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IB DP Biology Study Notes

1.3.8 Estimation of Dates

Delving into Earth's deep past gives us an understanding of the history of life on our planet. The methods utilised to estimate the chronology of biological events are vital for constructing a coherent story of life's evolution, particularly concerning the appearance of the first living cells and the last universal common ancestor (LUCA).

Approaches to Estimating Dates

Radiometric Dating

  • Principle: This technique is grounded in the concept that specific radioactive elements decay over predictable timeframes. By analysing the relative proportions of an original radioactive isotope and its decay products in a sample, the age of that sample can be inferred.
Process of radiometric or radioactive dating.

Image courtesy of Expii

  • Potassium-argon dating: Especially useful for dating geological samples like rocks and minerals that range between 100,000 years and several billion years old.
    • How it works: Potassium-40 decays to argon-40 at a known rate. By measuring the ratio of these isotopes in a rock, its age can be deduced.
  • Carbon-14 dating: Tailored for dating organic materials up to around 50,000 years old.
    • How it works: Living organisms absorb carbon-14. Upon death, the carbon-14 starts decaying to nitrogen-14. The remaining carbon-14 in a sample can help determine when the organism died.
A diagram of C-14 radiocarbon dating.

Image courtesy of Peter Hermes Furian

Fossil Evidence

  • Principle: Fossils serve as windows to past life. The age of the rock layer where a fossil is found can help deduce a minimum age for the organism it represents.
    • Stratigraphy: This method involves studying rock layers. Older layers are generally found below younger layers, aiding in sequencing events.
    • Limitation: The fossil record is incomplete. Soft-bodied organisms and those that didn't fossilise readily have left gaps in our knowledge.
A diagram of fossil study based on rock layers.

Image courtesy of Jillcurie

Molecular Clocks

  • Principle: Over generations, genetic mutations accumulate at roughly consistent rates. By contrasting the DNA or protein sequences between species, and accounting for mutation rates, we can infer the time since their last shared ancestor.
    • Calibration: This technique often needs fossil record data to validate and calibrate estimated divergence times.

The Immense Timeline of Life's Evolution

To truly fathom life's evolutionary saga on Earth, one must delve into key milestones:

Earth's Formation and Prebiotic Evolution

  • 4.6 billion years ago (BYA): Our planet forms.
  • 4.1-3.8 BYA: Ancient carbon isotopes and fossilised microorganisms indicate the potential dawn of life.

Dominance of Prokaryotes

  • 3.5 BYA: Evidence points to the existence of cyanobacteria, photosynthetic bacteria that had a pivotal role in enriching our atmosphere with oxygen.

The Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA)

  • 3.5-2.5 BYA: Molecular clock estimations place LUCA within this timeframe.
    • LUCA was not the inaugural life form, but symbolises a crucial divergence point in the evolutionary tree, leading to today's distinct domains of life: bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes.

Advent of Eukaryotes

  • 2-1.5 BYA: Both fossil and molecular data support the theory that eukaryotic cells, characterised by a nucleus and complex organelles, arose during this period.
A diagram of the billion years of earth and evolution.

Image courtesy of LadyofHats

Challenges in Estimation

  • Incomplete Fossil Record: Soft-bodied organisms and those living in environments unsuitable for fossilisation contribute to gaps in our chronological knowledge.
  • Continuously Evolving Techniques: As technological and methodological advancements occur, our perceptions of ancient timelines are further refined.

Appreciating the Vast Timeline

To offer a sense of this vast chronology:

  • Homo sapiens, our species, has been around for roughly 300,000 years. If we were to imagine Earth's entire 4.6-billion-year history condensed into a single 24-hour day:
    • The curtain-raiser, the formation of Earth, would be at midnight.
    • Prokaryotes would make their debut around 6 a.m.
    • Eukaryotes would join the scene just before 9 p.m.
    • We, modern humans, would step onto the stage a mere 1 minute and 17 seconds before the day's end.

This vast stretch of time emphasises the slow, yet relentless, pace of evolution and underscores the fleeting presence of humans in the grand theatre of Earth's biological history.

