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IB DP Biology Study Notes

1.3.2 Cells as Smallest Units of Life

To understand the intricacies of life, we must delve deep into the cellular realm. This section will guide you through the distinctions between living and non-living entities, with a special focus on the enigmatic nature of viruses.

Distinguishing Between Living and Non-living Entities

Characteristics of Living Organisms

All living organisms, irrespective of their size or complexity, share common characteristics:

  • Growth and Development: Throughout their life, living organisms undergo various stages of growth. This process isn’t just limited to an increase in size. As organisms grow, they often become more complex, developing new structures or functions. For instance, a tadpole develops limbs and loses its tail as it matures into a frog.
  • Reproduction: Central to life is the ability to reproduce. This can take place sexually, involving the fusion of male and female gametes, or asexually, where a single organism can produce offspring without the involvement of another.
  • Metabolism: Metabolic reactions are the set of life-sustaining chemical transformations within the cells of organisms. These include breaking down organic matter to harvest energy (catabolism) and using that energy to build cellular components (anabolism).
Diagram of metabolism (catabolism and anabolism).

Image courtesy of Christinelmiller

  • Response to Stimuli: Living organisms react to their environment. This could range from the simple act of sunflowers turning towards sunlight to more complex behaviours like animals responding to danger.
  • Homeostasis: To function optimally, organisms need certain conditions within their internal environment to remain stable, even when external conditions change. This regulation of the internal environment is known as homeostasis.
A cycle of blood glucose homeostasis.

Image courtesy of Christinelmiller

  • Cellularity: At the heart of the definition of life is the concept of the cell. Whether organisms are unicellular (like bacteria) or multicellular (like humans or trees), their body is made up of cells. The cell is the basic structural and functional unit of all known living organisms.

Non-living Entities

In contrast, non-living things:

  • Do Not Exhibit Growth in a Biological Sense: While they might expand or contract, this isn't a result of cell division or development. For example, a rock might erode or break, but it doesn’t grow.
  • Lack Reproduction: They cannot produce a replica or offspring of themselves through any innate biological mechanisms.
  • Show No Metabolic Processes: There’s no internal chemical activity based on enzymes.
  • Remain Unresponsive to External Stimuli: They won't adapt or change based on their environment in a biological sense.
  • Cannot Maintain Homeostasis: They have no internal environment to regulate.

Viruses: Straddling the Line Between Living and Non-living

The nature of viruses presents a unique puzzle in biology due to their characteristics which seem to straddle the boundary between living and non-living.

Structure of Viruses

A typical virus is composed of:

  • Genetic Material: This is the essence of a virus and can be DNA or RNA. This material contains the instructions for making new viruses.
  • Protein Coat: Known as a capsid, this protective layer surrounds the genetic material. It can be simple or complex in structure and assists the virus in infecting its host.

Some viruses also have an envelope, a lipid layer acquired from the host cell during viral replication.

A diagram of the genetic material of virus.

Image courtesy of domdomegg

A labelled diagram of bacteriophage virus structure.

Image courtesy of skypicsstudio

Characteristics of Viruses

When we juxtapose viruses with living organisms:

  • No Cellular Structure: Viruses lack the hallmark of life – cells. They don't possess cellular components like cytoplasm, organelles, or a cell membrane.
  • Reproduction Through Host Mechanisms: Alone, a virus cannot reproduce. It infiltrates a host cell and commandeers its machinery to generate copies of itself.
  • Dormant Metabolism: Outside a host cell, metabolic inertia reigns. Viruses show metabolic activities only within a host.
  • Assembly, Not Growth: Instead of growing, viruses are assembled in the host cells they infect.
  • Lack of Homeostasis: With no internal cellular environment, viruses cannot engage in homeostasis.
Life cycle of viruses- Replication of viruses.

Image courtesy of designua

Why are Viruses Considered Non-living?

Given their unique characteristics:

  • Host Cell Dependency: A virus’s existence is almost entirely reliant on its host cell. In its absence, a virus is just a dormant particle, showing none of the characteristics typically associated with life.
  • Lack of Complexity: While they possess genetic material, viruses lack the cellular machinery which is pivotal to life.
  • Existence in Stasis: Outside of a host, a virus is inactive, lying in wait. Only when it encounters a suitable host does it ‘spring to life’, by hijacking the host’s cellular mechanisms.


