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IB DP Biology Study Notes

2.10.2 Modes of Nutrition and Organism Classification

Understanding the intricacies of nutrition across diverse organisms provides insights into the complexities of ecological interactions. As organisms have evolved, they have developed unique modes of nutrition to optimise survival in their respective environments.

Obligate Anaerobes

  • Definition: Organisms that cannot live in the presence of oxygen.
  • Characteristics:
    • Environment: Found in places devoid of oxygen such as deep-sea vents, marshlands, and certain parts of animal digestive systems.
    • Metabolism: Primarily rely on fermentation processes, which allow them to extract energy in the absence of oxygen.
    • Enzymatic Composition: Lack certain enzymes that can neutralise harmful oxygen derivatives.
  • Importance:
    • Involved in essential processes, such as fermentation in yoghurt production.
    • Play a role in human health, especially within the gastrointestinal tract.

Facultative Anaerobes

  • Definition: Organisms that can thrive in both the presence and absence of oxygen.
  • Characteristics:
    • Metabolic Flexibility: Can switch between aerobic and anaerobic metabolism based on environmental conditions.
    • Advantage: Their versatility offers them a broader range of habitats compared to obligate aerobes or anaerobes.
  • Examples: E. coli in the human gut, yeast in bread-making, and certain fungi.

Obligate Aerobes

  • Definition: Organisms that strictly require oxygen to survive.
  • Characteristics:
    • Respiration: Entirely dependent on oxygen for cellular respiration, a process that produces ATP.
    • Enzymatic Composition: Have enzymes like catalase and superoxide dismutase to handle toxic by-products of oxygen metabolism.
  • Examples: Humans, birds, and many types of fungi.
Illustration of aerobic and anaerobic respiration.

Image courtesy of Teachoo

Photosynthesis in Various Organisms

Photosynthesis remains a critical process that underpins the survival of countless species and maintains atmospheric oxygen levels.


  • Mechanism: Use chlorophyll molecules within chloroplasts to capture light energy.
  • Reaction: Carbon dioxide and water are combined using light energy to produce glucose and oxygen.


  • Habitat: Primarily aquatic, ranging from freshwater to marine environments.
  • Pigments: Contain chlorophyll and other pigments like phycobilins and carotenoids that capture a wide range of light wavelengths.
  • Ecological Importance: Major contributors to global oxygen production and form the base of many aquatic food webs.
Picture showing algae in water

Image courtesy of Solasly

Cyanobacteria (Blue-green algae)

  • Cellular Structure: Prokaryotic structure, yet capable of advanced photosynthetic processes.
  • Historical Importance: Instrumental in oxygenating early Earth's atmosphere, paving the way for aerobic organisms.
  • Habitats: Can be found in freshwater environments, soil, and even extreme conditions like hot springs.
Picture of Cyanobacteria (Blue-green algae).

Cyanobacteria covered water and shoreline, St Margaret's Loch, Holyrood Park, Edinburgh.

Image courtesy of Rosser1954

Holozoic Nutrition in Animals

Holozoic nutrition is a step-by-step process involving several stages from ingestion to egestion.

  • Ingestion: The act of taking in food. In higher animals, this often involves specialised structures like mouths or beaks.
  • Digestion: A complex process that involves both mechanical (chewing, churning) and chemical (enzymatic breakdown) methods. It breaks food into absorbable units.
  • Absorption: Digested nutrients are taken up by cells lining the digestive tract and introduced into the bloodstream for distribution.
  • Assimilation: These nutrients are utilised by cells across the body, supporting growth, repair, and energy production.
  • Egestion: Undigested and unabsorbed remnants are expelled from the body, typically through the rectum in many animals.
Diagram showing Holozoic nutrition steps using amoeba as an example.

Image courtesy of Vedantu

Mixotrophic Nutrition in Protists

Protists showcase a blend of autotrophic and heterotrophic modes of nutrition.

  • Euglena:
    • Photosynthesis: Contains chloroplasts that capture sunlight to produce energy.
    • Heterotrophy: Can consume organic matter when sunlight is scarce.
  • Dinoflagellates:
    • Dual Role: Combine photosynthesis with predation, often consuming smaller organisms.

Saprotrophic Nutrition in Fungi and Bacteria

Saprotrophs play a pivotal role in decomposition, ensuring the continuous cycling of nutrients.

  • Mechanism: Secrete enzymes that break down external organic matter into simpler substances, which they then absorb.
  • Ecological Role:
    • Decompose dead organisms, facilitating nutrient recycling.
    • Maintain soil fertility by returning essential elements back to the soil.
Saprotrophs plants examples.

Image courtesy of TutWay

Diversity of Nutrition in Archaea

Archaea are ancient prokaryotes with unique nutritional methods.

