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IB DP Biology Study Notes

2.9.1 Understanding Habitats and Adaptations

Diving deeper into the fascinating realm of biology, it becomes evident that organisms are not just passively existing in their environments. Instead, they are tailored by years of evolution to fit perfectly within their surroundings.

Definition of Habitat

At its essence, a habitat is the natural environment in which an organism resides, offering the conditions and resources needed for survival.

Geographical Locations

The physical position of a habitat on Earth plays a pivotal role in shaping its characteristics.

  • Latitude and Longitude: Latitude affects temperature and light intensity. For example, polar habitats experience prolonged darkness and cold temperatures, while equatorial regions are consistently warm with direct sunlight.
  • Altitude: Habitats at higher altitudes, such as mountain peaks, tend to be cooler and have thinner air compared to those at sea level.
Diagram showing the Latitude and Longitude of earth.

Image courtesy of vectortatu

Physical Locations

Beyond geographical coordinates, the intrinsic physical attributes of a habitat determine the conditions organisms must adapt to.

  • Temperature: Every habitat has a temperature range, be it the consistent cold of the Arctic tundra or the fluctuating temperatures of temperate regions.
  • Light: Light availability influences photosynthetic organisms. Deep-sea habitats receive minimal light, while open grasslands are bathed in sunlight.
  • Humidity: Places like rainforests are high in humidity, while deserts have dry air.
  • Salinity: Saline habitats, such as mangroves and salt marshes, present challenges due to their salt content.

Types of Ecosystems

An ecosystem comprises both the community of organisms and the abiotic components within a specific habitat.

  • Terrestrial Ecosystems: Land-based, including deserts, grasslands, and various types of forests.
  • Aquatic Ecosystems: These can be freshwater, like rivers and lakes, or saline, like seas and oceans.
Diagram showing types of ecosystem.

Image courtesy of VectorMine

Adaptations of Organisms to Abiotic Factors

Nature is a grand theatre of evolution, where species over countless generations develop specific traits to survive and reproduce in their environments.

General Adaptations

  • Thermoregulation: Depending on the habitat's temperature, organisms may develop insulating fur, reflective surfaces, or metabolic adjustments.
  • Water Retention: Desert plants may store water in thick stems or leaves, while animals might produce concentrated urine to conserve water.
  • Light Absorption: In forest understoreys, where light is limited, plants often have broader leaves or special pigments to maximise light absorption.

Specific Adaptations: Grass Species in Sand Dunes

Sand dunes are constantly changing environments, challenging yet teeming with specialised life.

  • Deep Root Systems: Many dune grasses possess extensive root networks, sometimes reaching several metres deep. This anchors them to shifting sands and accesses deeper moisture.
  • Rolled or Narrow Leaves: This minimises the surface area exposed to the sun and wind, reducing water loss.
  • Rhizomes: These horizontal underground stems allow grasses to spread and dominate sandy environments.
  • Salt Excretion: Coastal dunes often have saline conditions. Some grasses have glands that excrete salt or mechanisms to compartmentalise and manage salt within their tissues.
Picture showing Grass Species in Sand Dunes

Image courtesy of Bj.schoenmakers

Specific Adaptations: Tree Species in Mangrove Swamps

Mangrove swamps are unique brackish water habitats, combining freshwater and saltwater challenges.

  • Pneumatophores: Many mangrove species have these aerial roots, allowing oxygen intake in waterlogged soils.
  • Salt Excretion and Filtration: Some mangrove trees can filter out salt at their roots, while others possess salt glands on their leaves.
  • Vivipary: In a rare adaptation among plants, some mangroves give birth to live young. Seeds germinate on the tree itself before dropping, ensuring they don't get washed away or buried in the anaerobic mud.
  • Waxy Leaves: To prevent water loss and protect against salt buildup, many mangrove species have thick, waxy leaves.
Picture of a mangrove forest.

