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IB DP Biology Study Notes

1.2.2 Molecular Structure and Bonding

Nucleic acids, primarily DNA and RNA, are fundamental components in cellular biology, acting as the blueprints of life. These molecules, structured meticulously, store the genetic information required for the intricate processes of life. Grasping their molecular architecture, specifically their sugar-phosphate backbones and base pairings, is crucial for understanding the mechanics of genetics.

Sugar-Phosphate Bonding in DNA and RNA

Both DNA and RNA are polymers, comprising repeating units called nucleotides. These nucleotides, though seemingly simple, are the foundation of genetic encoding. Delving into their structure:

Components of a Nucleotide

  • Phosphate Group: This is essentially a molecule in which a phosphorus atom is bonded to four oxygen atoms, carrying a negative charge due to the oxygen atoms.
  • Five-Carbon Sugar: DNA uses deoxyribose, which lacks an oxygen atom that RNA's ribose possesses. This subtle difference gives DNA its 'deoxy' prefix.
  • Nitrogenous Base: Depending on whether it's DNA or RNA, the base will vary. These bases are the key to the genetic code.
A diagram showing nitrogenous bases and Sugar-Phosphate Bonding in DNA.

Image courtesy of National Human Genome Research Institute

Formation of the Backbone

The sugar and phosphate components of the nucleotides form a backbone, like the spine of a book binding together its pages. A phosphodiester bond is established when the phosphate group of one nucleotide forms two ester bonds with the sugars of adjacent nucleotides. This bond ensures the linear structure of both DNA and RNA.

Bases Forming the Genetic Code

The genetic code isn't merely a random assortment of bases. It's a meticulously ordered sequence, much like letters forming words in a sentence. The precise sequence of these bases is what spells out genetic instructions.

DNA Bases

Four distinct nitrogenous bases form the heart of DNA:

  • Adenine (A): A purine base known for its double ring structure.
  • Thymine (T): A pyrimidine base, characterised by a single ring structure.
  • Cytosine (C): Another pyrimidine base, crucial for its pairing with guanine.
  • Guanine (G): The second purine base in DNA, recognisable by its double ring.

RNA Bases

RNA's base structure is similar to DNA but with a twist:

  • Adenine (A): Just like in DNA.
  • Uracil (U): A pyrimidine base replacing thymine in RNA.
  • Cytosine (C): Identical to its DNA counterpart.
  • Guanine (G): Same as in DNA.
Chemical structures of DNA and RNA bases.

Image courtesy of MichaƂ Sobkowski

Significance of Complementary Base Pairing

Nature's design of base pairing is impeccable. This complementarity ensures the stable double-helix structure of DNA and the accurate transmission of genetic information.


  • Adenine pairs with Thymine (A-T): This pairing is facilitated by two hydrogen bonds, ensuring a secure yet breakable bond.
Representation of Chemical bonding between adenine and thymine bases.

Image courtesy of Isilanes

  • Cytosine pairs with Guanine (C-G): This bond is even stronger, fortified by three hydrogen bonds.
Representation of Chemical bonding between guanine and cytosine bases.

Image courtesy of Isilanes


  • