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IB DP Biology Study Notes

2.9.2 Abiotic Variables and Species Distribution

The intricate balance of life is heavily influenced by the non-living components of the environment. Delving into these abiotic factors, we can discern how and why species are distributed in particular patterns across various habitats.

Abiotic Variables: An Introduction

Abiotic variables encompass the physical and chemical components of an organism's environment. Their presence, absence, or variations can determine the suitability of an environment for specific species.

Examples of Abiotic Variables

  • Temperature: A pivotal factor, temperature governs the enzymatic and metabolic processes within an organism. It can influence the geographical distribution, as most organisms are adapted to live within specific temperature ranges.
  • Light: Light intensity and photoperiod can influence photosynthesis in plants and algae, while also determining behavioural and reproductive patterns in many animals, especially those governed by diurnal and nocturnal cycles.
  • Water Availability: From arid deserts to waterlogged marshlands, the availability of water shapes the types of species that can reside in a habitat. For example, cacti have evolved in deserts to store water, while mangroves have special roots to deal with waterlogged saline conditions.
  • Soil pH and Composition: The mineral content and pH of soil can foster or inhibit the growth of particular plants. Some plants, called metallophytes, can even grow in soils with high heavy metal concentrations, which would be toxic to other plants.
  • Salinity: In aquatic ecosystems, the salt concentration can be a determining factor for the presence of specific species. Freshwater organisms are adapted to low salinity, while marine organisms thrive in high salinity.
  • Wind: Wind speed and direction can influence pollination in plants, seed dispersal, and the behaviour of flying animals like birds and insects. It can also affect evaporation rates, influencing local humidity and moisture levels.
  • Oxygen Levels: Crucial for respiration in both aquatic and terrestrial animals. In water bodies, oxygen concentration can vary based on factors like temperature, salinity, and organic matter decomposition.
Diagram showing biotic and abiotic factors.

Image courtesy of VectorMine

Range of Tolerance

Every organism has a specific set of conditions under which it can survive and reproduce. This is known as its range of tolerance.

Significance in Species Adaptation and Distribution

  • Optimum Range: The environmental conditions under which a species exhibits optimal performance. Populations are usually most dense within this range.
  • Zone of Physiological Stress: Here, species can survive, but with decreased performance. Growth might be stunted, reproductive output reduced, or behaviours altered.
  • Zone of Intolerance: Extremes where the species cannot survive. For instance, a fish adapted to freshwater would find high salinity intolerable.

It's worth noting that some species, known as generalists, exhibit a wide range of tolerance, allowing them to inhabit various environments. In contrast, specialists have a narrow range and are adapted to very specific environmental conditions.

Application: Transect Data and Species Distribution

To understand how species distribution aligns with abiotic variables, ecologists often employ transect studies.

Steps in Using Transect Data

  • Select a Habitat: Be it a meadow, forest edge, or tidal zone, the choice of habitat is vital, as it will determine the species and abiotic factors under examination.
  • Lay Out the Transect: A linear path, often marked with a tape measure or rope, extends across the habitat, creating a consistent study line.
  • Collect Data: Along the transect, at regular intervals, both biotic (species present) and abiotic factors are recorded. Tools like pH meters, salinity probes, and thermometers might be used.
  • Analyse the Data: By plotting the distribution of species against abiotic factors, patterns and correlations can be discerned. For example, certain plants might be found only in shaded areas, while others thrive in direct sunlight.
Picture showing transect marked with a tape measure

Image courtesy of Forest and Kim Starr

Case Study: Dune Transect

Consider a transect laid from a beach's shoreline moving inland across dunes. As you progress:

  • Soil salinity might decrease the further you move from the sea.
  • Initial zones might contain hardy grasses that can tolerate high salinity and direct sunlight, while more sheltered zones inland support a greater diversity of plants.
  • Analysing transect data would allow us to correlate specific plant distribution with factors like salinity, moisture content, and sunlight exposure.

Data Collection from Natural or Semi-Natural Habitats

Conducting studies in the field comes with challenges and considerations:

  • Consistency: Standardise techniques and tools to ensure data comparability.
  • Random Sampling: While transects are systematic, the specific data points along them should be randomly selected to prevent bias.
  • Repeated Measures: Increase reliability by taking multiple readings. This helps account for anomalies or outliers in the data.
  • Time of Day and Seasonal Variation: Abiotic factors can vary drastically based on the time of day or season. It's essential to either standardise the time of collection or consider these variations during analysis.


