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IB DP Biology Study Notes

4.1.4 Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Nutrition in Species

Nutrition is central to life on Earth, allowing organisms to obtain the energy and nutrients necessary for survival, growth, and reproduction. This page explores two vital forms of nutrition: autotrophic and heterotrophic, along with examples of species that employ both methods.

Autotrophic Nutrition

Autotrophic nutrition refers to organisms that can produce their food using inorganic substances. They play a foundational role in ecosystems as primary producers.

Photosynthetic Autotrophs

  • Definition: Organisms that use sunlight to synthesise food from carbon dioxide and water.
  • Process:
    • Light Reactions: Capture light energy in chloroplasts, produce ATP and NADPH.
    • Calvin Cycle: Uses ATP and NADPH to fix carbon dioxide into glucose. For a detailed explanation, see Light-independent Reactions (Calvin Cycle).
  • Importance: Basis for nearly all life on Earth, produces oxygen as a by-product.
  • Examples: Green plants, cyanobacteria, algae.

Chemosynthetic Autotrophs

  • Definition: Organisms that utilise chemical reactions with inorganic compounds to produce energy.
  • Process:
    • Oxidising Compounds: Such as hydrogen sulphide or ammonia.
    • Energy Conversion: Energy from oxidation is used to fix carbon dioxide into organic molecules.
  • Importance: Supports life in extreme environments where sunlight is not available.
  • Examples: Bacteria in hydrothermal vents, and sulphur-rich springs.

Heterotrophic Nutrition

Heterotrophic nutrition involves organisms obtaining organic nutrients from other organisms.


  • Definition: Consumers of plant material. Herbivores rely on complex carbohydrates found in plants, which can be further explored in the topic on Carbohydrates and Lipids.
  • Digestive Adaptations:
    • Ruminants: Like cows, have complex stomachs to digest cellulose.
    • Cecal Digesters: Like rabbits, use a large cecum for cellulose breakdown.
  • Ecological Role: Often primary consumers in food chains.
  • Examples: Giraffes, deer, caterpillars.


  • Definition: Predators consuming animal flesh.
  • Hunting Adaptations:
    • Pack Hunting: Like wolves, for larger prey.
    • Ambush Predators: Like cheetahs, using speed and stealth.
  • Ecological Role: Regulate prey populations, often secondary or tertiary consumers.
  • Examples: Tigers, hawks, spiders.


  • Definition: Feed on both plants and animals. Omnivores, like bears, demonstrate the flexibility of diet in Species and Reproductive Isolation, highlighting their adaptive strategies.
  • Diet Flexibility: Adapt to varied diets.
  • Ecological Role: Often fill multiple trophic levels in an ecosystem.
  • Examples: Bears, raccoons, cockroaches.


  • Definition: Obtain nutrients at the host's expense.
  • Adaptations: Attach to hosts, evade the immune response.
  • Ecological Role: Can regulate host populations.
  • Examples: Tapeworms, ticks, mistletoe.


  • Definition: Feed on dead and decaying organic matter.
  • Process: Excrete enzymes to break down externally, then absorb. This process is critical for Energy Flow in Ecosystems.
  • Ecological Role: Essential for nutrient recycling.
  • Examples: Mushrooms, decomposing bacteria.

Species with Both Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Methods

Some organisms are capable of both autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition.


  • Autotrophic Nutrition: Photosynthesis in sunlight.
  • Heterotrophic Nutrition: Consuming organic substances in the dark.
  • Adaptation: Flexible survival strategy. The Villi Structure and Function page further explains how such adaptations support nutrient uptake in a variety of organisms.
  • Importance: Euglena contributes to both primary production and nutrient recycling.

Coral Reefs

  • Autotrophic Nutrition: Symbiotic algae (zooxanthellae) perform photosynthesis.
  • Heterotrophic Nutrition: Polyps catch and consume plankton.
  • Symbiosis: Mutualistic relationship; algae receive shelter, polyps receive nutrients.
  • Ecological Importance: Coral reefs are diverse ecosystems supporting a wide variety of marine life.

Mixotrophic Algae

  • Definition: Algae capable of both photosynthesis and consuming organic nutrients.
  • Adaptations: Can switch between nutritional modes based on environmental conditions.
  • Ecological Role: Fill multiple ecological niches, and contribute to ecosystem flexibility.
  • Examples: Certain dinoflagellates and diatoms.


No, not all plants are autotrophic. While most plants are autotrophic and produce food through photosynthesis, some plants, like parasitic plants (e.g., dodder), rely on other plants for nourishment and lack chlorophyll for photosynthesis. These parasitic plants are considered heterotrophic as they derive their nutrients from other living organisms.

Chemosynthesis and photosynthesis both allow organisms to produce food through autotrophic nutrition. However, chemosynthesis utilises energy from chemical reactions, usually involving inorganic molecules like hydrogen sulphide, while photosynthesis uses energy from sunlight. Chemosynthetic organisms are typically found in extreme environments like hydrothermal vents, whereas photosynthetic organisms usually require access to sunlight.

If autotrophic organisms were removed from a food web, it would disrupt the flow of energy and nutrients within the ecosystem. Autotrophic organisms are primary producers, providing the base level of energy for all other organisms. Their removal would lead to a collapse in the food web, affecting herbivores first, followed by successive trophic levels, ultimately leading to a significant reduction or extinction of many species within the ecosystem.

Autotrophic organisms are considered producers in a food chain because they synthesise organic compounds from inorganic sources. They convert energy from the sun or chemical reactions into a form that can be used by other organisms, thus starting the energy flow in an ecosystem.

No, heterotrophic organisms cannot switch to autotrophic nutrition. Autotrophic nutrition requires specific structures like chloroplasts to perform photosynthesis or the ability to conduct chemical reactions for chemosynthesis. Heterotrophic organisms typically lack these capabilities and must rely on obtaining organic nutrients from other organisms or substances.

Practice Questions

Explain the differences between autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition and provide one example for each.

Autotrophic nutrition refers to organisms synthesising their food from inorganic compounds. There are two main types: photosynthesis, where sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide are used to produce glucose (e.g., green plants), and chemosynthesis, where chemical reactions with substances like hydrogen sulphide create energy (e.g., bacteria in hydrothermal vents). Heterotrophic nutrition involves organisms obtaining organic nutrients from other organisms. Examples include herbivores that consume plant material like deer, carnivores that consume animal flesh like tigers, omnivores that consume both, such as bears, and saprotrophs feeding on decaying matter like mushrooms.

Describe a species that is capable of both autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition, and explain the ecological importance of this dual nutritional method.

Euglena is a protist capable of both autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition. During sunlight, it performs photosynthesis by using chloroplasts to produce food, an autotrophic method. In the absence of light or in conditions where photosynthesis is less favourable, it can consume organic substances, a heterotrophic method. This dual nutritional method allows Euglena to adapt to different environmental conditions, enhancing its survival. Ecologically, Euglena contributes to primary production when acting as an autotroph and can assist in nutrient recycling as a heterotroph. Its adaptability makes it a flexible component in aquatic ecosystems, participating in various ecological roles.

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