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IB DP Biology Study Notes

5.1.3 Evidence of Evolution

Evolution is the process of change in all forms of life over generations. The theory of evolution posits that all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual's ability to compete, survive, and reproduce. This study section explores the robust evidences that have been identified over time, supporting the theory of evolution.

Fossil Records

Gradual Change Over Geologic Time

  • Formation of Fossils: Organisms die and are quickly buried under sediment. As time progresses, the organic materials are replaced by minerals. This mineralisation preserves the shape and structure of the organism, creating a fossil.
  • Stratification: Layers of sediment accumulate over time, with deeper layers containing older fossils. This arrangement in layers provides a historical timeline of life.
  • Transitional Forms: Fossils that show features common to both ancestral and derived groups. The fossil Archaeopteryx exhibits both bird-like and reptile-like features, indicating a transition between these two groups.
  • Radiometric Dating: By using techniques like carbon dating, scientists can determine the age of fossils, further supporting the chronological order of life.
  • Limitations and Challenges: The fossil record is not perfect, as some organisms do not fossilise well, and some fossils may yet be undiscovered.


Unique Species Distribution

  • Species Location: Different parts of the world host unique species that are specifically adapted to their environments. This indicates that species were either once connected or have evolved separately to suit their habitat.
  • Island Evolution: Islands often house unique species that have evolved in isolation. Darwin’s finches are a well-known example, where different species evolved various beak shapes to exploit different food sources.
  • Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics: The slow movement of continents has contributed to the current distribution of species. The splitting of land masses has allowed for separate evolutionary paths.

Comparative Anatomy

Homologous and Vestigial Structures

  • Homologous Structures: These structures originate from a common ancestor and may have different functions in current species. For example, the human arm and bat wing have similar structures but different functions.
  • Vestigial Structures: These are reduced or non-functional remnants of organs or structures found in an organism’s ancestors. For example, the human coccyx or tailbone.
  • Convergent Evolution and Analogous Structures: This is the evolution of similar traits in unrelated lineages, like wings in bats and birds. Understanding this helps distinguish between true homologous relationships and similarities due to convergent evolution.


Common Developmental Stages

  • Embryonic Similarities: Many vertebrate embryos exhibit similar stages of development, reflecting a shared common ancestry. For example, the presence of gill slits in human embryos indicates a shared ancestry with fish.
  • Hox Genes and Developmental Pathways: Similarities in key developmental genes across species offer evidence of a common ancestor. Changes in these genes can lead to large changes in structure. The study of the Endosymbiotic Theory further illuminates the interconnectedness of life forms from an evolutionary perspective.

Molecular Biology

Genetic Similarities

  • DNA Comparison: The comparison of DNA sequences between species reveals genetic similarities. For example, the DNA of humans and chimpanzees is almost 98% identical. Insights into DNA Structure enhance our understanding of these genetic blueprints.
  • Protein Structure Comparison: Similarities in protein structures, such as the ubiquitous cytochrome c, provide further evidence of common ancestry. Delving into Protein Structure can offer deeper insights into this evidence.
  • Evolutionary Trees: Molecular data can be used to construct phylogenetic trees, showing relationships between species and supporting the connections inferred from other evidence. Techniques such as DNA Profiling play a crucial role in this analysis.

Applications of Evolutionary Evidence

Medicine, Agriculture, and Conservation

  • Medicine: Understanding evolutionary relationships helps in studying diseases and developing medical treatments. For example, research on bacteria’s evolution of antibiotic resistance guides the development of new drugs.
  • Agriculture: Selective breeding practices in agriculture are applications of the principles of evolution. Farmers and scientists can breed plants and animals for desirable traits.
  • Conservation: Evolutionary studies inform conservation efforts by helping identify populations at risk and strategies to preserve genetic diversity. The concept of Speciation is fundamental in understanding the emergence of new species and the importance of biodiversity.


Embryology studies the development of embryos from fertilisation to birth. Many animals, including humans, show similar embryological development, with common stages and structures. These similarities indicate a shared ancestry. For example, fish, reptiles, birds, and mammals all have gill slits at an early stage of development, even though they may not develop into gills. Such common developmental stages provide evidence that different species have evolved from a common ancestor, supporting the theory of evolution.

Radiometric dating is a method used to determine the age of rocks and fossils by measuring the decay of radioactive isotopes within them. Over time, these isotopes decay at a known rate into stable products. By measuring the ratio of parent isotopes to daughter products, scientists can calculate the age of the sample. This technique allows for the precise dating of fossils, thereby enabling the construction of a detailed chronological record that supports the gradual change in species over geological time.

Molecular biology examines the structure and function of molecules essential to life, such as DNA and proteins. By comparing these molecules across species, scientists can detect similarities and differences in genetic information. For example, the more closely related two species are, the more similar their DNA sequences will be. This genetic similarity supports the theory of common ancestry and shows how species have diverged over time. Thus, molecular biology provides a powerful tool for tracing evolutionary relationships.

Biogeography is the study of the distribution of species and ecosystems in geographical space. In terms of evolution, it reveals how species have evolved and adapted to different environments. For example, species on separate continents may have evolved similar adaptations to similar environments, known as convergent evolution. Alternatively, closely related species may evolve differently in dissimilar environments, known as divergent evolution. Biogeography, therefore, offers additional insight into how natural selection shapes species over time.

Vestigial structures are remnants of organs or parts that had a function in an early ancestor but have lost or reduced their original function. However, they are not always completely useless. Some may have taken on a new function, while others may have no apparent function but are still present. The existence of vestigial structures in modern organisms provides evidence for evolution by showing that structures used in ancestral species may become unnecessary or modified as species evolve. They are a direct link to the evolutionary past, illustrating how organisms have adapted and changed over time.

Practice Questions

Explain how the fossil record, including the discovery of transitional forms and the use of radiometric dating, supports the theory of evolution.

The fossil record provides chronological evidence for evolution by showcasing the gradual change in species over geologic time. Transitional forms are fossils that exhibit traits common to both ancestral and derived groups, such as the Archaeopteryx, which shows characteristics of both reptiles and birds. These forms illustrate the intermediate stages of evolution. Radiometric dating techniques, such as carbon dating, allow scientists to determine the specific age of fossils. By arranging fossils in a chronological sequence, scientists can track the changes and adaptations that have occurred over time, thus supporting the theory of evolution.

Discuss the significance of comparative anatomy, including homologous and vestigial structures, in understanding evolutionary relationships among species.

Comparative anatomy reveals the structural similarities and differences among species, providing insights into their evolutionary relationships. Homologous structures are organs or skeletal elements that share a common ancestry but may perform different functions in modern species. For example, the human arm and the bat wing share a similar structure but have different functions, suggesting a common origin but diverse evolutionary paths. Vestigial structures are remnants of organs or structures that had a function in an early ancestor but have lost or reduced their original function, like the human coccyx. These homologous and vestigial structures provide tangible evidence for common ancestry and support the theory of evolution.

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