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IB DP Biology Study Notes

1.2.3 DNA Replication and Diversity

DNA, a fascinating molecule of life, holds an unparalleled capacity to retain vast amounts of genetic information. Its conservative nature, shared across diverse organisms, coupled with its meticulous replication through complementary base pairing, guarantees life's continuity and diversity.

DNA: The Ultimate Genetic Library

  • Nature of DNA: Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a biopolymer comprised of nucleotide subunits. Each nucleotide consists of three components:
    • Phosphate Group: An acidic group that binds the sugar to the next nucleotide.
    • Deoxyribose Sugar: A pentose sugar that forms the backbone of DNA.
    • Nitrogenous Base: The information-bearing component, which can be adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), or guanine (G).
  • Genetic Encoding: The sequential arrangement of these nitrogenous bases encodes the organism's genetic information. A single gene might comprise thousands of these bases in a specific sequence.
    • For example, the sequence ATCGTT could provide instructions for synthesising a particular amino acid sequence in a protein, whereas CCGTAA might instruct for a different sequence.

Conservation Across the Tree of Life

  • Universal Code: The genetic code, defined by sequences of three nucleotides termed codons, remarkably remains conserved across organisms. From bacteria to blue whales, the same codon typically translates to the same amino acid.
    • For instance, the codon ATG encodes for the amino acid methionine in both humans and yeast.
  • Historical Glimpse: This universality implies a common evolutionary root, suggesting that all life forms descended from a singular ancestral entity that used this code.
  • The Exceptions: Though largely conserved, nature presents exceptions. Some organisms, primarily in mitochondria or certain microbes, exhibit variations in their genetic code. These deviations, while rare, underscore the dynamic nature of evolution.
Diagram showing codon using codon for phenyalanine as an example.

Image courtesy of Expii

Complementary Base Pairing: The Heart of Replication

  • Principle Defined: DNA's double helical structure elucidated by Watson and Crick in 1953 is underpinned by the principle of complementary base pairing. The specificity of this pairing - adenine (A) with thymine (T) and cytosine (C) with guanine (G) - ensures faithful replication.

DNA Replication: A Stepwise Process

  • Initiation: DNA replication commences at specific sequences termed 'origins of replication'. At these sites, initiator proteins bind, allowing other replication machinery to assemble.
  • DNA Helicase: Acting like a molecular zipper, this enzyme breaks the hydrogen bonds between the bases, bifurcating the DNA molecule into two template strands.
  • Single-strand Binding Proteins: These stabilise the separated strands, preventing them from snapping back into their double-stranded form.
  • Primase: An enzyme that synthesises a short RNA primer, providing a starting point for the addition of DNA nucleotides.
  • DNA Polymerase: The workhorse of replication, this enzyme reads the template strand and synthesises the complementary strand. Owing to its directionality, synthesis on one strand is continuous (leading strand), while on the opposite strand it's fragmented (lagging strand).
  • DNA Ligase: On the lagging strand, this enzyme seals gaps between the fragmented sections, ensuring a continuous strand.
A diagram of the DNA replication process and different enzymes involved in it.

Image courtesy of Christinelmiller

Accuracy and Precision in Replication

  • Enzymatic Proofreading: DNA polymerase doesn't just synthesise DNA; it checks its work. If it inserts an incorrect nucleotide, it can remove and replace it - a function called proofreading.
  • Mismatch Repair Mechanisms: Post-replication, other proteins scan the DNA for mismatches missed by DNA polymerase. Recognising such errors, these proteins excise the mispaired nucleotide and fill in the correct base.
  • Significance: This two-tiered error-checking system ensures DNA's incredible replication accuracy, resulting in only about one mistake for every 10 billion bases replicated.
Diagram showing proofreading, mismatch repair and nucleotide excision mechanisms during DNA replication.

Image courtesy of Eunice Laurent

Generating Diversity: Beyond Simple Replication

  • Mutations: While replication is mostly accurate, errors do occur, either spontaneously or induced by external factors such as UV radiation or mutagenic chemicals. These alterations, termed mutations, can introduce novel genetic variations.
Representation of mutations in  DNA bases.

