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IB DP Biology Study Notes

2.3.2 Translation

Translation is a vital process in cells that translates the information within mRNA into a functional protein. This biological marvel utilises ribosomes, tRNA, and other molecular tools, and consists of three primary stages.

Role of Ribosomes

Ribosomes are complex structures made of rRNA and proteins, acting as factories for protein synthesis. They consist of two different subunits:

  • Small subunit (40S in eukaryotes, 30S in prokaryotes): Responsible for aligning the mRNA and tRNA.
  • Large subunit (60S in eukaryotes, 50S in prokaryotes): Contains the peptidyl transferase centre, essential for peptide bond formation.

Ribosome Assembly

  • In eukaryotes: The subunits are synthesised in the nucleolus and then transported to the cytoplasm.
  • In prokaryotes: Synthesised in the cytoplasm, and the process occurs concurrently with transcription.

Role of tRNA

tRNA plays a vital role in translation, acting as a bridge between the genetic code and the corresponding amino acids.

Structure of tRNA

  • Cloverleaf shape: Formed by secondary structures and includes the anticodon loop.
  • Aminoacyl site: The 3' end, where the corresponding amino acid is attached.
  • Anticodon: Complementary to the mRNA codon.

Aminoacylation of tRNA

  • Enzyme catalysis: Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase catalyses the attachment of an amino acid to its corresponding tRNA.
  • ATP consumption: This process consumes ATP, charging the tRNA with energy.

Stages of Translation

1. Initiation

Initiation Factors

  • Eukaryotes: eIFs are required, recognising the 5' cap of mRNA.
  • Prokaryotes: Shine-Dalgarno sequence is recognised.

Assembly Steps

  • Small subunit binds to mRNA.
  • Charged tRNA binds to the start codon.
  • Large subunit joins, forming the functional ribosome.

2. Elongation

Elongation Factors (EFs)

  • Assist in tRNA binding, translocation, and proofreading.

Elongation Steps

  • Codon Recognition: tRNA binds to the A-site.
  • Peptide Bond Formation: Peptide bond formed between adjacent amino acids.
  • Translocation: Ribosome shifts, moving tRNA from A-site to P-site.

3. Termination

Termination Factors

  • eRFs in eukaryotes and RFs in prokaryotes recognise stop codons.

Termination Steps

  • Release factor binds to stop codon.
  • Polypeptide chain is released.
  • Ribosomal subunits dissociate.

Significance in Protein Synthesis

  • Essential for Life: Translation is fundamental for all living organisms, driving the synthesis of proteins that perform numerous cellular functions.
  • Medical Relevance: Understanding translation is crucial for medical interventions, such as antibiotic design that targets bacterial ribosomes.
  • Evolutionary Perspective: Translation shows remarkable conservation across species, underlying the universal nature of the genetic code.
  • Cell Differentiation: The regulation of translation contributes to cell differentiation, allowing for the formation of various cell types from the same DNA.

Role of Start and Stop Codons

  • Start Codon (AUG): Signals the beginning of translation.
  • Stop Codons (UAA, UAG, UGA): Signal the termination of translation.

Codon-Anticodon Pairing

  • Ensures the accurate translation of genetic information.
  • Wobble base pairing allows flexibility in the third position of the codon.


The poly-A tail, a sequence of adenine nucleotides added to the 3' end of mRNA, plays several roles in translation. It aids in the stability and transport of mRNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. It also assists in the initiation of translation by promoting the binding of the mRNA to the ribosome. Furthermore, the poly-A tail enhances the efficiency of translation by facilitating the recycling of ribosomes, allowing them to initiate translation on the same mRNA multiple times.

Ribosomes are the molecular machines where translation takes place. They provide a scaffold that aligns the mRNA with the tRNAs, facilitating the correct pairing of codons and anticodons. Ribosomes also contain catalytic sites that assist in the formation of peptide bonds between adjacent amino acids. Without ribosomes, the precise alignment and interaction of mRNA, tRNA, and other translation factors would not be possible, rendering the process of translation inoperative.

Translation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes shares many similarities but also has key differences. In prokaryotes, translation can begin before transcription is complete, allowing for coupled transcription-translation. In eukaryotes, translation occurs in the cytoplasm after transcription and mRNA processing. Ribosomes also differ; prokaryotes have 70S ribosomes, while eukaryotes have 80S ribosomes. Additionally, the initiation factors and some aspects of elongation and termination vary between the two domains, reflecting differences in ribosomal structure and regulation of gene expression.

The start codon, usually AUG, signals the initiation of translation and also codes for the amino acid methionine. When the ribosome encounters the start codon, it triggers the assembly of the initiation complex, starting the translation process. Stop codons, on the other hand, do not code for any amino acids but signal the termination of translation. When the ribosome encounters a stop codon, release factors bind to the ribosome, leading to the release of the newly synthesized polypeptide.

tRNA, or transfer RNA, serves as a link between the codons in mRNA and the corresponding amino acids. Each tRNA molecule has an anticodon region that pairs with a specific codon in the mRNA. The other end of the tRNA is attached to the corresponding amino acid. During translation, the anticodon of the tRNA forms hydrogen bonds with the complementary codon in the mRNA, ensuring the correct placement of amino acids in the growing polypeptide chain.

Practice Questions

Describe the process of elongation during translation, including the roles of the ribosomal sites (A, P, E) and elongation factors.

During the elongation phase of translation, a tRNA with the corresponding amino acid binds to the A-site (aminoacyl site) of the ribosome, where codon-anticodon pairing occurs. An enzyme, peptidyl transferase, forms a peptide bond between the amino acid in the A-site and the growing polypeptide chain in the P-site (peptidyl site). The ribosome then translocates, moving the tRNA in the A-site to the P-site, and the tRNA in the P-site to the E-site (exit site) from where it exits. Elongation factors facilitate these steps, aiding in tRNA binding, translocation, and ensuring fidelity in translation.

Explain the significance of translation in protein synthesis and discuss how the process is targeted in antibiotics.

Translation plays a crucial role in protein synthesis by decoding the information within mRNA into a corresponding amino acid sequence, leading to the formation of polypeptides and functional proteins. These proteins perform vital cellular functions, making translation a fundamental biological process. Certain antibiotics target bacterial translation machinery to halt bacterial growth. For example, tetracyclines bind to the bacterial ribosome's A-site, blocking tRNA binding, while macrolides bind to the exit tunnel of the ribosome, inhibiting polypeptide exit. Targeting translation in bacteria while leaving eukaryotic cells unharmed is a critical aspect of antibacterial therapy.

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