of Transcription and Translation

The regulation of gene expression encompasses various intricate processes that control the flow of genetic information from DNA to RNA to protein. This control ensures that the appropriate genes are expressed at the right time and location, adapting to internal and external cellular conditions.

Transcriptional Level Regulation

Promoter Sequences

  • Proximal Promoters: Found within 250 base pairs of the transcription start site, they contain TATA box and other core promoter elements, allowing binding of general transcription factors.
  • Distal Promoters: Positioned further upstream, they include enhancers and silencers that affect transcription rate.

Enhancers and Silencers

  • Enhancers: DNA sequences that enhance transcription by binding transcription factors called activators. They may be located far from the gene they regulate and even in reverse orientation.
  • Silencers: Similar to enhancers but suppress transcription by binding repressor proteins. Their position relative to the gene is also flexible.

Chromatin Remodeling

  • Histone Modification: Acetylation, methylation, and phosphorylation of histones control the compactness of chromatin, affecting gene accessibility.
  • DNA Methylation: Adds methyl groups to cytosine, leading to gene silencing.

Post-Transcriptional Level Regulation

RNA Processing

  • Alternative Splicing: Produces different mRNA molecules from the same primary transcript, resulting in various protein products.
  • 5’ Cap addition: Addition of a methylated guanine nucleotide at 5' end, crucial for stability, nuclear export, and translation initiation.
  • Poly-A Tail addition: A chain of adenine nucleotides that stabilizes mRNA and influences translation efficiency.

RNA Stability

  • Stability of mRNA affects how long it remains functional. Regulated by binding of proteins to mRNA, specific sequences called AU-rich elements, and small RNAs like miRNA.

RNA Export and Localization

  • Regulated transport of mRNA to specific cellular locations allows localised protein synthesis.

Translational Level Regulation

Initiation Factors

  • Proteins that form the initiation complex with small ribosomal subunit, tRNA, and mRNA, controlling the initiation rate of translation.
  • eIF4F complex, for example, is crucial in cap-dependent translation initiation.

Codon Usage

  • Codons used more frequently are recognized faster by tRNA, accelerating translation. Codon bias can be species and tissue-specific.

Control of Ribosome Availability

  • The availability of ribosomal subunits can be a rate-limiting factor in translation. Ribosome biogenesis and degradation are finely regulated.

Post-Translational Level Regulation

Protein Folding

  • Chaperone proteins assist in folding newly synthesized proteins into their correct three-dimensional shapes.


  • Phosphorylation: Often controls protein activity.
  • Glycosylation: Influences protein stability, localization, and interactions.
  • Ubiquitination: Signals proteins for degradation.


  • Proteasomal degradation removes misfolded or unnecessary proteins, maintaining cellular homeostasis.
  • Lysosomal degradation pathways like autophagy also play roles in protein catabolism.

Protein Transport

  • The proper localization of proteins to different cellular compartments is tightly regulated.

Complexities in Eukaryotic Gene Regulation

  • The interplay between different levels of regulation adds complexity.
  • Cross-talk between signalling pathways and regulatory mechanisms ensures coordinated cellular responses.


Codon usage can affect translational efficiency because different codons for the same amino acid may be read at varying speeds by the ribosome. Rare codons can slow down the translation, allowing time for proper protein folding, while common codons can speed it up. This forms part of a delicate balance in protein synthesis regulation.

RNA stability plays a vital role in post-transcriptional regulation by controlling the half-life of the mRNA. If mRNA is more stable, it persists longer in the cytoplasm, leading to more protein synthesis. Conversely, rapid degradation reduces protein synthesis. Various elements, like the poly-A tail, can influence RNA stability.

Protein chaperones are molecules that assist in the correct folding of proteins. Misfolded proteins can be nonfunctional or harmful. Chaperones guide the newly synthesized polypeptide chain to fold into its functional three-dimensional structure, preventing incorrect interactions and aggregations.

Silencers are DNA sequences that bind repressor proteins to inhibit transcription. Repressor proteins are the molecules that actually bind to the silencer regions. The silencer is the site on the DNA, whereas the repressor is the protein that interacts with the silencer. Together, they work to downregulate or turn off specific gene expression.

RNA polymerase is the enzyme responsible for synthesizing RNA from the DNA template during transcription. Its binding to the promoter region is essential for initiating transcription. The interaction between RNA polymerase and various transcription factors, as well as enhancers and silencers, helps regulate the rate of transcription, allowing specific control of gene expression.

Practice Questions

Explain how enhancers and silencers are involved in the regulation of transcription. Include details of their location and interaction with other proteins.

Enhancers are specific DNA sequences that enhance the rate of transcription by binding to transcription factor proteins called activators. They can be located thousands of base pairs away from the gene they regulate and can function in either orientation. Silencers, on the other hand, are sequences that repress transcription by binding to proteins called repressors. Both enhancers and silencers interact with the promoter region through DNA looping, allowing them to physically contact and either activate or inhibit the assembly of the transcription initiation complex at the promoter, regulating the expression of specific genes.

Describe the importance of post-translational modifications in protein regulation, including at least two examples of modifications.

Post-translational modifications are crucial for the regulation of protein function, stability, and localization. Phosphorylation is one example where the addition of phosphate groups to a protein can activate or deactivate its function, allowing for a quick response to cellular signals. Glycosylation involves the addition of carbohydrate chains to proteins, affecting their stability and interactions with other molecules. Another example is ubiquitination, which marks proteins for degradation, controlling their levels within the cell. These modifications enable the cell to fine-tune protein activity, ensuring that proteins function appropriately in response to various internal and external stimuli.

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