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IB DP Biology Study Notes

1.3.2 Membrane Proteins

A cell membrane, also known as the plasma membrane, encapsulates the contents of a cell, providing a protective barrier and regulating the entry and exit of various substances. An integral component of this semi-permeable barrier is the protein content, which encompasses integral and peripheral proteins, each performing a host of crucial functions, from facilitating transport to mediating cell signalling and intercellular joining.

Defining Membrane Proteins

Membrane proteins refer to a collection of proteins that interact with, or are part of, biological membranes. They constitute about 30% of all proteins in most organisms and have critical roles in ensuring cell functionality.

Integral Proteins

Integral proteins, also known as intrinsic proteins, are tightly bound to the cell membrane and span across the phospholipid bilayer. These proteins display an amphipathic nature with hydrophilic (water-attracting) and hydrophobic (water-repelling) regions that interact with the water-laden exterior and the fatty acid-laden interior of the cell membrane, respectively.

Integral proteins are further divided into two categories:

  • Transmembrane proteins: These proteins traverse the entire width of the cell membrane, displaying regions on both the inner and outer surfaces of the membrane. Transmembrane proteins are often involved in transport processes, channelling particles across the membrane or acting as receptors for cell signalling.
  • Lipid-anchored proteins: These proteins do not span the membrane but are covalently attached to a lipid molecule embedded within the membrane. The protein may be attached to a fatty acid, a prenyl group, or a glycolipid, anchoring it to either the inner or outer leaflet of the bilayer.

Peripheral Proteins

Peripheral proteins, also known as extrinsic proteins, are not embedded within the cell membrane like integral proteins. Rather, they are loosely attached to either the outer or inner surfaces of the membrane or to the integral proteins. Their attachment is often temporary and may be influenced by specific triggers or cellular conditions. These proteins are generally hydrophilic and interact with the polar heads of the phospholipids or with the aqueous environment inside or outside the cell.

Functional Overview of Membrane Proteins

Membrane proteins perform various crucial functions, contributing to the overall functionality of the cell. They help to maintain the cell's integrity, regulate the movement of substances, and facilitate communication within and between cells.


Transport is one of the most critical functions of integral proteins. These proteins form channels or transporters that facilitate the movement of ions, small molecules, and macromolecules across the cell membrane. This transport could be passive, also known as facilitated diffusion, where the movement of substances occurs along the concentration gradient from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration. Alternatively, the transport could be active, where energy is expended to pump substances against the concentration gradient from areas of low concentration to areas of high concentration.

In certain instances, the integral proteins may also form ion channels, which allow the selective passage of specific ions, such as sodium, potassium, calcium, and chloride ions, across the membrane. These channels are critical for nerve impulse transmission and muscle contraction.

Enzyme Activity

Several membrane proteins function as enzymes, catalysing specific biochemical reactions. These proteins often exist as part of an enzyme complex, where multiple enzymes work in a sequential manner to catalyse different steps of a metabolic pathway. The enzymes may function on the inner or outer surface of the cell, or even within the membrane itself, depending on the substrate and the nature of the reaction.

Cell Signalling

Cell signalling is a vital biological process that governs cell activity and coordinates cellular actions. Membrane proteins play a central role in this process. They may function as receptors that bind to specific signalling molecules or hormones, triggering a cascade of intracellular events, leading to a response.

In some cases, integral proteins may act as glycoproteins, where a carbohydrate chain is attached to the protein. These glycoproteins serve as identification markers and are recognized by other cells or substances, aiding in cell recognition and communication.

Intercellular Joining

Intercellular joining is another vital function of membrane proteins, where they facilitate the formation of cell junctions. These junctions contribute to tissue formation and provide channels for communication between cells. The proteins involved may be part of tight junctions that prevent the leakage of extracellular fluid, adherens junctions that bind cells together, desmosomes that resist mechanical stress, or gap junctions that allow communication between cells.


Some integral proteins act as cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) that enable cells to adhere to each other and form tissues. These proteins interact with each other and form junctions, which are critical for maintaining the structure and function of tissues.

Certain membrane proteins serve as markers or identifiers for the cell. They may have carbohydrates attached to them, forming glycoproteins, which are unique to each cell type and individual. These markers are crucial in immune response, cell-cell interaction, and tissue formation.

Malfunctions of membrane proteins can lead to many diseases. For instance, if a transport protein malfunctions, it may lead to a buildup of substances outside or inside the cell, disrupting cellular homeostasis. Mutations in receptor proteins may lead to a lack of response to signalling molecules, impacting cell communication and functioning. Therefore, proper functioning of membrane proteins is crucial for overall cell health.

Typically, peripheral proteins do not become integral proteins. Peripheral proteins are loosely bound to the lipid bilayer or to integral proteins and can detach more easily, whereas integral proteins are embedded within the membrane and often span its entire width.

Integral proteins have both hydrophilic (water-loving) and hydrophobic (water-hating) regions, making them amphipathic. This allows them to be stably incorporated into the cell membrane, which is also amphipathic. The hydrophilic regions of the proteins interact with the aqueous environments inside and outside the cell, while the hydrophobic regions interact with the hydrophobic tails of the phospholipids in the cell membrane.

Practice Questions

Distinguish between integral and peripheral proteins in the cell membrane, including their position and key functions.

Integral proteins are embedded within the cell membrane, often spanning across the entire width of the phospholipid bilayer. They are amphipathic, meaning they contain hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions, which align with the corresponding regions of the cell membrane. Integral proteins are typically involved in key functions such as the transport of substances, functioning as receptors for cell signalling, and sometimes contributing to intercellular joining.

On the other hand, peripheral proteins are loosely attached to the inner or outer surfaces of the cell membrane or to the integral proteins. These proteins often have temporary attachments and can detach under certain cellular conditions. Peripheral proteins usually have hydrophilic nature and play roles in enzymatic activity, cell signalling, and other functions associated with the cell surface.

Explain the role of membrane proteins in transport and cell signalling.

Membrane proteins, particularly integral proteins, play a central role in transport across the cell membrane. They can form channels or transporters, facilitating the movement of ions, small molecules, and larger macromolecules. Some proteins are involved in facilitated diffusion, where substances move along the concentration gradient, while others are involved in active transport, where substances move against the concentration gradient with energy expenditure.

In terms of cell signalling, integral proteins can act as receptors, binding to specific signalling molecules or hormones. Upon binding, these proteins trigger a cascade of intracellular events, leading to a cellular response. In this way, membrane proteins are integral to the communication within and between cells, regulating a host of cellular processes.

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