Mangrove forest in Sungei Buloh Wetlands, Singapore

Image courtesy of Anish Sheela


Salinity is a significant factor in coastal habitats, impacting both plant and animal physiology. Plants in these habitats, like mangroves, may develop mechanisms to filter out salt at their roots or possess salt glands to excrete excess salt. High salinity can cause osmotic stress, leading plants to store water in succulent leaves or stems. Animals, on the other hand, have evolved various adaptations. Many have specialised kidneys that excrete concentrated urine, conserving water. Others, like certain crustaceans, can adjust their internal salinity to match the environment, a process called osmoconformity. These adaptations are essential for life in saline conditions.

Plants in shaded habitats such as forest understoreys have evolved several strategies to maximise light absorption. Firstly, they often possess larger, broader leaves to capture as much available light as possible. These leaves might also have a darker green hue due to higher concentrations of chlorophyll, enhancing their photosynthetic efficiency. Some plants grow rapidly towards light sources, a phenomenon known as phototropism. Others, like epiphytes, grow on larger trees to position themselves closer to light sources. Finally, some understorey plants have evolved to flower and fruit before the canopy trees fully leaf out, taking advantage of the temporarily increased light availability.

Rapid changes in habitats, such as those instigated by climate change, can pose significant challenges for organisms. Adaptations that once provided an advantage may become obsolete or even detrimental. For instance, polar bears, adapted for cold Arctic climates, struggle as sea ice diminishes. Plants with specific temperature and rainfall requirements may find their habitats shrinking or shifting. As habitats change, organisms face the options of adapting, migrating, or facing potential extinction. In some cases, the rate of environmental change might be too swift for evolutionary adaptation, leading to a loss of biodiversity. The impact of rapid habitat changes underscores the delicate balance between organisms and their environment.

Aquatic ecosystems present distinct challenges in terms of abiotic factors. These include varying levels of salinity, light penetration, pressure, oxygen content, and temperature. For instance, light in aquatic habitats diminishes with depth, affecting photosynthetic organisms in deeper waters. Salinity can range from freshwater lakes with nearly no salt to hypersaline environments like salt pans. Pressure increases with depth, affecting deep-sea organisms' physiology. Oxygen content can also be variable, with stagnant water bodies having reduced levels compared to flowing ones. These abiotic factors play a pivotal role in shaping the adaptations and behaviours of organisms in aquatic habitats.

Organisms in extreme temperature habitats have evolved specific adaptations for thermoregulation. In deserts, animals like camels can tolerate high internal body temperatures before sweating, conserving water. Their humps, contrary to popular belief, store fat which can be converted to water and energy. Desert plants, like cacti, have thick skins and few leaves to reduce transpiration. In contrast, polar organisms like polar bears possess thick layers of blubber and fur for insulation. Moreover, many Arctic animals are large, with a reduced surface area to volume ratio, minimising heat loss. These specialised adaptations are crucial for survival in their respective extreme environments.

Practice Questions

Define a habitat and discuss the physical characteristics of sand dunes that necessitate specific adaptations in grass species.

A habitat is the natural environment where an organism resides, providing the necessary conditions and resources for survival. Sand dunes, as habitats, present several challenges: they have shifting sands, strong winds, high salinity especially in coastal areas, and extreme variations in moisture levels. Given these conditions, grass species in sand dunes have evolved specific adaptations. Their deep root systems anchor them to the unstable ground and tap into deeper water sources. Narrow or rolled leaves minimise water loss through transpiration. Some grass species also have developed mechanisms like salt excretion or compartmentalisation to deal with the saline conditions present in coastal dunes.

Describe the specific challenges faced by tree species in mangrove swamps and explain how these trees are adapted to overcome them.

Mangrove swamps are brackish water habitats, combining elements of both freshwater and marine environments. Trees in these areas face waterlogged soils, high salinity, low oxygen levels in the mud, and tidal fluctuations. To counter these challenges, mangrove trees have developed a set of remarkable adaptations. Pneumatophores, or aerial roots, enable them to intake oxygen in the oxygen-poor soil. Some trees can filter out salt at the root level or have salt glands on their leaves to excrete excess salt. Vivipary, where seeds germinate while still attached to the parent tree, ensures the young plant's survival in the challenging swamp environment. Additionally, their waxy leaves help in preventing water loss and protect against salt build-up.

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