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IB DP Biology Study Notes

3.2.3 Sex Determination

Sex determination is the process by which an organism's sex is established. In humans, this complex process is orchestrated by specific chromosomes known as the X and Y chromosomes. This topic explores the mechanisms behind sex determination, the role of these chromosomes, and genetic disorders related to sex chromosomes.

The Mechanism of Sex Determination in Humans

Chromosomal Basis of Sex

Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, where 22 pairs are autosomes and the last pair is the sex chromosomes.

  • XX and XY Chromosomal System:
    • XX Chromosomes: A combination of two X chromosomes leads to a female child.
    • XY Chromosomes: A combination of an X and a Y chromosome leads to a male child.

Inheritance of Sex Chromosomes

  • Father's Contribution: The sperm carries either an X or a Y chromosome.
  • Mother's Contribution: The egg carries only an X chromosome.
  • Combination at Fertilisation: Depending on whether the sperm carrying an X or Y chromosome fertilises the egg, the child will be either female (XX) or male (XY).

Role of the X and Y Chromosomes

X Chromosome

  • Genetic Information: The X chromosome carries important genes necessary for various body functions and development.
  • X Inactivation in Females: In females, one X chromosome becomes inactivated in each cell, ensuring that females do not have a double dose of X-linked genes.
  • Escape from X Inactivation: Some genes may escape inactivation, contributing to differences between males and females.

Y Chromosome

  • SRY Gene: The Y chromosome's critical role comes from the SRY gene, which triggers male development.
  • Other Genes: Though smaller, the Y chromosome also contains other genes that influence fertility and other male traits.

Turner Syndrome (X0)

  • Characteristics: Females with Turner Syndrome have only one X chromosome.
  • Symptoms: Symptoms can include short stature, lack of ovarian development, and heart defects.
  • Diagnosis and Management: Diagnosis may involve karyotyping, and hormone replacement therapy may be required.

Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY)

  • Characteristics: Males with an extra X chromosome.
  • Symptoms: Symptoms may include tall stature, lack of secondary male characteristics, and learning difficulties.
  • Diagnosis and Management: Early diagnosis and testosterone replacement therapy can be beneficial.

Triple X Syndrome (XXX)

  • Characteristics: Females with an extra X chromosome.
  • Symptoms: May include taller than average height, learning disabilities, and emotional difficulties.
  • Diagnosis and Management: Early intervention with educational support is often helpful.

XYY Syndrome

  • Characteristics: Males with an extra Y chromosome.
  • Symptoms: Taller than average height and varying behavioural traits.
  • Diagnosis and Management: Supportive therapy and educational assistance when needed.

Sex-linked Genetic Disorders


  • Characteristics: A bleeding disorder carried on the X chromosome.
  • Symptoms and Diagnosis: Extended bleeding; diagnosis may involve clotting tests.
  • Treatment and Management: Regular injections of the missing clotting factor; physical therapy.

Colour Blindness

  • Characteristics: Inability to differentiate certain colours carried on the X chromosome.
  • Types: Red-green colour blindness is the most common type.
  • Diagnosis and Management: Diagnosis involves special tests; management includes using contrasting colours and labelling.

Environmental and Hormonal Influence

Hormones and Sex Development

  • Testosterone: Influences the development of male secondary sexual characteristics.
  • Estrogen: Influences the development of female secondary sexual characteristics.
  • Disorders of Sexual Development (DSDs): Medical conditions where there is discordance between chromosomal, gonadal, and anatomical sex. It may require complex medical management.

Environmental Impact

Endocrine Disruptors: Environmental factors that can interfere with hormonal functions and affect sexual development.


Disorders of Sexual Development (DSDs) refer to conditions where there is a discrepancy between chromosomal, gonadal, and anatomical sex. These disorders can be due to genetic, hormonal, or other unknown factors. Sex chromosome disorders, on the other hand, specifically involve abnormalities in the number or structure of sex chromosomes. While sex chromosome disorders are a subset of DSDs, not all DSDs are related to chromosomal abnormalities. DSDs require individualised medical evaluation and management, focusing on the specific underlying cause.

The SRY gene, located on the Y chromosome, is essential for male sex determination in humans. It codes for a protein that triggers the differentiation of the generic gonads into testes. The formation of the testes leads to the production of testosterone, which further influences the development of male secondary sexual characteristics. Without the SRY gene, the gonads would develop into ovaries, leading to female development. Hence, the SRY gene is pivotal in initiating the male developmental pathway.

In humans, sex determination is primarily genetic, relying on the X and Y chromosomes. However, environmental factors can influence sexual development after the sex is determined. For instance, exposure to certain endocrine-disrupting chemicals during critical developmental stages can interfere with hormone functions and affect sexual development. These factors do not change the chromosomal sex determination but may influence phenotypic sexual characteristics. It's a complex area of study that requires understanding both genetics and environmental sciences.

Yes, sex chromosomes carry genes that are responsible for more than just reproductive traits. For example, the X chromosome harbours genes related to immune system function, blood clotting, and even some aspects of cognition. As males have only one X chromosome, mutations in these genes may lead to X-linked disorders like haemophilia. Conversely, females may have a milder expression or no symptoms at all, as they possess two X chromosomes, and one might carry the normal gene. This connection illustrates the broader role that sex chromosomes play in human biology beyond sexual development.

In females, a process called X inactivation ensures that genes on one of the two X chromosomes in each cell are not expressed. This inactivation occurs randomly in each cell during early development, rendering one X chromosome inactive. The process balances the expression of X-linked genes between males and females, preventing a double dosage of genes in females. Some genes may escape this inactivation, but the majority of genes on one X chromosome are effectively silenced.

Practice Questions

Explain the role of the X and Y chromosomes in sex determination in humans, and discuss one genetic disorder associated with sex chromosomes.

The X and Y chromosomes play a crucial role in determining the sex of an individual in humans. The X chromosome is found in both males and females, while the Y chromosome is present only in males. The presence of the Y chromosome triggers male development, specifically, the SRY gene on the Y chromosome initiates the formation of male traits. In females, having two X chromosomes leads to female development. One genetic disorder associated with sex chromosomes is Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY), where males have an extra X chromosome. This leads to symptoms such as tall stature, lack of secondary male characteristics, and possible learning difficulties. Treatment may include testosterone replacement therapy.

Describe the inheritance of sex chromosomes in humans and how it influences sex determination. Include an explanation of the importance of the father's contribution to this process.

In humans, the inheritance of sex chromosomes determines the sex of the offspring. Mothers always contribute an X chromosome through the egg, whereas fathers contribute either an X or a Y chromosome through the sperm. If the father's sperm carries an X chromosome, the combination with the mother's X results in a female offspring (XX). If the father's sperm carries a Y chromosome, the combination with the mother's X leads to a male offspring (XY). Therefore, the father's contribution is crucial in determining the sex of the child, as he carries the variable factor (either X or Y) that leads to the differentiation into male or female.

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