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IB DP Biology Study Notes

1.3.9 LUCA's Evolution near Hydrothermal Vents

The Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA) is postulated to have evolved in the vicinity of hydrothermal vents. This intriguing theory is bolstered by various compelling evidences, ranging from fossilised traces of ancient seafloor vent precipitates to detailed genomic data.

Hydrothermal Vents: Delving Deeper

  • Definition: Hydrothermal vents are distinct openings on the seafloor from which geothermally heated water spurts. This superheated water is rich in dissolved chemicals due to reactions with the hot rock beneath.
  • Environment & Conditions:
    • Extreme Temperatures: The waters surrounding hydrothermal vents can reach up to 400°C. Yet, these high temperatures don't boil the water due to the immense pressures at these depths.
    • Chemical Composition: Vents spew out water laden with minerals like sulphides, methane, and hydrogen. This makes the environment chemically dynamic and energy-rich.
  • Life around Vents: Despite the extreme conditions, hydrothermal vents teem with life. They support unique ecosystems, and the primary producers here aren't plants but chemosynthetic bacteria that convert chemicals from the vents into energy.
A diagram of the Chemosynthesis process with energy source from hydrothermal vents.

Chemosynthesis process with energy source from hydrothermal vents.

Image courtesy of VectorMine

Fossilised Evidence from Ancient Seafloor Vent Precipitates

  • The Process of Precipitation:
    • When the mineral-laden superheated water from the vents meets the much colder seawater, it causes minerals to precipitate and settle around the vent's vicinity.
    • Over millennia, these precipitates can encapsulate and fossilise traces of life, creating a chronological record of biological activity.
  • Significance of Vent Precipitates:
    • Chemical Clues: Some fossils from these precipitates reveal chemical signatures reminiscent of microbial life, suggesting an environment teeming with bacteria and archaea that had adapted to the harsh vent conditions.
    • Cell-like Structures: These precipitates, when examined microscopically, occasionally show structures resembling microbes we observe today, hinting at the existence of ancient life forms in these locations.
  • Older than Anticipated: Among the most ancient fossils are those found in hydrothermal vent-associated rock formations, some being approximately 3.7 billion years old.
Ancient hydrothermal vent.

Image courtesy of MARUM

Delving into Genomic Analysis and Conserved Sequences

  • The Power of Genomics:
    • Genomic analysis enables scientists to dissect and scrutinise the entire genetic blueprint of an organism. Through this, evolutionary trajectories can be mapped and ancestral ties deciphered.
  • Reading Conserved Sequences:
    • Across the vast diversity of life, certain DNA sequences have remained relatively unchanged. These sequences' resilience against the tides of evolution suggests they have crucial roles, often fundamental to life's processes.
  • LUCA's Genetic Imprint:
    • Hot Beginnings: A significant proportion of the genes that remain conserved indicate a preference for life in high-temperature locales. This not only aligns with the hydrothermal vent theory but paints LUCA as potentially thermophilic.
    • The Shared Genetic Treasury: Observing genes that span across bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes provides insights into LUCA's genetic endowment, which has been passed down across the vast tapestry of life.
  • A Peek into History: The divergence of archaeal and bacterial lineages, known to include many extremophiles, is believed to have occurred early in the evolutionary timeline. This early split provides added weight to LUCA’s likely residence in extreme environments such as hydrothermal vents.
Histone alignment and conserved sequences.

Image courtesy of Thomas Shafee

Evaluating Challenges and Counterarguments

  • Exploring Other Theories: The hydrothermal vent hypothesis, while supported by various evidences, isn't the sole contender. Alternative theories propose other early Earth environments as LUCA’s cradle, including tidal pools and even different types of deep-sea vents like alkaline hydrothermal vents.
  • Direct Evidence: The Elusive Holy Grail: Due to the vast expanse of geological time separating us from LUCA, finding direct and irrefutable evidence remains a significant challenge. Our current knowledge, while highly suggestive, is built on circumstantial evidence.
  • A Spectrum of Vent Environments: Hydrothermal vents aren't monolithic. Their conditions can vary, with some possibly being too acidic or excessively hot for life as we know it. Therefore, the quest for LUCA's origin is also about identifying which specific hydrothermal environments were most conducive to early life.

A Holistic Gaze at LUCA's Hydrothermal Heritage

With the confluence of fossilised evidence and advanced genomic analysis, the hydrothermal vent theory regarding LUCA's origins stands on firm ground. The seafloor's vent precipitates, acting as chronological markers, chronicle a tale of life's resilience in the face of extreme adversity. Concurrently, conserved genetic sequences serve as molecular beacons, guiding us through the murky waters of evolutionary history.