  • Methanogens:
    • By-product: Release methane, a potent greenhouse gas.
    • Habitats: Thrive in anaerobic conditions like swamps or animal guts.
  • Halophiles:
    • Environment: Occupy hyper-saline environments.
    • Energy Production: Use light to produce ATP, but their method is distinct from classic photosynthesis.
  • Thermophiles:
    • Heat Lovers: Flourish in superheated environments such as geysers and hydrothermal vents.
  • Acidophiles:
    • Environment: Adapted to extremely acidic conditions, sometimes found around acid mine drainages.
Image showing archaea diversity

Image courtesy of Maulucioni


Methanogenic archaea produce methane (CH₄) as a by-product of their metabolic activities. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas, with a global warming potential much greater than carbon dioxide on a per molecule basis. This means that even in smaller quantities, methane can have a significant warming effect on Earth's climate. As methanogenic archaea thrive in anaerobic environments like rice paddies, wetlands, and the guts of ruminants, the methane they release contributes to atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. Over time, increased methane emissions, partly due to the activities of these archaea, could exacerbate global warming, impacting climate patterns and ecosystems.

Organisms that employ saprotrophic nutrition, particularly fungi and certain bacteria, play a crucial role in breaking down and recycling dead organic matter. This not only aids in nutrient cycling but also reduces environmental pollution and waste. By decomposing organic waste, including fallen leaves, dead animals, and wood, these saprotrophs convert potential pollutants into simpler, harmless compounds. Some specialised fungi and bacteria are even capable of breaking down pollutants like oil spills or plastic residues, assisting in bioremediation efforts. Through these processes, saprotrophic organisms contribute immensely to maintaining a cleaner and more sustainable environment.

Halophilic archaea, which thrive in hyper-saline environments, have evolved unique adaptations to counter the osmotic stress that would typically lead to cellular dehydration. One primary strategy is the accumulation of compatible solutes within their cells. These are organic compounds that don't interfere with cellular metabolism but help in maintaining osmotic balance. K+ ions are a major intracellular solute used by some halophiles. Furthermore, they possess unique proteins and enzymes adapted to function optimally in high salt conditions. Their cell walls and membranes have been adapted to retain water effectively, preventing the cell from shrinking in the salt-rich environment. These combined strategies ensure their survival in some of the saltiest habitats on Earth.

Protists with mixotrophic nutrition, such as Euglena, benefit from their dual modes of feeding by optimising their energy acquisition based on environmental conditions. When sunlight is abundant, they can perform photosynthesis using their chloroplasts, producing glucose as an energy source. During periods with limited sunlight or when organic matter is readily available, they can switch to heterotrophic feeding, consuming other microorganisms or organic substances. This adaptability ensures that they have a constant energy supply, giving them a competitive edge in varied environments where nutrient availability fluctuates.

Obligate anaerobes lack the necessary enzymes to deal with the toxic derivatives produced in the presence of oxygen. In aerobic environments, reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as superoxide radicals, hydrogen peroxide, and hydroxyl radicals can form. These ROS are harmful to cellular components and can cause damage to DNA, proteins, and lipids. Organisms that thrive in the presence of oxygen, like obligate aerobes, possess enzymes like catalase and superoxide dismutase, which neutralise these harmful compounds. However, obligate anaerobes, lacking these protective enzymes, experience detrimental oxidative stress in oxygen-rich environments, leading to cell damage and potential death.

Practice Questions

Differentiate between obligate anaerobes and facultative anaerobes, providing examples and explaining their metabolic capabilities.

Obligate anaerobes are organisms that cannot survive in the presence of oxygen due to their metabolic processes and often lack enzymes to handle oxygen's toxic derivatives. They primarily rely on fermentation or other anaerobic processes for energy. An example would be Clostridium tetani, the bacterium responsible for tetanus. In contrast, facultative anaerobes can thrive in both oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor environments. They can switch between aerobic respiration and anaerobic processes like fermentation based on the availability of oxygen. Escherichia coli, found in the human gut, is a classic example of a facultative anaerobe, showcasing metabolic flexibility to adapt to varying oxygen conditions.

Describe the importance and role of saprotrophic nutrition in fungi and bacteria within an ecosystem.

Saprotrophic nutrition, employed by many fungi and bacteria, involves the decomposition of dead organic matter. These organisms secrete extracellular enzymes that break down complex organic substances into simpler forms, which are then absorbed for nourishment. This mode of nutrition plays a pivotal role in ecosystems by facilitating nutrient recycling. As saprotrophs decompose dead organisms and waste materials, they return essential nutrients back to the soil, ensuring that these elements are available for plants and other primary producers. This maintains soil fertility and underpins the foundation of food webs, ensuring the continuity of life in various ecosystems.

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