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IB DP Biology Study Notes

2.4.3 Mitochondrion and Chloroplast Adaptations

Mitochondria and chloroplasts are the cornerstone of cellular energetics. These organelles house the complex processes of cellular respiration and photosynthesis, respectively. Their specialised structural adaptations are quintessential for maximising efficiency in these energy-conversion reactions.

Mitochondrion: The Cellular Powerhouses

Mitochondria generate ATP, the primary energy currency of the cell, through aerobic cell respiration. This ATP is instrumental in fuelling a plethora of cellular functions.

Double Membrane

Mitochondria exhibit a characteristic double membrane which plays a pivotal role in segregating cellular processes and optimising conditions for respiration.

  • Outer membrane:
    • Permeable to most ions and molecules due to the presence of transport proteins called porins.
    • Protects the inner contents and helps maintain the shape and integrity of the mitochondrion.
  • Inner membrane:
    • Highly convoluted, creating folds called cristae.
    • Its selective permeability ensures the entry and exit of specific molecules, thereby maintaining a favourable ion balance and pH within the matrix.
    • Houses the electron transport chain and ATP synthase, key players in ATP generation.

Intermembrane Space

  • The region between the outer and inner membranes.
  • Accumulates protons (H+ ions) during the electron transport process, resulting in a proton gradient. This gradient is subsequently utilised to produce ATP, a phenomenon called chemiosmosis.


  • These are infoldings of the inner membrane which augment the surface area.
  • Significance: By maximising the surface area, there's more space for proteins and enzymes necessary for the electron transport chain and ATP synthesis, thereby ramping up ATP production capacity.

Matrix Compartmentalisation

  • The matrix is the viscous internal space encased by the inner membrane.
  • Packed with enzymes essential for the citric acid cycle (or Krebs cycle) where breakdown of glucose derivatives, like pyruvate, happens.
  • This compartmentalisation ensures optimal conditions for enzymes and substrates to interact, facilitating efficient energy extraction from nutrients.
A detailed labelled diagram of mitochondria.

Image courtesy of Kelvinsong

Chloroplast: Harnessing Solar Energy

Chloroplasts are the primary sites of photosynthesis in plant cells. They capture solar energy and convert it into chemical energy, which gets stored in sugar molecules.

Thylakoid Membranes

  • These are flattened, disc-shaped membranous structures arranged in stacks called grana.
  • Each granum (singular) is a stack of multiple thylakoid discs.
  • Significance: Thylakoid membranes house the light-harvesting complexes and pigments like chlorophyll. They play a key role in absorbing sunlight and kickstarting the photochemical reactions of photosynthesis.


  • Complexes of pigments and proteins found in the thylakoid membranes.
  • Photosystem II (PSII):
    • Absorbs photons, exciting its electrons.
    • These high-energy electrons are then passed along an electron transport chain, releasing energy used to pump protons into the thylakoid lumen, setting the stage for ATP production.
  • Photosystem I (PSI):
    • Absorbs light energy to replace electrons lost in PSII.
    • Works in tandem with PSII, aiding in the production of the electron carrier NADPH, another essential player in photosynthesis.

Thylakoid Fluid Volumes

  • Also known as the thylakoid lumen.
  • As electrons are transported between PSII and PSI, protons are pumped into the lumen, creating a significant proton gradient.
  • This gradient, like in mitochondria, drives ATP synthesis through the ATP synthase complex.

Stromal Compartmentalisation

  • The stroma is akin to the cytosol of the chloroplast, surrounding the thylakoid system.
  • Significance: It's in the stroma where the ATP and NADPH, produced in the thylakoids, are used to convert carbon dioxide into glucose via the Calvin cycle. The stroma has an optimal pH and ionic environment for the enzymes involved in this light-independent reaction.
A diagram showing the structure of chloroplast.

