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IB DP Biology Study Notes

1.1.2 Unicellular Organisms

The world of biology is vast, and one of its most fundamental entities is unicellular organisms. These entities, as the name suggests, consist of only a single cell, yet they exhibit the complex and essential behaviours that characterise life. Diverse and intriguing, they are fundamental to understanding biology, with notable examples including Amoeba and Paramecium. To further comprehend their complexity, it's beneficial to explore how factors like cell size influence their functions and survival strategies.


The Amoeba proteus, often just referred to as amoeba, is a unicellular organism that serves as a foundational model for understanding life processes. This eukaryotic microorganism thrives in various environments such as pond water, damp soil, and other moist environments, embodying the adaptive nature of life. Their ability to regulate water through osmosis is key to their adaptability.

Physical Characteristics of Amoeba

The Amoeba stands out in its unique structure and movement. As a protean creature, it lacks a defined shape and displays a continuous change in body form facilitated by the extension and retraction of pseudopodia or "false feet." This form of movement is aptly known as amoeboid movement. It encapsulates the very essence of life — dynamic, changing and responsive.

Inside the Amoeba, one can find an assortment of organelles, each performing a distinct function. It contains a single, large nucleus that governs cellular functions, contractile vacuoles for maintaining water balance, and food vacuoles where digestion takes place. The presence of organelles in unicellular organisms like the Amoeba provides a fascinating insight into the endosymbiotic theory.

Nutrient Acquisition in Amoeba

To sustain life, the Amoeba needs nutrients, and it acquires these through a method known as phagocytosis. In this fascinating process, the pseudopodia extend and envelop the food particle, wrapping it in a membrane to form a food vacuole. The food particle within the vacuole is broken down by digestive enzymes, which metabolise the food into nutrients that can be absorbed into the cytoplasm, fuelling the cell's activities.

Reproduction in Amoeba

The Amoeba, being a single-celled organism, reproduces asexually via a process termed binary fission. During this process, the nucleus first replicates itself, then the cytoplasm begins to divide, ultimately resulting in two identical daughter cells. This method of reproduction allows for a rapid increase in population, contributing to the Amoeba's survival in varied environments. The process of mitosis is central to their reproductive success.


Another fascinating representative of unicellular organisms is the Paramecium. This eukaryotic microorganism, often found in freshwater habitats, showcases different aspects of unicellular life, offering another perspective on how life can be sustained within a single cell.

Physical Characteristics of Paramecium

Unlike the Amoeba, a Paramecium has a fixed shape, often likened to a slipper. Its body is covered in small hair-like projections known as cilia which facilitate movement and feeding. Another key feature of the Paramecium is its two nuclei: a larger macronucleus and a smaller micronucleus, each having different functions. The macronucleus regulates non-reproductive cell functions, while the micronucleus is involved in reproduction.

Nutrient Acquisition in Paramecium

In the case of Paramecium, the process of nutrient acquisition is different from that of Amoeba. The Paramecium uses its cilia to sweep food particles, usually bacteria and algae, into its oral groove. From there, the food particles are encapsulated in a food vacuole, where they are broken down by digestive enzymes. The digested nutrients are absorbed into the cytoplasm, fueling the organism's activities, while the waste materials are expelled through an anal pore.

Reproduction in Paramecium

Though Paramecium can reproduce asexually through binary fission, similar to Amoeba, it can also engage in a form of sexual reproduction known as conjugation. During this process, two Paramecia join together and exchange genetic material through their micronuclei. This exchange introduces genetic variability in the Paramecium population, enhancing its adaptability.

Adaptations of Unicellular Organisms

Though they may appear simplistic, unicellular organisms like Amoeba and Paramecium exhibit sophisticated mechanisms for survival.


Maintaining water balance, or osmoregulation, is crucial for these organisms' survival. Both Amoeba and Paramecium possess contractile vacuoles, which work like bilge pumps, expelling excess water from the cell to prevent it from bursting due to osmotic pressure. Their strategies for osmoregulation highlight the complexity of their survival mechanisms.

Behavioural Responses

Unicellular organisms are capable of intricate behavioural responses to environmental stimuli. For instance, they can move away from harmful substances, a behaviour known as negative chemotaxis, and towards light, termed positive phototaxis. These behaviours enhance their survival prospects in dynamic environments.


Yes, many unicellular organisms can move using different methods. For example, Amoeba uses pseudopodia, or "false feet," to move, while Paramecium uses cilia. Other organisms, like bacteria, use flagella to propel themselves.

No, unicellular organisms can vary greatly in size, from microscopic bacteria to larger unicellular algae and protozoa. Their sizes can range from less than 1 µm for bacteria to more than 1mm for some species of unicellular algae.

Unicellular organisms can adapt to environmental changes through genetic mutations, which if beneficial, are passed onto subsequent generations. Additionally, some organisms, like bacteria, can undergo horizontal gene transfer, where they acquire genes from other organisms in their environment, providing an advantage.

If unicellular organisms didn't reproduce asexually, their rate of reproduction would decrease, and their genetic diversity might increase. However, asexual reproduction allows for rapid colonization of environments and avoids the need for finding a mate, which can be advantageous in certain situations.

Despite being composed of only a single cell, unicellular organisms can perform all necessary functions for survival. They are not simpler or more primitive compared to multicellular organisms. Their cellular complexity often surpasses that of individual cells in multicellular organisms as they have adaptations to perform multiple functions independently.

Practice Questions

Compare and contrast the nutrient acquisition process in Amoeba and Paramecium.

The nutrient acquisition process in both Amoeba and Paramecium involves the formation of food vacuoles and the use of digestive enzymes to break down food into absorbable nutrients. However, the method of capturing food differs significantly. Amoeba uses pseudopodia to engulf food particles, a process known as phagocytosis. On the other hand, Paramecium uses cilia to sweep food into an oral groove which then forms the food vacuole. Both methods are effective adaptations to their respective environments, highlighting the diverse ways unicellular organisms can procure nutrients.

Explain how the process of osmoregulation is carried out in Amoeba and Paramecium and why it is crucial for their survival.

Both Amoeba and Paramecium carry out osmoregulation using contractile vacuoles, which act as bilge pumps to expel excess water from the cell. Given that these organisms live in hypotonic environments where water tends to move into the cell due to osmosis, maintaining a stable internal water balance is critical. Without this process of osmoregulation, the cell may take in excess water and ultimately lyse or burst, leading to the organism's death. Therefore, osmoregulation plays a vital role in the survival of unicellular organisms like Amoeba and Paramecium.

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