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IB DP Biology Study Notes

4.2.2 Population Growth

Population growth refers to the change in the size of a population over a specific period. Understanding this concept is critical in ecology, conservation, and management. This page will explore the primary models of population growth, namely exponential and logistic growth, and delve into their mathematical representations, assumptions, applications, and comparisons.

Exponential Growth Model

Definition and Assumptions

Exponential growth depicts a situation where the population increases at a constant rate over time. It's described by a J-shaped curve. Key assumptions include:

  • Unlimited Resources: No constraints on resources like food, shelter, or space.
  • Constant Birth and Death Rates: Rates remain constant over time.
  • No Immigration or Emigration: No movement into or out of the population.
  • Continuous Growth: Growth occurs continuously without interruption.

Mathematical Representation

The mathematical equation for exponential growth is:

N(t) = N0 * e^(rt)

Here, N(t) represents the population size at a specific time "t," while N0 is the initial population size when time (t) is zero. The term "e" represents Euler's number, which is approximately equal to 2.71828. The parameter "r" denotes the intrinsic growth rate of the population per unit of time.

Real-World Examples and Limitations

Exponential growth may be observed in:

  • A newly introduced species without predators.
  • A population recovering from a drastic reduction.

However, it's often a temporary phase, as unlimited resources are unrealistic in nature.


Understanding exponential growth is essential in predicting population booms and can guide interventions in pest control or conservation of endangered species.

Logistic Growth Model

Definition and Assumptions

Logistic growth incorporates resource limitations, making it more applicable in natural scenarios. Assumptions include:

  • Limited Resources: Existence of carrying capacity.
  • Variable Birth and Death Rates: Rates change with population size.
  • Continuous Growth: Growth occurs without interruption.

Mathematical Representation

The equation for logistic growth is:

N(t) = K / (1 + ((K - N_0) / N_0) * e^(-rt))


  • N(t) represents the population size at time "t."
  • K is the carrying capacity, which is the maximum population size that the environment can sustain.
  • N_0 is the initial population size at time "t = 0."
  • e is Euler's number (approximately equal to 2.71828).
  • r is the intrinsic growth rate of the population per unit of time.
  • t denotes time.

S-Shaped Curve

The logistic model produces an S-shaped or sigmoid curve with three phases:

  • Lag Phase: Slow growth as the population becomes established.
  • Exponential Phase: Rapid growth as resources are abundant.
  • Stabilization Phase: Growth slows and stabilizes as resources become limited.

Real-World Examples

Logistic growth can be found in:

  • Plant populations as they fill an area.
  • Predator-prey relationships, where growth slows as resources are consumed.


Logistic growth helps in understanding how populations interact with their environment, guiding decisions in wildlife management and conservation.

Comparing Exponential and Logistic Growth

  • Resources and Carrying Capacity: Exponential assumes unlimited resources, while logistic considers a carrying capacity.
  • Realism: Logistic is more realistic, as it considers limitations on growth.
  • Graphical Differences: Exponential shows a J-curve, logistic an S-curve.
  • Applicability: Logistic growth is applicable in most real-world scenarios, while exponential is typically a transient phase.

Applications in Conservation and Management

Understanding these models has real-world applications:

  • Conservation: Helps in formulating strategies for endangered species.
  • Agriculture: Guides the sustainable management of crop pests.
  • Healthcare: Assists in understanding the spread of diseases.


Yes, human intervention can artificially alter the carrying capacity of a population. This can be done through measures such as introducing new resources, controlling predators, regulating disease, or modifying habitat. For example, in agricultural systems, the carrying capacity for a particular crop can be increased through irrigation, fertilisation, and pest control. Conversely, human actions like overfishing, deforestation, or pollution can decrease carrying capacity by depleting resources or damaging habitats.

The logistic growth model is more applicable to real-world populations because it takes into account the carrying capacity and limited resources. In contrast, exponential growth assumes unlimited resources, constant rates of birth and death, and no immigration or emigration, which is rarely the case in natural environments. The logistic model's incorporation of environmental constraints and competition makes it a more accurate and realistic representation of how populations grow over time.

The carrying capacity (K) is a crucial factor in the logistic growth model, representing the maximum population size that the environment can sustain indefinitely. As the population approaches this carrying capacity, resources become scarcer, and the growth rate decreases, eventually stabilising around K. The shape of the logistic curve, with its characteristic S-shape, is directly influenced by the carrying capacity, reflecting how growth is curtailed as the population reaches this environmental limit.

A shift from exponential to logistic growth occurs when resources become limited. In the early stages, resources are plentiful, leading to exponential growth. However, as the population size increases, competition for resources such as food, space, and mates intensifies, leading to a decrease in birth rates and an increase in death rates. Environmental factors and carrying capacity eventually cause the growth rate to slow down, resulting in the S-shaped curve of logistic growth.

Understanding both exponential and logistic growth models is essential in conservation biology because they provide insights into population dynamics, survival, and potential threats. Exponential growth can highlight risks like overpopulation or invasive species, whereas logistic growth provides a more nuanced understanding of how populations interact with their environment. These models allow conservationists to predict population trends, identify critical factors influencing growth, and implement strategies to manage, protect, or restore populations, thereby promoting biodiversity and ecological stability.

Practice Questions

Explain the differences between exponential and logistic growth models, focusing on their assumptions, mathematical representations, and applicability in real-world scenarios.

Exponential growth assumes unlimited resources and a constant growth rate. Its formula is N(t) = N0 * e^(rt). It's suitable for idealized scenarios or short-term observations.

Logistic growth considers resource limitations with a growth rate proportional to both current size and available resources. Its formula is N(t) = K / (1 + ((K - N0) / N0) * e^(-rt)). It's more applicable to real-world scenarios and provides sustainable predictions in the long run.

Describe the S-shaped curve in the logistic growth model. What are the different phases, and what do they represent in terms of population growth?

The S-shaped curve in the logistic growth model represents three phases. The Lag Phase is the initial slow growth when the population is becoming established. The Exponential Phase represents rapid growth, where the population size increases at a constant rate as resources are still abundant. Finally, the Stabilisation Phase is where the growth slows down and stabilises near the carrying capacity, as resources become limited. The curve reflects how population growth responds to environmental constraints, initially growing exponentially, but eventually slowing down due to limiting factors, showing a more realistic view of population growth dynamics.

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