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IB DP Biology Study Notes

6.2.3 Capillaries and Tissue Exchange

Capillaries, the smallest blood vessels, play an essential role in connecting the arterial and venous systems, allowing the exchange of materials between blood and tissues. This section will explore the features and functions of capillaries, including their structure and the fundamental process of tissue exchange at the cellular level.

Structure of Capillaries

Capillary Walls

  • Permeable Walls: The walls of capillaries are highly permeable, consisting of a single layer of flattened endothelial cells that allow small molecules to pass easily.
  • Basement Membrane: A non-cellular structure that provides support and adherence to surrounding tissues.
  • Diameter: Often around 5 to 10 micrometres, capillaries are narrow, accommodating red blood cells in single file.

Types of Capillaries

  • Continuous Capillaries: Lacking fenestrations (pores), these capillaries are the most common type, prevalent in muscles, lungs, and nervous tissues.
  • Fenestrated Capillaries: Possessing pores, they allow more efficient exchange, common in organs that require rapid absorption like the kidneys and intestines.
  • Sinusoidal Capillaries: These have large gaps between endothelial cells and allow the exchange of larger molecules; found in liver, spleen, and bone marrow.

Capillary Beds

  • Networks: Capillaries form complex networks called capillary beds, which increase the surface area for exchange.
  • Pre-capillary Sphincters: Regulate blood flow within the capillary beds, controlling the distribution according to the tissue’s needs.

Exchange Mechanisms


  • Oxygen and Nutrients: Oxygen and essential nutrients like glucose and amino acids diffuse from the capillaries into the tissues where they are required for cellular respiration.
  • Carbon Dioxide and Waste: Metabolic waste products, including carbon dioxide and lactic acid, diffuse back into the capillaries to be transported away for elimination.

Filtration and Reabsorption

  • Starling's Forces: Govern the movement of fluid through capillary walls, influenced by hydrostatic and osmotic pressure.
  • Hydrostatic Pressure: The force exerted by blood pressure, driving fluid out of the capillaries into the interstitial space.
  • Osmotic Pressure: Exerted by plasma proteins, attracts fluid back into the capillaries.
  • Balance: A delicate balance between these forces ensures the efficient delivery and removal of substances without significant loss or accumulation of fluid.

Importance of Capillary Exchange

Delivery of Oxygen and Nutrients

  • Cell Metabolism: Oxygen and nutrients are vital for cellular metabolism and energy production, supporting various physiological processes.
  • Growth and Repair: Nutrients are transported to different body parts for growth, development, and repair of tissues.

Removal of Waste Products

  • Metabolic Waste: Efficient removal of metabolic waste, including urea, creatinine, and ammonium ions, prevents their accumulation and toxicity.
  • Homeostasis: Maintains the internal environment by regularly flushing out waste products.

Hormones and Signalling Molecules

  • Endocrine System: Hormones are distributed through capillaries, allowing them to reach target cells and organs.
  • Neurotransmitters: The distribution of neurotransmitters supports neural communication.


  • Heat Exchange: Blood flowing through capillaries helps distribute heat, playing a role in body temperature regulation.

Adaptations for Effective Exchange

High Surface Area

  • Efficient Exchange: The widespread network of capillaries in tissues maximises the surface area, ensuring an efficient exchange of substances.

Slow Blood Flow

  • Exchange Time: Capillaries reduce the speed of blood flow, allowing more time for the exchange to occur, thus enhancing diffusion and filtration efficiency.

Close Proximity to Cells

  • Quick Exchange: By being close to cells, capillaries minimise the distance for substances to travel, ensuring that the exchange process is quick and effective.

Selective Permeability

  • Controlled Exchange: The various types of capillaries, each with different levels of permeability, ensure that the exchange is controlled and precise according to the tissue's specific needs.


The capillary bed is a network of interconnected capillaries, forming the site for exchange between blood and tissues. Its extensive surface area and thin walls permit the rapid exchange of nutrients, gases, and waste products. The capillary bed's structure ensures efficient delivery and removal of substances, meeting the metabolic demands of tissues.

Capillary density varies in different tissues depending on their metabolic needs. Highly active tissues like muscles, brain, and kidneys have a higher density of capillaries, allowing for increased oxygen and nutrient supply. In contrast, less metabolically active tissues, such as tendons and ligaments, have a lower capillary density.

The small diameter and large number of capillaries create resistance in the blood flow, which helps in maintaining and regulating blood pressure. The arrangement and structure of the capillaries ensure an even distribution of blood and allow precise control over blood flow to meet the varying demands of different tissues.

Pericytes are supporting cells that wrap around the endothelial cells of capillaries. They play a vital role in regulating blood flow, maintaining capillary stability, supporting endothelial cell function, and assisting in wound healing and tissue regeneration. Their interaction with endothelial cells contributes to the overall integrity of the capillary network.

Capillaries are thin, with walls only one cell layer thick, to allow for efficient exchange of substances between the blood and tissues. The short diffusion distance ensures rapid transfer of nutrients, oxygen, and waste products, thereby facilitating quick response to changes in the body's needs and maintaining homeostasis.

Practice Questions

Describe the structure and function of the different types of capillaries, including continuous capillaries, fenestrated capillaries, and sinusoidal capillaries.

Capillaries have three types: continuous, fenestrated, and sinusoidal. Continuous capillaries have unbroken walls without fenestrations, facilitating restricted passage, and are common in muscles and nervous tissues. Fenestrated capillaries have pores that allow quicker exchange and are prevalent in organs like kidneys and intestines, which require rapid absorption. Sinusoidal capillaries possess larger gaps, permitting the exchange of more substantial molecules, and are found in the liver, spleen, and bone marrow. The variations in permeability among these types enable them to carry out specific functions in different tissues, ensuring precise control over substance exchange.

Explain how the balance between hydrostatic and osmotic pressure in capillaries plays a vital role in the exchange of materials between blood and tissues.

In capillaries, the exchange of materials is governed by Starling's Forces, influenced by hydrostatic and osmotic pressure. Hydrostatic pressure, generated by blood pressure, drives fluid and small solutes out of the capillaries into the tissues. Conversely, osmotic pressure, mainly exerted by plasma proteins, draws fluid back into the capillaries. A delicate balance between these two forces ensures that nutrients and oxygen are delivered to the tissues and waste products are removed without significant loss or accumulation of fluid. This equilibrium is essential for maintaining tissue health and homeostasis within the body.

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