Although challenges persist and alternative theories abound, the hydrothermal vent hypothesis remains a leading contender in the quest to decipher life's origins. The story of LUCA, intertwined with the fiery plumes of hydrothermal vents, continues to captivate, offering a profound reflection on life's tenacity and adaptability.


While hydrothermal vents are renowned for hosting diverse life forms, not all vents are suitable for life. The conditions around hydrothermal vents can vary widely. Some might be excessively acidic, some too hot, and others might release chemicals that are unsuitable for the organisms known to us. Life, as we understand it, has specific biochemical and physiological requirements. The extremes at certain vents might surpass the thresholds that even the most resilient extremophiles can endure. That said, many vents do have thriving ecosystems, showcasing life's remarkable adaptability and the diverse range of environments it can colonise.

Chemosynthesis and photosynthesis are both processes by which organisms produce energy and organic matter, but they harness different energy sources. Photosynthesis relies on sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. It's primarily carried out by plants, algae, and certain bacteria in sunlit regions. In contrast, chemosynthesis doesn't require sunlight. Instead, it derives energy from the oxidation of inorganic chemicals, like hydrogen sulphide, that spew from hydrothermal vents. Bacteria in these vent environments utilise this chemical energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into organic matter. While both processes produce organic compounds essential for life, the energy source and the primary organisms that perform them differ drastically.

The discovery of extremophiles, organisms that thrive in extreme environments like hydrothermal vents, has revolutionised our understanding of life's potential beyond Earth. If life can exist in the deep-sea vents on our planet, with their extreme temperatures, pressures, and chemical compositions, it raises the possibility that similar extreme environments on other celestial bodies might also harbour life. For instance, the icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn, like Europa and Enceladus, are believed to have subsurface oceans with potential hydrothermal activity. The existence of extremophiles on Earth in analogous conditions broadens the scope of our search for life in the universe, suggesting that life might be more resilient and adaptable than previously thought.

The transition of life from hydrothermal vent environments to other habitats was likely a gradual process, facilitated by evolution and adaptation. As organisms adapted to the vent environment began to diversify and evolve, some might have developed tolerance to slightly different conditions. Over time, these minute changes could accumulate, enabling these organisms to colonise nearby environments. The availability of different niches and ecological pressures in adjacent habitats would drive further evolution. As organisms continued to diversify and adapt, they could migrate farther away from the vents, eventually populating various marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Evolutionary pressures, genetic variations, and environmental opportunities worked in tandem to shape the vast diversity of life we see today.

Hydrothermal vents present a stark contrast to other marine ecosystems. Firstly, they exist in deep-sea regions, subjected to extreme pressures, where sunlight cannot penetrate. As a result, unlike most marine ecosystems, life around these vents doesn't rely on photosynthesis. Instead, it depends on chemosynthesis, a process where organisms derive energy from chemicals spewing out of the vents. Secondly, the waters around hydrothermal vents can be extraordinarily hot, sometimes reaching up to 400°C. This extreme temperature gradient, combined with the rich chemical environment, fosters unique and resilient life forms adapted specifically to these conditions, unlike the biodiversity observed in sunlit shallow marine habitats.

Practice Questions

Describe the significance of ancient seafloor vent precipitates in providing evidence for the hypothesis that LUCA evolved near hydrothermal vents.

Ancient seafloor vent precipitates play a pivotal role in the exploration of LUCA's origins. When superheated, mineral-laden water from hydrothermal vents meets cold seawater, minerals precipitate and accumulate around the vents. Over extended geological timeframes, these precipitates can encapsulate and fossilise traces of life, offering a chronological record of biological activity. Some of these fossils bear chemical signatures indicative of microbial life, suggesting an environment rich in bacteria and archaea that adapted to the challenging vent conditions. Moreover, certain precipitates display microscopic structures resembling modern-day microbes, providing further support for the existence of ancient life forms in the vicinity of these vents. The discovery of some of the oldest known fossils in hydrothermal vent-associated rock formations bolsters the hypothesis of LUCA's hydrothermal heritage.

How do conserved genetic sequences across different domains of life, obtained through genomic analysis, lend support to the theory of LUCA's origin in extreme environments like hydrothermal vents?

Conserved genetic sequences are sections of DNA that have remained relatively unchanged across different domains of life, indicating their critical roles and a shared ancestry. Genomic analyses of these sequences reveal that a significant portion of the genes display a preference for high-temperature environments, resonating with the hydrothermal vent conditions. Such thermal preferences suggest that LUCA could have been thermophilic, thriving in the heated surroundings of vents. Furthermore, the presence of shared genes across bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes provides insights into LUCA's genetic makeup, indicating a universal set of genes originating from a common ancestor. The early divergence of archaeal and bacterial lineages, many of which include extremophiles, further reinforces the idea that LUCA was accustomed to extreme environments, likely hydrothermal vents.

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