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IB DP Biology Study Notes

11.2.3 Structure of Skeletal Muscle Fibres

The human body is an orchestra of various systems, and skeletal muscle fibres are akin to the strings of a finely-tuned instrument, playing a pivotal role in our movement. To grasp their contribution, we need to delve into their detailed structure.

Basic Structure of Skeletal Muscle Fibres

Each skeletal muscle, from the bulky biceps to the delicate muscles of the hand, is composed of thousands of muscle fibres. These fibres can be as long as the muscle itself and are packed tightly together.

  • Sarcolemma: This is the cell membrane of the muscle fibre. It is not just a barrier but actively partakes in signalling processes during muscle contractions. It transmits action potentials and has an intimate relationship with the T-tubules.
  • Sarcoplasm: The equivalent of cytoplasm in other cells, it's dense with elements essential for contraction. It houses numerous organelles, including mitochondria that provide energy, and myoglobin which stores oxygen.
  • Myofibrils: Making up about 80% of the sarcoplasm, these are the real workhorses. Organised bundles of contractile and elastic proteins, they are responsible for muscle contraction.

Dive into Myofibrils

Myofibrils are rod-like units packed into muscle fibres, and their intricate structure facilitates muscle contraction. Zooming further into myofibrils, one can spot repeated units called sarcomeres, the smallest functional entities of a muscle fibre.

  • Actin (Thin Filaments): Anchored at the Z-line, these are helical proteins that extend towards the centre of the sarcomere. They possess binding sites for myosin heads.
  • Myosin (Thick Filaments): These filaments, located centrally within the sarcomere, comprise tail regions and globular heads. The heads are pivotal, interacting with actin during contraction.

The arrangement of actin and myosin gives rise to the banding pattern:

  • A-band: Dark region constituting overlapping actin and myosin.
  • I-band: Lighter, with only actin filaments.
  • Z-line: Marks the boundary of each sarcomere.
  • H-zone: Central lighter section of the A-band, showcasing only myosin.

This striated appearance is a signature characteristic of skeletal muscles.

Sarcoplasmic Reticulum and T-tubules

The SR is a modified endoplasmic reticulum surrounding each myofibril. It's a storage centre for calcium ions - vital players in muscle contraction. When a muscle signal is received, the SR releases calcium into the sarcoplasm.

The T-tubules, or transverse tubules, play a crucial role in ensuring that the action potential penetrates deep into the muscle fibre, allowing for a coordinated contraction. They're extensions of the sarcolemma and are filled with extracellular fluid.

Muscle Fibre Types

While all muscle fibres are structured similarly, they don't all function identically:

  • Type I (Slow-twitch): Rich in myoglobin, lending a reddish hue, these fibres are endurance specialists. They rely primarily on aerobic respiration, thanks to a high mitochondrial count.
  • Type IIa (Fast-twitch oxidative): These fibres are adept at both anaerobic and aerobic energy generation. They are more powerful than Type I but can still resist fatigue relatively well.
  • Type IIb (Fast-twitch glycolytic): Whitish in colour due to a lower myoglobin content, they're power-packed but fatigued quickly, relying largely on anaerobic processes.

Muscle Growth, Adaptation, and Repair

Muscle fibres don't grow in number post-adolescence, but they can grow in size. Resistance training induces stress, causing minute tears. During recovery, these tears are repaired, leading to hypertrophy. In contrast, disuse can lead to atrophy.

Muscles are highly adaptable. Prolonged endurance training can boost mitochondrial count and capillary density in Type I fibres. On the contrary, sprint training might enhance the anaerobic capabilities of Type IIb fibres.

Injuries and minor tears are common. The muscle's response is to activate satellite cells. These cells fuse with damaged fibres, aiding regeneration. However, severe injuries might result in scar tissue formation, which is non-contractile and affects function.

Neuromuscular Junctions

No muscle contracts without a directive. Motor neurons deliver these commands. Each muscle fibre is innervated by a motor neuron at the neuromuscular junction. When an action potential reaches the neuron's end, acetylcholine is released, triggering muscle contraction.


Yes, skeletal muscle fibres possess a limited ability to regenerate after injury, thanks to satellite cells. These are dormant stem cells found between the muscle fibre and the surrounding endomysium. When a muscle is injured, satellite cells activate, proliferate, and differentiate into new muscle cells or fuse with damaged fibres to repair them. However, if the injury is too severe, scar tissue might form, which can impair muscle function.

T-tubules, or transverse tubules, are deep invaginations of the sarcolemma (muscle cell membrane). They allow depolarization signals to spread quickly to the inner portions of the muscle cell. When an action potential travels along the sarcolemma, the T-tubules ensure that it reaches the sarcoplasmic reticulum, leading to the release of calcium ions and triggering muscle contraction.

The sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) is a specialised form of the endoplasmic reticulum found in muscle fibres. It plays a pivotal role in muscle contraction by storing and releasing calcium ions. Upon receiving a signal via the T-tubules, the SR releases calcium ions into the sarcoplasm. This surge in calcium concentration activates the contractile machinery, leading to muscle contraction. Post-contraction, the SR actively pumps calcium back, allowing the muscle to relax.

The endomysium is a thin layer of connective tissue that surrounds individual muscle fibres. It provides structural support and protection to each fibre and houses capillaries, nerve fibres, and lymphatics. The endomysium also helps in the transmission of electrical impulses and the distribution of nutrients and oxygen to individual muscle cells.

Skeletal muscle fibres are multinucleated because they form through the fusion of many smaller muscle cells, known as myoblasts. As these myoblasts join together during development, they contribute their individual nuclei to the growing muscle fibre. The presence of multiple nuclei allows for increased protein synthesis and repair, ensuring efficient function and maintenance of the large muscle cell.

Practice Questions

Describe the structure and function of sarcomeres within a skeletal muscle fibre.

Sarcomeres are the basic contractile units of skeletal muscle fibres found within myofibrils. They're delineated by two Z-lines, to which actin (thin) filaments are anchored. The central A-band consists of overlapping actin and myosin (thick) filaments, while the I-band contains only actin. The H-zone is a lighter region in the A-band with only myosin. During contraction, the myosin heads attach to actin's binding sites, pulling actin filaments towards the sarcomere's centre. This action shortens the sarcomere, leading to muscle contraction. The banding pattern, a result of actin and myosin arrangements, gives skeletal muscles their striated appearance.

Differentiate between Type I, Type IIa, and Type IIb muscle fibres in terms of structure and function.

Type I muscle fibres, or slow-twitch, are rich in myoglobin, giving them a reddish hue. They primarily use aerobic respiration, facilitated by their high mitochondrial content, and are tailored for endurance activities. Type IIa fibres, or fast-twitch oxidative, possess characteristics of both Type I and IIb fibres. They can generate energy both aerobically and anaerobically, making them powerful yet resistant to fatigue. Type IIb fibres, or fast-twitch glycolytic, are less reddish due to reduced myoglobin. They generate power through anaerobic processes, enabling short bursts of intense activity, but they fatigue swiftly.

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