Organisms in environments with fluctuating abiotic factors often develop a set of versatile adaptations, allowing them to cope with variability. These adaptations can be behavioural, physiological, or morphological. Behaviourally, some animals might exhibit daily patterns, like burrowing during the heat of the day and emerging during cooler nights. Physiologically, certain plants can speed up or slow down metabolic processes in response to changing water availability. Morphologically, some organisms, like desert plants, have structures like thickened leaves or stems to store water. These diverse strategies highlight the versatility of life and its ability to adjust to changing circumstances rather than just static environmental conditions.

Yes, some organisms are known as "generalists" because they can thrive across a wide range of environmental conditions. These organisms possess a broad range of tolerance for various abiotic factors. For instance, raccoons are generalists that can live in diverse habitats, from forests to urban areas, and eat a varied diet. Similarly, dandelions can grow in a variety of soil types and light conditions. Such generalist species are often highly adaptable and can colonise new areas or habitats more easily than specialist species, which are finely tuned to very specific environmental conditions.

Wind is a significant abiotic factor shaping terrestrial ecosystems, especially concerning plant species. Firstly, wind aids in the pollination of many plants by dispersing pollen grains from one flower to another. This type of pollination is called anemophily. Secondly, wind plays a crucial role in seed dispersal for many species, enabling them to colonise new areas. Plants like dandelions and cottonwood trees have seeds adapted to be easily carried by the wind. Furthermore, constant strong winds, especially in coastal or mountainous regions, can lead to the evolution of certain plant morphologies like shorter, sturdier plants or trees with flexible trunks.

In aquatic ecosystems, salinity and oxygen concentration are crucial abiotic factors. Salinity determines which organisms can inhabit a water body. For instance, freshwater habitats support different species than marine or brackish ones. As for oxygen concentration, it's vital for aquatic respiration. Cold water can hold more dissolved oxygen than warm water. High salinity can reduce the water's capacity to hold oxygen. Areas with high organic matter decomposition, like swamps or stagnant ponds, often have reduced oxygen levels. Thus, species in such environments must adapt, perhaps by developing respiratory structures like specialised gills or by exhibiting behaviours like coming to the water's surface to gulp air. These factors often interplay, creating complex habitats where only specific species adapted to those precise conditions can thrive.

Abiotic factors play a pivotal role in determining animal behaviours such as migration and hibernation. For instance, many bird species migrate due to changes in temperature and light, seeking warmer regions during colder months or places with abundant food sources. These migrations ensure their survival as they escape unfavourable conditions that can impede their feeding or breeding capabilities. Similarly, hibernation is a behavioural adaptation seen in certain animals like bears or hedgehogs, allowing them to conserve energy during colder months when food is scarce. Here, falling temperatures and reduced daylight serve as cues for the animal to enter a state of dormancy, thus conserving energy by slowing down metabolic processes until favourable conditions return.

Practice Questions

Explain the concept of "range of tolerance" in relation to abiotic factors and provide an example of how a particular species might be affected by the extremes of its range.

The "range of tolerance" refers to the spectrum of conditions within which a species can survive, grow, and reproduce. Within this range, there are three main zones: the optimum range, where the species performs best; the zone of physiological stress, where survival is possible but with reduced efficiency; and the zone of intolerance, where the conditions are too extreme for the species to survive. For instance, a freshwater fish might have an optimum range within a specific temperature band. If temperatures rise or fall beyond this band, the fish may experience physiological stress, affecting its metabolism or reproductive capabilities. When temperatures reach the extreme ends, beyond the fish's range of tolerance, it may die, as conditions are intolerable.

Describe the importance of using transect data in studying species distribution and explain how it can be correlated with abiotic factors.

Transect data offers a systematic method to study species distribution across a particular habitat. By laying out a linear path, researchers can record both the species present and the associated abiotic factors at regular intervals. This method provides a structured overview of how different species are dispersed across a gradient of changing environmental conditions. When analysing the data, a correlation might be discerned between the distribution of specific species and certain abiotic factors. For example, in a beach transect, certain plant species might be prevalent in areas with high salinity near the shoreline but diminish or change as one moves inland where salinity decreases. This correlation highlights the influence of the abiotic factor, in this case, salinity, on species distribution.

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