Homeostasis is vital for living organisms as it ensures the stability of their internal environment, facilitating optimum conditions for cellular activities. Living cells require certain concentrations of solutes, appropriate pH levels, and specific temperature ranges to function effectively. Disruptions in these conditions can impair cellular processes or even lead to cell death. In contrast, viruses are much simpler entities, lacking the intricacies of cellular systems and the metabolic activities that require regulated conditions. Since viruses don't possess a cellular structure or an internal environment like living cells, the concept of maintaining homeostasis is not applicable to them.

Once a virus infects a host cell, it hijacks the cellular machinery to fulfil its own objectives, mainly replication. The virus introduces its genetic material into the cell, and depending on the type of virus, it may integrate with the host's DNA or stay separate. The host cell's machinery then starts producing viral RNA or DNA and viral proteins as instructed by the viral genome. These newly synthesised components are then assembled into new virus particles within the host cell. After a sufficient number of virus particles are produced, they often exit the host cell to infect other cells. This egress might involve the cell's lysis (rupture) or a more controlled release mechanism.

Viruses don't grow like living organisms because they lack the cellular machinery and processes that facilitate growth. In living organisms, growth is generally associated with an increase in cell number through cell division or an increase in cell size. Viruses, being non-cellular, don't divide or increase in size. Instead, they reproduce by assembling new virus particles inside a host cell. The necessary components, such as viral proteins and genetic material, are synthesised within the host cell, and then these components self-assemble to form new virus particles. Thus, the process is more of an assembly line production rather than organic growth.

'Metabolic inertia' in viruses refers to their lack of metabolic activity when they are outside a host cell. While living cells continuously perform metabolic reactions, like breaking down glucose for energy or synthesising proteins, viruses remain metabolically dormant or inactive outside a host. This inert state is in stark contrast to their behaviour inside a host cell, where they exploit the cell's metabolic machinery to reproduce and perform other functions. The term 'inertia' in this context aptly describes the virus's inability to exhibit life-like characteristics, such as metabolism, unless they are within the confines of a suitable host.

Determining if an entity is living or non-living can be challenging, especially when it exhibits some but not all characteristics of life, like viruses. Scientists rely on a set of criteria that an entity must fulfil to be categorised as living. This includes characteristics like cellularity, metabolism, reproduction, growth and development, response to stimuli, and homeostasis. If an entity does not meet all these criteria, it's generally not considered fully living. However, it's essential to note that the boundary between living and non-living is a topic of debate in biology, and certain entities, like viruses, lie in a grey area, challenging our traditional definitions.

Practice Questions

Explain the primary differences between living and non-living entities, and provide reasons for classifying viruses as non-living.

Living entities possess distinct characteristics, such as the capability for growth and development, reproduction, metabolism, response to stimuli, homeostasis, and cellularity. In contrast, non-living entities lack these characteristics and functions. They don't exhibit growth in a biological sense, cannot reproduce or show metabolic processes, remain unresponsive to stimuli, and can't maintain homeostasis. Viruses, while possessing some traits of living organisms, primarily when inside a host cell, don't meet all criteria defining life. They lack cellular structures, can't reproduce independently, show dormant metabolism outside a host, and lack homeostasis. Therefore, viruses are generally considered non-living entities in biology.

Describe the typical structure of a virus and explain why, despite having genetic material, viruses are not considered living organisms.

A typical virus is composed of genetic material, either DNA or RNA, and a protective protein coat known as a capsid. Some viruses also possess an outer lipid layer called an envelope, acquired from the host cell. Despite having genetic material, viruses are not deemed living organisms because they lack the fundamental characteristics of life when outside a host cell. They have no cellular structure, cannot reproduce on their own, remain metabolically dormant, and lack homeostasis. Their existence is majorly dependent on host cells, and they only exhibit life-like traits when inside a suitable host, thereby classifying them as non-living in biological terms.

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