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IB DP Biology Study Notes

11.3.6 The Loop of Henle and Hypertonic Conditions

The loop of Henle, a significant structure in the nephron of mammalian kidneys, is instrumental in maintaining the body's water balance. Through its intricate functions, it establishes hypertonic conditions within the kidney's medulla, ensuring efficient water reabsorption.

Detailed Structure of the Loop of Henle

  • General Configuration: The loop of Henle resembles a U-shape, with one limb descending from the cortex into the medulla and the other ascending back.
  • Cellular Composition: It's essential to understand that the cells lining the loop have distinct characteristics. The cells of the descending limb are thin, facilitating passive transport, whereas the ascending limb consists of both thin and thicker cells to allow for active transport.

Descent of the Loop of Henle: The Journey Inwards

  • Permeability Characteristics: The descending limb is highly permeable to water and less permeable to solutes, especially salts.
  • Osmotic Gradient & Water Reabsorption: As the filtrate progresses deeper into the medulla through the descending limb, it experiences an ever-increasing osmolarity in the surrounding interstitial fluid. This gradient is primarily due to the active ejection of salts from the ascending limb. Because of this gradient, water passively exits the filtrate, moving into the hypertonic medullary interstitial fluid.
  • Resultant Filtrate: As a consequence of the water exit, the filtrate progressively gets more concentrated, enhancing the hypertonicity of the environment as it reaches the bend of the loop.

Ascent of the Loop of Henle: The Return Path

  • Two distinct sections: The ascending limb can be bifurcated into a thin segment and a thick segment, often referred to as the thick ascending limb or "TAL".
  • Transport Mechanisms: The thin segment allows the passive transport of salts, while the TAL actively pumps out sodium, potassium, and chloride ions. This ion movement out of the filtrate decreases its osmolarity.
  • Creating the Gradient: The active transport of ions, especially from the TAL, ensures a high osmolarity in the medullary interstitial fluid, setting up a gradient essential for the loop's counter-current mechanism.

Counter-Current Multiplier System: The Genius Behind

  • Definition: A counter-current system exists when two adjacent flows move in opposite directions. In the nephron, the filtrate in the descending limb moves towards the medulla, while that in the ascending limb moves towards the cortex.
  • Magnifying the Effect: The setup allows a multiplier effect. The ejection of salts from the ascending limb and the absorption of water in the descending limb both work in tandem. They perpetually magnify the osmolarity difference between the filtrate and the medullary interstitium.
  • Ensuring Efficient Reabsorption: This high osmolarity gradient is the primary driving force ensuring that water exits the filtrate and is reabsorbed into the blood, particularly when the filtrate reaches the collecting duct.

The Significance of the Hypertonic Medulla

  • A Cornerstone for Water Conservation: The gradient set up by the loop of Henle allows the kidney to produce urine that can be either very concentrated or very dilute, depending on the body's hydration status.
  • Influence of ADH: The antidiuretic hormone (ADH) or vasopressin, released by the pituitary gland, can further augment the water reabsorption process. When present, ADH makes the walls of the collecting ducts more permeable to water, thereby allowing more water to be reabsorbed in the presence of the hypertonic medullary gradient.

Loop of Henle: Factors that Amplify its Efficiency

  • Loop Length: The longer the loop, the more pronounced the gradient. Desert-dwelling animals, like camels, have extended loops to produce highly concentrated urine, conserving water.
  • Vasa Recta: Surrounding the loop of Henle is a network of capillaries called the vasa recta. It plays a pivotal role in preserving the hypertonic conditions of the medulla by quickly absorbing the water and solutes reabsorbed by the loop.
  • Hormonal Regulation: Apart from ADH, other hormones like aldosterone can influence the transport of ions and water in the nephron, indirectly affecting the loop's function.


The walls of the ascending limb, especially the thick segment, are impermeable to water but actively transport solutes, like sodium and chloride, out of the filtrate. This active transport dilutes the filtrate even though it's in a hypertonic environment.

The thin segment, primarily in the descending limb, is permeable to water but not to solutes. This characteristic ensures that as filtrate descends deeper into the medulla, water exits passively due to the surrounding hypertonic conditions, concentrating the filtrate.

Animals in arid, dry environments typically have longer loops of Henle than those in moist environments. A longer loop aids in reabsorbing more water and producing highly concentrated urine, which is beneficial in conserving water in water-scarce surroundings.

No, the vasa recta play a pivotal role in maintaining the hypertonicity of the medulla. It reabsorbs the water and solutes that exit the loop of Henle, ensuring that the concentration gradient in the medulla remains intact. Without the vasa recta, this gradient would be disrupted, compromising the loop's osmoregulatory function.

The U-shape design of the loop of Henle enables a counter-current mechanism. The filtrate flows in opposite directions in the descending and ascending limbs, which allows for a concentration gradient to be established in the medulla. This gradient is essential for the reabsorption of water and solutes, leading to the production of concentrated urine.

Practice Questions

Explain the counter-current multiplier system present in the loop of Henle and its significance in the osmoregulation of the mammalian kidney.

The counter-current multiplier system in the loop of Henle refers to the mechanism where adjacent flows of filtrate in the descending and ascending limbs move in opposite directions. In the descending limb, the filtrate becomes increasingly concentrated due to passive water reabsorption, driven by the hypertonic medullary interstitial fluid. Conversely, the ascending limb actively pumps out ions, primarily sodium, potassium, and chloride, resulting in a dilution of the filtrate. This setup magnifies the osmolarity difference between the filtrate and the surrounding medulla, ensuring efficient water reabsorption and allowing the kidney to produce urine of varying concentrations based on the body's hydration status.

Describe the role of the vasa recta in relation to the function of the loop of Henle.

The vasa recta is a network of capillaries encircling the loop of Henle. It serves a crucial role in maintaining the hypertonic conditions of the medulla. As the loop of Henle reabsorbs water and solutes, the vasa recta quickly absorbs them, preventing the dilution of the medullary interstitial fluid. This ensures that the gradient created by the loop of Henle remains intact, facilitating further water reabsorption from the filtrate. In essence, the vasa recta collaborates with the loop of Henle, allowing efficient conservation of water and contributing to the osmoregulatory functions of the mammalian kidney.

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