Image courtesy of HBGautor

  • Recombination: During meiosis in sexual reproduction, chromosomes from both parents undergo a 'genetic shuffle'. This process, called recombination or crossing-over, ensures offspring inherit a unique mosaic of their parent's genes.
A diagram showing synapsis and crossing over leading to recombination.

Image courtesy of Christinelmiller

Implications of Diversity: Genetic diversity serves as the raw material for evolution. Beneficial mutations can provide an evolutionary advantage, neutral ones might have no immediate effect, and detrimental mutations can be deleterious or lethal.


Organisms have evolved sophisticated mechanisms to handle mistakes made during DNA replication. One of the primary mechanisms is the 'proofreading' capability of the enzyme DNA polymerase. As it synthesises the new strand, it checks the newly added nucleotides for correct pairing. If an incorrect nucleotide is detected, DNA polymerase can remove and replace it. Beyond this, post-replication, there are 'mismatch repair' mechanisms where specific proteins scan the DNA to detect and correct mismatches. Lastly, there are damage repair mechanisms that can handle larger scale DNA damage like thymine dimers. These combined processes ensure the high fidelity of DNA replication.

The genetic code is described as 'degenerate' because more than one codon (sequence of three nucleotides) can code for the same amino acid. In other words, the genetic code has redundancy. This means that a change or mutation in the third position of a codon might not necessarily result in a change in the amino acid being coded for. This degeneracy provides a buffer against mutations, ensuring that even if mutations occur in DNA, they might not always lead to changes in the protein produced. Such a feature contributes to the stability of organisms' genetic makeup and decreases the potential deleterious effects of mutations.

If complementary base pairing is not accurately followed during DNA replication, mismatches can occur, leading to mutations in the replicated DNA strand. These mutations can alter the genetic information carried by the DNA, potentially leading to the production of non-functional or harmful proteins. Over time, such mutations can accumulate and might lead to various disorders, diseases, or phenotypic changes in organisms. However, cells have evolved mechanisms, like DNA proofreading and mismatch repair, to detect and correct these mismatches. Nevertheless, not all errors get corrected, and some might get passed onto subsequent generations, contributing to genetic diversity and evolution.

DNA's structure is intrinsically linked to its function. The double helix structure, comprised of two antiparallel strands, provides stability and protection for the genetic code stored in the sequences of the nitrogenous bases. The phosphate backbone offers a shield to the more chemically vulnerable bases inside, safeguarding the genetic information from external chemical threats. Furthermore, the double-stranded nature facilitates the process of replication by having each strand serve as a template for synthesising a new complementary strand. This ensures the faithful transfer of genetic information across cell generations, and it's the meticulous arrangement of these bases that encodes the genetic information vital for organismal function.

Genetic diversity is advantageous for populations as it provides a reservoir of varied genetic information that can be acted upon by natural selection. In changing environments, individuals with specific genetic variants might have a survival or reproductive advantage over others. Over time, these advantageous genes become more common in the population, allowing the population to adapt to the new conditions. Without genetic diversity, populations could become vulnerable to diseases, environmental changes, or other threats, as they would lack the variability needed for evolution and adaptation. In essence, genetic diversity ensures the long-term survival and adaptability of populations.

Practice Questions

Describe the significance of complementary base pairing in the DNA replication process.

Complementary base pairing is fundamental to the DNA replication process, ensuring its accuracy and precision. During replication, the enzyme DNA polymerase reads the template strand and synthesises the new strand by adding nucleotides that are complementary to the bases on the template strand. Adenine pairs with thymine and cytosine pairs with guanine. This specific pairing ensures that the genetic information is faithfully copied, preserving the integrity of genetic information through successive generations. Additionally, the enzyme DNA polymerase has a proofreading function that detects mismatches and corrects them, further ensuring the accuracy of replication.

Explain the evolutionary significance of the conservation of the genetic code across different life forms.

The conservation of the genetic code across various life forms suggests a shared evolutionary origin, implying that all known organisms descended from a common ancestor. This universality of the genetic code indicates the stability and efficiency of the code, which has been preserved throughout billions of years of evolution. Such conservation also allows for genes to be transferred between different species (as seen in genetic engineering) and still produce the same proteins. This shared genetic language is a testament to the interconnectedness of all life on Earth, highlighting the evolutionary relationships and shared heritage among diverse species.

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