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IB DP Biology Study Notes

2.6.3 Enzymes

Enzymes are biological catalysts, facilitating chemical reactions in living organisms. These complex proteins significantly impact metabolic processes by enhancing the rate of reactions without being consumed in the process. For a deeper understanding of the molecules involved in such reactions, explore the roles of carbohydrates and lipids.

The Function of Enzymes as Biological Catalysts

Catalyst Characteristics

  • Acceleration of Reactions: Enzymes increase reaction rates by lowering the activation energy barrier.
  • Reusability: They remain unchanged after the reaction, allowing them to participate in multiple reaction cycles.

Mechanism of Action

  • Orientation of Substrates: Enzymes bind substrates in the correct orientation, thereby facilitating the reaction.
  • Strain Induction: They may induce strain in substrates, making them more susceptible to reaction.
  • Microenvironment: They provide a unique environment that favors the reaction. The structure of proteins plays a crucial role in enzyme functionality.

Enzyme-Substrate Complex

  • Formation: The enzyme binds substrates at the active site, forming an enzyme-substrate complex.
  • Active Site Specificity: The unique shape of the active site ensures that only specific substrates can bind.
  • Catalysis & Release: The enzyme facilitates the reaction, the products are released, and the enzyme is ready for another reaction cycle. For more details on enzymes' roles, see Enzymes.

Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity

Understanding factors that influence enzyme activity is key to manipulating their function in biological systems.


  • Optimal Temperature: Enzymes work most efficiently at a specific temperature.
  • Denaturation: Extreme temperatures can denature enzymes, rendering them non-functional.


  • Optimal pH: Enzymes have an optimal pH at which their structure and function are maintained.
  • Altered Function: Deviation from this pH can lead to loss of function.

Substrate Concentration

  • Rate of Reaction: Increased substrate concentration accelerates the reaction until all active sites are occupied.
  • Saturation Point: At saturation, the enzyme operates at maximum capacity.

Inhibitors & Activators

  • Competitive Inhibitors: Bind to the active site, preventing substrate binding.
  • Non-Competitive Inhibitors: Bind elsewhere on the enzyme, changing its shape and function.
  • Activators: Enhance enzyme function by binding to specific sites. The process of end-product inhibition is a prime example of how enzymatic activity is regulated.

Examples of Enzymatic Reactions

The diversity of enzymatic reactions underscores their importance in biology.


  • Amylase: Breaks down starch.
  • Protease: Breaks down proteins.
  • Lipase: Breaks down lipids. For a closer look at enzymes in the digestive system, refer to enzymatic digestion.


  • Hexokinase: Facilitates glucose phosphorylation.
  • ATP Synthase: Facilitates ATP synthesis in mitochondria.

Significance in Metabolism

Enzymes are central to metabolic control in organisms.

Regulatory Functions

  • Metabolic Pathway Control: Enzymes control complex pathways by switching reactions on or off.
  • Feedback Regulation: They enable feedback loops that maintain homeostasis.

Energy Management

  • Energy Conservation: By lowering activation energy, they conserve energy within cells.
  • Energy Transfer: They facilitate energy transfer within metabolic pathways.

Clinical & Industrial Applications

  • Medical Diagnostics: Enzyme levels are used to diagnose diseases.
  • Therapeutics: Targeting enzymes is a strategy in drug development.
  • Industrial Processes: Enzymes are used in various industrial applications like brewing and waste treatment.

Induced Fit Model

  • Dynamic Interaction: The enzyme’s active site changes shape to accommodate the substrate.
  • Enhanced Catalysis: This dynamic interaction leads to enhanced catalysis compared to the rigid lock-and-key model.


As substrate concentration increases, the rate of reaction initially increases, as there are more substrate molecules available to bind to enzymes. However, once all the enzymes are occupied (saturated), the reaction rate plateaus, and a further increase in substrate concentration has no effect on the reaction rate.

Inhibitors are molecules that reduce enzyme activity. Competitive inhibitors bind to the enzyme's active site, preventing the substrate from binding. Non-competitive inhibitors bind to a different site, altering the enzyme's shape and, thus, its function. This interference in enzymatic action can regulate metabolic pathways or serve therapeutic purposes, such as in certain medications.

Enzymes are referred to as biological catalysts because they speed up chemical reactions in living organisms without being consumed or altered permanently. They lower the activation energy of reactions, making them proceed more quickly, and thus play a vital role in metabolism and other biological processes.

Yes, enzymes can function outside the body. In industrial processes, enzymes are used to catalyse specific reactions. For example, enzymes are used in the food industry to break down starches into sugars and in the cleaning industry to break down stains. Utilizing enzymes can make processes more efficient, and environmentally friendly, and can be tailored for specific applications.

Cofactors and coenzymes are non-protein molecules that assist enzymes. Cofactors are typically inorganic ions that enable or enhance enzyme function. Coenzymes are organic molecules that act as carriers for molecules or electrons, often being essential for the enzyme's activity. They allow the enzyme to perform its catalytic function efficiently.

Practice Questions

Explain the concept of the enzyme-substrate complex, and describe how the active site specificity contributes to the enzyme's function.

The enzyme-substrate complex is formed when a substrate binds to the active site of an enzyme, fitting like a key in a lock. The unique shape and characteristics of the active site ensure specificity, meaning only particular substrates can bind. The active site's conformation may change slightly to accommodate the substrate better, known as the induced fit model. This binding reduces activation energy, thus accelerating the reaction. The specific interaction between enzyme and substrate ensures that the enzyme catalyzes only the correct reaction, thus providing precise control over metabolic processes.

Discuss the effects of temperature and pH on enzyme activity, and provide examples of how these factors are crucial in biological systems.

Temperature and pH significantly influence enzyme activity. Enzymes have an optimal temperature at which they function most efficiently. Below this, the reaction rate is slow, and above, the enzyme may denature, losing function. For example, human enzymes typically work best at body temperature (37°C). Similarly, enzymes have an optimal pH, where they maintain their structure and function. Deviation from this pH can cause loss of function. For example, pepsin in the stomach works at a low pH, whereas trypsin in the small intestine functions at a higher pH. These optimal conditions allow enzymes to operate efficiently within different biological systems.

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