Broader Implications for Biological Studies

A grasp of life's timeline:

  • Enriches our comprehension of the origin narratives of life.
  • Offers a backdrop against which evolutionary developments can be contextualised, highlighting the extensive periods over which evolutionary forces act.
  • Reinforces the idea of a shared lineage, underpinning the concept that every life form on Earth is interconnected through a vast web of ancestry.


Radiometric dating methodologies do acknowledge the risks of contamination and environmental alterations. To account for these, scientists use multiple samples, rigorous sample preparation techniques, and cross-checks with other dating methods. For instance, if a sample is believed to be contaminated, it may showcase an unexpected ratio of isotopes. By comparing results across multiple samples from the same rock layer or using different isotopic systems, discrepancies can be spotted. Additionally, advanced lab procedures aim to eliminate contaminants and ensure the purity of the sample being analysed. If potential alterations due to environmental conditions are suspected, such as heating events that could release argon in potassium-argon dating, these are factored into interpretations.

An "incomplete" fossil record signifies that not all organisms that ever lived on Earth have been preserved as fossils or have yet been discovered. Several factors contribute to this. Firstly, many organisms, especially soft-bodied ones, don't fossilise well, leaving gaps in the record. Secondly, environmental factors such as erosion, tectonic movements, and other geological processes can destroy or hide fossils. Lastly, there are likely many fossilised organisms that remain buried deep within the Earth, awaiting discovery. Thus, while the fossil record provides a window into Earth's biological history, it's a fragmented view, with many chapters missing or yet to be unearthed.

The mutation rate for molecular clocks is established through a combination of direct observations and fossil records. Direct observations involve studying populations over multiple generations to identify how frequently mutations occur. For longer timescales, the mutation rate is cross-referenced and calibrated using the fossil record. By comparing genetic material from modern organisms with that from ancient, preserved specimens, researchers can deduce how many mutations have accumulated over the time span represented by the fossil's age. With this, they can establish an average mutation rate, which is then used in the molecular clock method to estimate divergence times of lineages.

Carbon-14 dating is tailored for relatively recent organic samples, up to around 50,000 years old. This method revolves around the decay of carbon-14 to nitrogen-14, a process that happens over thousands of years, not billions. When a living organism dies, it ceases to intake carbon-14, and the existing carbon-14 in its body starts decaying. By measuring the remaining amount in a sample, we can estimate the time since its death. However, for very ancient samples, like the oldest rocks or the earliest life forms, almost all the carbon-14 would have decayed, rendering this method ineffective for such time scales.

The term "Last Universal Common Ancestor" (LUCA) highlights that this organism was not the first life form, but rather the most recent common ancestor from which all extant life on Earth is descended. It represents a pivotal point in evolutionary history after which major lineages leading to today's diverse life forms began. If we were to trace back the evolutionary tree of all current life, we'd converge at LUCA. By contrast, using the term "First" might mistakenly imply that LUCA was the origin of life, which isn't the case. There were likely many forms of life prior to LUCA, but their lineages did not persist to the present in the same way.

Practice Questions

Explain two methods used by scientists to estimate the dates of the first living cells on Earth, and discuss one limitation of each method.

Scientists utilise radiometric dating and fossil evidence to estimate the dates of the first living cells on Earth. Radiometric dating is based on the predictable decay rates of certain radioactive isotopes. For example, carbon-14 dating is employed for organic material up to around 50,000 years old. A limitation of this method is its relatively short timeframe; it cannot be used to date ancient life forms from billions of years ago. Fossil evidence involves studying the age of rocks containing fossils, providing a tangible record of past life. Stratigraphy, the study of rock layers, can help sequence events. A significant limitation, however, is the incomplete nature of the fossil record, especially for soft-bodied organisms that did not readily fossilise.

Describe the significance of the Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA) in the context of life's evolutionary timeline and discuss one piece of evidence supporting its existence.

The Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA) holds immense significance in the evolutionary narrative of life on Earth. It represents a pivotal divergence point in life's evolutionary history, marking the split leading to today's bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes. LUCA wasn't necessarily the first organism, but it is the most recent common ancestor of all current life on Earth. One compelling piece of evidence supporting LUCA's existence is molecular data, specifically the molecular clocks technique. By comparing DNA or protein sequences across various organisms and considering the consistent rate of genetic mutations, scientists can infer the timeline since their last shared ancestor, placing LUCA between 3.5-2.5 billion years ago.

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