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IB DP Biology Study Notes

10.3.2 Requirement of Allele Frequency Change for Evolution

In genetics, evolution signifies changes in allele frequencies within a population over time. The presence of various alleles and the way they change in frequency is central to the understanding of evolutionary processes.

Understanding Alleles and Genetic Variation

  • Alleles: Alleles are variations of a specific gene responsible for different expressions of a trait, such as eye colour. Each individual inherits two alleles for each gene, one from each parent.
  • Genetic Variation: This refers to the differences in genes among individuals and is essential for a population's ability to adapt to changes in the environment.
  • Sources of Variation: Genetic variation can arise through:
    • Mutation: Random changes in DNA can create new alleles.
    • Sexual Reproduction: Mixing genes from two parents creates unique combinations.
    • Gene Flow: The movement of individuals between populations introduces new genes.
    • Genetic Drift: Random changes in allele frequencies, particularly in small populations.

Allele Frequency and Its Importance

  • Definition: Allele frequency describes how common an allele is within a population. It's expressed as a proportion of the total alleles of that gene in the population.
  • Balance of Frequencies: The balance can be affected by mutation, migration, genetic drift, and natural selection. This balance gives insights into the genetic structure of the population.
  • Relevance in Evolution: Changes in allele frequencies indicate that evolution is taking place. Monitoring these changes helps scientists understand how organisms are evolving.

Mechanisms Leading to Changes in Allele Frequency


  • Origination of Variation: Mutations are the original source of genetic diversity, introducing new alleles into a population.
  • Impact on Evolution: Although most mutations are neutral or harmful, beneficial mutations can enhance survival and reproduction.

Migration (Gene Flow)

  • Movement Between Populations: Migration involves the movement of individuals and the transfer of their genetic material.
  • Preventing Divergence: It can prevent populations from becoming genetically distinct, maintaining genetic diversity within a population.

Genetic Drift

  • Random Changes: Genetic drift causes random changes in allele frequencies, especially noticeable in small populations.
  • Potential Loss of Alleles: Over time, alleles may become fixed or disappear entirely, decreasing genetic variation.

Natural Selection

  • Survival and Reproduction: Natural selection favours alleles that contribute to survival and reproductive success.
  • Evolutionary Consequence: Over generations, this can lead to a change in the genetic composition of a population.

Importance of Genetic Variation in Evolution

  • Adaptation: Genetic variation allows populations to evolve in response to changing environments.
  • Long-term Survival: Populations with low genetic diversity may be more susceptible to diseases and changes in the environment.
  • Genetic Diseases and Disorders: Knowledge of allele frequencies is essential in understanding genetic diseases in human populations.

Evolutionary Forces Acting on Allele Frequencies

  • Selection Pressures: These are environmental demands that drive natural selection, such as predator-prey relationships, availability of resources, and climate.
  • Sexual Selection: This includes mating preferences, which may favour specific traits and, thus, specific alleles.
  • Artificial Selection: Human-guided selection, like in agriculture and pet breeding, can rapidly change allele frequencies.

Tracking Allele Frequency Changes

  • Population Genetics: This field focuses on genetic variation within populations and how it changes with time.
  • Mathematical Models: Models like the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium help predict how allele frequencies will change under specific conditions, assuming no evolution is happening. Deviations from this equilibrium indicate evolution.
  • Technological Tools: Modern technologies, like gene sequencing, allow scientists to directly observe allele frequencies in populations.


Genetic drift is a random change in allele frequencies within a population. In smaller populations, chance events can have a more substantial effect on the genetic makeup, leading to rapid changes in allele frequencies. This can result in alleles becoming fixed or lost more quickly compared to larger populations, where the effects of random changes are diluted. The pronounced effect of genetic drift in small populations can lead to reduced genetic diversity and increased vulnerability to environmental changes.

Mutations introduce new genetic variants into a population by altering the DNA sequence. While most mutations are neutral or harmful, some may confer a selective advantage, allowing organisms to better adapt to their environment. As these advantageous mutations are passed on to subsequent generations, the allele frequencies within the population change. This process fuels evolution by generating new genetic diversity on which natural selection can act.

Environmental changes, such as alterations in climate, availability of resources, or introduction of new predators, create new selection pressures on populations. These changes may favour or disfavour specific alleles, leading to shifts in their frequencies within the population. Over time, these shifts can result in adaptations that better suit the new environment or even lead to the formation of new species. Environmental changes drive the direction and pace of evolution by constantly shaping the selection landscape in which populations exist.

Sexual reproduction creates genetic variation through the recombination of genes during meiosis and the fusion of different gametes during fertilisation. By combining alleles from two parents, offspring inherit a unique genetic makeup, increasing genetic diversity in the population. This variation provides a broader base for natural selection to act upon, allowing populations to adapt to changing environments and facilitating the evolutionary process.

Yes, human activities such as selective breeding, habitat alteration, and pollution can influence allele frequencies. Selective breeding favours specific traits, altering genetic makeup within domestic populations. Habitat changes may impose new selection pressures, favouring certain alleles, while pollution might affect survival rates, changing allele distribution. These human-induced changes can accelerate or hinder evolution, depending on how they align with natural selection forces.

Practice Questions

Explain how genetic drift and migration can affect the allele frequency within a population and how this contributes to the process of evolution.

Genetic drift leads to random changes in allele frequencies, particularly within small populations. This randomness can result in alleles becoming fixed or disappearing entirely, thereby altering the genetic makeup of the population. Migration, or gene flow, affects allele frequency by allowing the exchange of genetic material between populations. This movement can prevent populations from becoming genetically distinct, maintaining or increasing genetic diversity. Both processes contribute to evolution by shaping the genetic structure of populations, either increasing diversity and adaptation potential (migration) or potentially leading to speciation through random fixation or loss of alleles (genetic drift).

Describe how natural selection acts on genetic variation to change allele frequencies within a population, leading to evolution. Provide an example.

Natural selection acts on genetic variation by favouring alleles that enhance survival and reproductive success. Organisms with beneficial alleles are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing these alleles to their offspring. Over generations, the frequency of these favoured alleles increases within the population, leading to a change in genetic composition and evolution. An example is the peppered moth in the UK, where dark-coloured moths became more common during the Industrial Revolution. The dark moths were better camouflaged against polluted trees, leading to increased survival and reproduction, thereby increasing the frequency of the dark-colour allele in the population.

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