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IB DP Biology Study Notes

3.3.2 Genetic Variation

Genetic variation is a critical factor in the survival and adaptation of species. This section details how meiosis and sexual reproduction contribute to genetic variation in a population through processes like the independent assortment of chromosomes, crossing over during prophase I, and random fertilisation.

Meiosis and Genetic Variation

Independent Assortment of Chromosomes

  • Process: During Metaphase I of meiosis, chromosomes align at the metaphase plate in random orientations. Independent assortment occurs, where maternal and paternal chromosomes are equally likely to be oriented toward either pole.
  • Outcome: This leads to different combinations of maternal and paternal chromosomes in gametes, allowing for vast genetic diversity.
  • Contribution to Variation: Generates 2^n (where n is the number of chromosome pairs) different chromosome combinations in gametes, giving rise to numerous possibilities in offspring.

Crossing Over During Prophase I

  • Process: Homologous chromosomes pair up and exchange segments in a process called crossing over. This happens at the chiasma, where chromosomes physically cross over each other.
  • Outcome: Chromosomes that carry a combination of maternal and paternal genes.
  • Contribution to Variation: By creating new allele combinations within a chromosome, this process further adds to genetic diversity.

Random Fertilisation

  • Process: Random fertilisation is the unpredictable fusion of any male gamete with any female gamete.
  • Outcome: A zygote with a unique genetic makeup, combining maternal and paternal characteristics.
  • Contribution to Variation: This ensures almost infinite genetic possibilities in offspring, taking into account the variations introduced by both meiosis and mutation.

Comparison with Asexual Reproduction

  • Sexual Reproduction: Promotes genetic variation by creating unique genetic combinations among offspring.
  • Asexual Reproduction: Produces genetically identical clones of the parent, barring mutations. This lack of variation can be disadvantageous, limiting adaptability to environmental changes.

Mechanisms Supporting Genetic Variation

Gene Shuffling and Recombination

  • Process: Through independent assortment and crossing over, alleles are shuffled, leading to recombination.
  • Impact on Population: Increased genetic diversity supports adaptation and helps populations withstand environmental changes.
  • Evolutionary Advantage: The resulting gene diversity makes the population more resilient and able to evolve.


  • Definition: Mutations are random changes in the DNA sequence occurring during DNA replication, exposure to radiation, or chemicals.
  • Contribution to Variation: Though not directly a part of meiosis, mutations introduce new alleles into a population, further contributing to genetic variation.

Implications of Genetic Variation

For Evolution

  • Natural Selection: Genetic variation forms the basis for natural selection. More adaptive traits get passed on to successive generations.
  • Speciation: Over long periods, variations can lead to the formation of new species.

For Medicine and Agriculture

  • Disease Resistance: In agriculture, genetic diversity in crops and livestock promotes resistance to diseases, pests, and changing environmental conditions.
  • Genetic Diseases: Understanding genetic variation helps in diagnosing and treating genetic disorders, offering insights into disease mechanisms.

Sexual Reproduction and Genetic Variation in Humans

Process and Implications

  • Combination of Gametes: Human genetic variation begins with the combination of male and female gametes during fertilisation.
  • Unique Combinations: Every individual (excluding identical twins) has a unique combination of genetic material, contributing to personal characteristics.
  • Health and Medicine: Genetic variation is essential for understanding the human genome, paving the way for personalised medicine and targeted treatments.


Crossing over occurs in prophase I of meiosis, where non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes exchange segments of DNA. This exchange creates new combinations of genes within the chromosomes, resulting in unique genetic material. Consequently, the offspring inherit a combination of traits that is different from either parent, adding to the genetic diversity within the population.

While genetic variation generally aids adaptability and survival, excessive variation might lead to a lack of cohesion within a species. Extreme variations can cause difficulties in mating or producing offspring with incompatible or detrimental traits. In some cases, this might lead to the fragmentation of a population into non-interbreeding groups.

Random fertilisation contributes to genetic variation by the random union of gametes, but its impact varies among species. In species with large numbers of potential mates and gametes, the effect on genetic variation may be more pronounced. Conversely, in species with restricted mating or limited gamete diversity, the impact of random fertilisation on genetic variation may be less significant.

Yes, human intervention can indeed influence genetic variation. Selective breeding, where specific traits are chosen for propagation, can reduce genetic variation by excluding unwanted traits. This might create uniformity but can also lead to vulnerability to diseases. Conversely, humans can enhance genetic variation by introducing new genetic material, such as through cross-breeding different breeds or species, potentially increasing adaptability and resilience.

Genetic variation is vital for a population because it enables adaptability to changing environmental conditions. Diverse genetic traits allow individuals within a population to survive various challenges, such as diseases, predators, or climate changes. This increases the likelihood of survival for the species as a whole. Lack of genetic variation can lead to vulnerability to a single threat, potentially leading to extinction.

Practice Questions

Explain how the process of independent assortment during meiosis contributes to genetic variation in a population. Include a brief description of the process and its outcome.

Independent assortment occurs during Metaphase I of meiosis, where chromosomes align randomly at the metaphase plate. This random alignment means that maternal and paternal chromosomes are equally likely to be oriented toward either pole, leading to different combinations in gametes. This process creates 2^n different chromosome combinations in gametes (where n is the number of chromosome pairs), giving rise to a multitude of genetic possibilities in offspring. Consequently, independent assortment significantly contributes to the genetic diversity within a population, which is essential for evolution and adaptation.

Contrast the contributions of sexual and asexual reproduction to genetic variation in a species. Provide examples to support your answer.

Sexual reproduction contributes greatly to genetic variation through mechanisms such as crossing over, independent assortment, and random fertilisation. For example, in humans, sexual reproduction leads to unique genetic combinations in each offspring. Asexual reproduction, on the other hand, produces genetically identical offspring, limiting genetic diversity. A common example is binary fission in bacteria, where offspring are clones of the parent. This lack of genetic variation can be disadvantageous as it limits adaptability to environmental changes. Thus, sexual reproduction fosters genetic diversity and adaptability, while asexual reproduction might lead to uniformity and potential vulnerability to changing conditions.

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