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IB DP Biology Study Notes

4.3.2 Energy Flow in Ecosystems

The flow of energy within an ecosystem is a unifying concept that enables us to understand how living organisms interact with each other and their environment. This page details the journey of energy through ecosystems, from primary production to trophic levels, and the essential role of decomposers.

Primary Production

Primary production is the foundation of energy flow in an ecosystem. For a deeper understanding of how organisms obtain energy, see autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition in species.

Gross Primary Production (GPP)

  • Definition: The total energy captured by photosynthesis in a given time.
  • Factors Influencing GPP:
    • Sunlight Availability: Energy captured depends on the intensity and duration of sunlight.
    • Temperature: Affects the rate of photosynthesis.
    • Water Availability: Necessary for photosynthesis. The transpiration process in plants is closely linked to this factor.
    • Nutrient Content: Essential nutrients in the soil promote growth.
  • Importance: Determines the overall energy available for the ecosystem, impacting biodiversity and sustainability.

Net Primary Production (NPP)

  • Definition: The energy remaining after subtracting the energy used by primary producers for their metabolism (Respiration).
  • Equation: NPP = GPP - Respiration
  • Importance: NPP is the energy that reaches consumers, reflecting the ecosystem's growth and health.

Trophic Levels

Trophic levels represent various stages in the food chain, demonstrating how energy is transferred.

Primary Producers (First Trophic Level)

  • Examples: Plants, algae, phytoplankton.
  • Role: Convert sunlight into usable energy via photosynthesis.
  • Importance: Serve as the energy foundation for all other levels.

Primary Consumers (Second Trophic Level)

  • Examples: Herbivores like deer, insects, and zooplankton.
  • Role: Consume primary producers, transferring energy upward.
  • Challenges: Limited by the availability of primary producers.

Secondary and Tertiary Consumers (Third and Fourth Trophic Levels)

  • Examples: Carnivores like wolves, and omnivores like bears.
  • Role: Feed on other consumers, carrying on the energy transfer.
  • Note: Only about 10% of the energy is transferred to the next level, most is lost as heat, following the 10% law.

Decomposers and Detritivores

These organisms play a pivotal role in recycling energy.

  • Decomposers: Break down dead organic matter into simpler substances. Learn more about consumers, detritivores, and saprotrophs.
    • Examples: Bacteria and fungi.
  • Detritivores: Consume detritus (dead organic matter), assisting decomposers.
    • Examples: Earthworms, millipedes.
  • Importance:
    • Recycling nutrients back into the soil.
    • Converting energy in dead organisms into forms usable by other organisms.
    • Maintaining soil health and fertility.

Energy Pyramids and Ecological Efficiency

  • Energy Pyramids: Graphical representation of energy flow.
    • Successive levels represent diminishing energy content.
  • Ecological Efficiency: The efficiency with which energy is transferred from one trophic level to the next, which can be affected by various factors including anaerobic respiration.
    • Generally ranges from 5% to 20%.
  • Implications: The loss of energy at each level limits the number of trophic levels in an ecosystem.

Human Impact on Energy Flow

Human activities often disrupt the natural flow of energy.

  • Deforestation: Reduces primary production, leading to cascading effects.
  • Overfishing and Hunting: Imbalance in trophic levels, disrupting energy flow.
  • Pollution: Chemical pollutants can inhibit photosynthesis or decomposer activity.
  • Agriculture: Farming practices may enhance or restrict energy flow.

Conservation Practices

  • Sustainable Forestry and Agriculture: Ensuring a balance between human needs and ecosystem health.
  • Protection of Natural Habitats: Preserving ecosystems to maintain natural energy flow.
  • Education and Awareness: Understanding the complex nature of energy flow helps in making informed decisions. Exploring interactions between species can provide insight into maintaining ecosystem balance.


Energy losses between trophic levels occur mainly due to the energy expended in metabolic processes, like maintaining body temperature and movement. Additionally, not all parts of the food are digestible, so some energy is lost in excretion. Overall, only a fraction of the consumed energy is converted into new biomass, leading to significant energy losses between each level.

The significant energy loss between trophic levels limits the length of food chains. As only 10% of energy is typically transferred to the next level, the available energy diminishes rapidly up the chain. This constrains the number of higher-level consumers that can be supported, effectively limiting the number of trophic levels and the food chain's length.

Decomposers break down dead organic matter and waste, recycling nutrients back into the soil. This process maintains soil fertility and ensures that essential nutrients are available for primary producers. By facilitating the recycling of nutrients, decomposers contribute to the overall stability and sustainability of an ecosystem, supporting continual growth and renewal.

Energy flow in an ecosystem is unidirectional, moving from the sun to primary producers and then up through the various trophic levels, with significant losses at each stage. It does not recycle within the ecosystem. Nutrient cycling, on the other hand, is a closed-loop process where essential elements like carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus are recycled within the ecosystem through complex interactions between organisms and their environment. While energy flows through the ecosystem, nutrients cycle within it.

Primary production refers to the conversion of sunlight into organic matter by primary producers, mainly through photosynthesis. It's the creation of new biomass from inorganic compounds. Secondary production, on the other hand, involves the conversion of organic matter into new biomass by consumers. In simple terms, primary production is about energy capture by producers, whereas secondary production is about energy transfer through consumption.

Practice Questions

Explain how the 10% law affects the structure of ecological pyramids and the potential number of trophic levels within an ecosystem.

The 10% law in ecology refers to the concept that, on average, only about 10% of the energy from one trophic level is transferred to the next. Most of the energy is lost as heat due to metabolic processes. This substantial energy loss shapes the structure of ecological pyramids, making them narrower towards the top. This energy limitation restricts the number of trophic levels within an ecosystem because there simply isn't sufficient energy to support a large number of higher-level consumers. Therefore, ecosystems typically have fewer tertiary and quaternary consumers compared to primary producers or consumers.

Discuss the roles of decomposers in energy flow and nutrient cycling within ecosystems.

Decomposers, including bacteria and fungi, play a fundamental role in both the flow of energy and the cycling of nutrients within ecosystems. In terms of energy flow, decomposers break down the organic matter of dead organisms and waste materials, converting the stored energy into forms that can be utilised by other organisms. This process also returns nutrients back into the soil, a critical part of nutrient cycling. The broken-down materials replenish the soil with essential elements like nitrogen and phosphorous, which are then available for uptake by primary producers. Thus, decomposers help to maintain the health and fertility of ecosystems, ensuring the continuation of life processes.

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