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IB DP Biology Study Notes

2.4.1 Organelles in Cells

Cells, the building blocks of life, are complex entities equipped with distinct structures called organelles, each tailored for specific roles. This section delves deeper into the realm of organelles, differentiating them from non-organelles and highlights significant strides in understanding their function.

Understanding Organelles

Organelles, predominantly found in eukaryotic cells, are discrete structures, often surrounded by membranes, that execute unique functions imperative for cellular survival and operation.


  • Function: Often referred to as the cell's command centre, it safeguards the cell's genetic information, ensuring controlled access and regulation.
  • Components: Comprises of the nuclear envelope, nucleoplasm, chromatin, and the nucleolus. The nucleolus is particularly crucial for ribosome synthesis.


  • Function: Termed the cell's powerhouses, they generate energy in the form of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) through the process of cellular respiration.
  • Components: Characterised by a double membrane, with the inner membrane folded into cristae. This maximises surface area, aiding in efficient energy production.


  • Function: Essentially the cell's recycling centres, they house enzymes that digest cellular waste, ensuring optimal cellular function.
  • Components: Single membrane-bound sacs filled with hydrolytic enzymes capable of breaking down various biomolecules.

Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

  • Function: A major site for lipid synthesis, protein modification, and transportation.
  • Components: Two types exist - Rough ER (with ribosomes attached, aiding in protein synthesis) and Smooth ER (involved in lipid synthesis).

Golgi Apparatus

  • Function: A cellular post office, it modifies, sorts, and packages proteins for their intended destinations, be it within the cell or for secretion.
  • Components: Series of flattened, stacked pouches called cisternae.
A detailed diagram of animal cell.

Animal cell

Image courtesy of OpenStax

A detailed diagram of plant cell.

Plant cell

Image courtesy of LadyofHats

Differentiating Between Organelles and Non-Organelles

It's crucial to distinguish between organelles and other significant cellular structures that aren't classified as organelles.


Cell Wall

  • Function: Found mainly in plant cells, it offers structural rigidity and protection against external stresses.
  • Components: Predominantly made of cellulose in plants, chitin in fungi, and peptidoglycan in bacteria.


  • Function: Like a cell's skeleton, it maintains cell shape, facilitates movement, and aids in intracellular transport.
  • Components: Comprises microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules.
Structure of cytoskeleton showing microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules.

Image courtesy of VectorMine


  • Function: It's the cellular milieu, wherein most cellular activities occur, excluding those happening within organelles.
  • Components: A mixture of cytosol (water, ions, and soluble molecules) and suspended cellular structures.


  • Function: Serve as cellular transport pods, moving materials within the cell.
  • Components: Small membrane-bound sacs filled with various substances, depending on their origin and purpose.


  • Function: Protein synthesis.
  • Components: Two subunits made of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and proteins.

Plasma Membrane

  • Function: Regulates the movement of substances, maintaining the cell's internal environment.
  • Components: Phospholipid bilayer interspersed with proteins, carbohydrates, and cholesterol.

Key Differentiators

  • Organelles are generally membrane-bound, ensuring a controlled internal environment, while many non-organelles aren't.
  • Organelles usually execute more intricate functions, often requiring a distinct environment.
  • While organelles are primarily in eukaryotic cells, many non-organelles exist in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

Scientific Progress in the Study of Organelle Function

The journey of demystifying organelles has been long and requires the amalgamation of observations, experiments, and technological innovations.

Microscopy Breakthroughs

Electron Microscopy

  • Allowed biologists to observe organelles in unprecedented detail, revealing structures unseen with traditional light microscopy.

Fluorescence Microscopy

  • Specific fluorescent dyes illuminate particular organelles, illuminating their movement and interactions in real-time.

Molecular Biology Insights

DNA Sequencing

  • This has provided invaluable data about organelle evolution. For instance, mitochondria and chloroplasts are proposed to have bacterial origins due to their DNA resemblance.

Biochemical Techniques

Cell Fractionation

  • By separating cellular components based on size and density, this technique lets biologists study organelle functions in isolation.


  • Analysing the protein constituents of organelles offers insights into their specific functions and interactions.

State-of-the-Art Technologies


  • Gene editing tools, like CRISPR, have revolutionised our ability to manipulate genes linked with organelle formation or function, enabling precise studies of their roles.