Image courtesy of Kelvinsong


Chloroplasts have a remarkable design to optimise light absorption. The thylakoid membranes house pigments like chlorophyll, which absorb sunlight. The arrangement of thylakoids in stacks called grana increases the density of pigment molecules, enhancing light absorption. Furthermore, chloroplasts can adjust their position within cells, moving towards light sources in low light conditions and away under intense light, a phenomenon known as chloroplast photorelocation. This adaptability ensures that they can capture the optimal amount of sunlight without getting damaged by excessive light, making the photosynthetic process more efficient.

The matrix of the mitochondrion provides the ideal environment for the citric acid cycle (also known as the Krebs cycle) due to the high concentration of necessary enzymes and intermediates. Having the cycle in the matrix ensures a rapid turnover of substrates and products, making the process efficient. Moreover, the compartmentalisation within the matrix keeps the high concentrations of protons in the intermembrane space separate from the negative charges in the matrix, which is essential for chemiosmotic ATP production. This localisation also prevents potential interference from other cellular processes and reduces the loss of intermediates to other pathways.

The chemiosmotic gradient is fundamental for ATP production in both mitochondria and chloroplasts. In the mitochondrion, as electrons are passed down the electron transport chain in the inner membrane, protons (H^+ ions) are pumped into the intermembrane space, creating a high concentration. Similarly, in chloroplasts, protons are pumped into the thylakoid lumen. This difference in proton concentration across the membrane establishes a proton gradient or chemiosmotic potential. Protons flow back through ATP synthase due to this gradient, driving the conversion of ADP to ATP. This mechanism of ATP production is termed chemiosmosis and is central to energy production in cells.

Both mitochondria and chloroplasts have evolved structures tailored to their specific energy conversion processes. Mitochondria, being the site of aerobic respiration, possess cristae that increase surface area, thus housing more of the necessary enzymes and protein complexes for ATP synthesis. The matrix contains enzymes vital for the citric acid cycle, facilitating efficient energy extraction. Chloroplasts, on the other hand, contain thylakoid membranes that house pigments essential for capturing sunlight. The grana increase the pigment density, enhancing light absorption. The stroma, rich in enzymes, is the site for the Calvin cycle, turning captured energy into glucose. In both organelles, structure and function are intricately and effectively intertwined.

This theory, known as the endosymbiotic theory, proposes that mitochondria were once free-living bacteria that entered into a symbiotic relationship with primitive eukaryotic cells. Over time, these bacteria were engulfed by these eukaryotic cells, eventually evolving into the mitochondria we see today. Evidence for this theory includes the fact that mitochondria have their own circular DNA, similar to bacteria. Additionally, they reproduce independently within the cell through a process akin to binary fission, which is how bacteria reproduce. The double membrane of mitochondria is also cited as evidence, suggesting that one membrane might be from the engulfing eukaryotic cell and the other from the original bacterium.

Practice Questions

Explain the significance of the stromal compartmentalisation in the chloroplast concerning the process of photosynthesis.

The stroma in the chloroplast plays a crucial role in photosynthesis, particularly in the light-independent reactions or the Calvin cycle. This fluid-filled space outside the thylakoid membranes provides an environment rich in enzymes essential for converting carbon dioxide into glucose. The ATP and NADPH, produced in the thylakoid membranes during light-dependent reactions, are utilised in the stroma. Its compartmentalisation ensures an optimal pH and ionic environment, fostering efficient enzymatic reactions. In essence, the stromal compartmentalisation in chloroplasts allows for the efficient synthesis of glucose, using the energy captured from sunlight in the earlier stages of photosynthesis.

Describe the structural adaptations of the mitochondrion that enhance its ability to produce ATP through aerobic cell respiration.

The mitochondrion is aptly designed for ATP production through its unique double membrane structure. The outer membrane is permeable to many ions and molecules due to porins, providing protection and maintaining the organelle's integrity. The inner membrane, however, is selectively permeable and forms infoldings called cristae. These cristae significantly increase the surface area, allowing for a greater number of respiratory protein complexes, enhancing ATP production efficiency. Additionally, the matrix, enclosed by the inner membrane, is packed with enzymes vital for the citric acid cycle. This compartmentalisation ensures optimal conditions for enzyme activity, facilitating the efficient breakdown of glucose derivatives and subsequent energy extraction.

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