Super-Resolution Microscopy

  • By providing even higher resolution than electron microscopy, this has opened new frontiers in observing organelle structures and their interactions.


The cytoskeleton, comprising microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules, is instrumental in maintaining cellular structure and shape. Besides providing mechanical support, the cytoskeleton is pivotal in positioning organelles within the cell. For example, microtubules, with the help of motor proteins like kinesin and dynein, assist in the movement and placement of organelles such as mitochondria, lysosomes, and the Golgi apparatus. Additionally, the cytoskeleton aids in anchoring organelles in specific positions, ensuring optimal cellular function. In essence, the cytoskeleton not only imparts structural integrity but also ensures a well-organised cellular environment, facilitating efficient intracellular processes.

The abundance of specific organelles in a cell often mirrors the cell's primary function. For instance, muscle cells have numerous mitochondria to meet the high energy demands of muscle contraction. In contrast, cells synthesising and secreting proteins, like pancreatic cells, contain an extensive endoplasmic reticulum and numerous Golgi apparatus to facilitate protein synthesis, modification, and packaging. Additionally, cells that detoxify harmful substances, such as liver cells, have an abundance of smooth endoplasmic reticulum. It's essentially a tailored approach where the cell's organelle composition supports its specialised role, ensuring it performs its function efficiently.

Genetic research, especially with technologies like DNA sequencing and gene editing tools like CRISPR, has immensely bolstered our understanding of organelles. For instance, sequencing the mitochondrial DNA has reinforced the endosymbiotic theory, suggesting that mitochondria were once independent prokaryotic organisms that got engulfed by ancestral eukaryotic cells. Similarly, gene editing allows scientists to knock out or modify genes associated with organelle formation or function, enabling in-depth studies of their roles and interplay within cells. Furthermore, the study of genetic mutations linked to organelle malfunctions has provided insights into various diseases, establishing a bridge between cellular biology and medicine.

Cellular organelles often engage in direct and indirect communication to maintain cellular homeostasis. One direct form of communication is through membrane contact sites, where membranes of two organelles are closely juxtaposed, facilitating exchange of lipids or other small molecules. An example is the interaction between the endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. Indirectly, organelles communicate through vesicular transport, where vesicles bud off from one organelle and fuse with another, transferring their content. Furthermore, signalling molecules like calcium ions serve as messengers between organelles. Lastly, many organelles use the cell's cytoskeleton as a 'railway system' to move, ensuring they're in the correct position to communicate or collaborate.

Prokaryotic cells, primarily bacteria and archaea, are more simplistic in their cellular structure compared to eukaryotic cells. They lack a true nucleus and most of the membrane-bound organelles seen in eukaryotes. The absence is mainly due to evolutionary differences and the relatively smaller size and simpler functions of prokaryotes. For instance, while eukaryotes have mitochondria for energy production, prokaryotes produce energy directly in their cytoplasm. Similarly, the genetic material in prokaryotes is not enclosed within a nuclear membrane, eliminating the need for a nucleus. However, prokaryotes have specialised structures tailored for their survival and functions, like pili and flagella.

Practice Questions

Differentiate between organelles and non-organelles in cells. Provide two examples for each category.

Organelles are specialised membrane-bound structures within eukaryotic cells that carry out specific functions essential for the cell's survival and operation. Examples of organelles include the mitochondria, responsible for ATP production, and the Golgi apparatus, which modifies, sorts, and packages proteins. On the other hand, non-organelles are significant cellular structures that aren't classified as organelles, either due to their lack of a membrane or their basic function. Examples of non-organelles include the cytoskeleton, which provides structural support and aids in movement, and the plasma membrane, which regulates the entry and exit of substances in the cell.

Explain how advancements in microscopy have contributed to our understanding of organelle function.

The progression in microscopy techniques has been pivotal in enhancing our comprehension of organelle functions. Electron microscopy, for instance, has allowed scientists to visualise organelles at an unprecedented resolution, revealing intricate details of their structure and facilitating a better understanding of their roles. This type of microscopy was crucial in distinguishing the double-membraned nature of mitochondria and the compartmentalisation within the organelle. Fluorescence microscopy, using specific fluorescent dyes, has illuminated the dynamics of organelles in real-time, providing insights into their interactions, movement, and functionality within a living cell. Collectively, these advancements have revolutionised cell biology, offering a clearer and more detailed view of organelles and their operations.

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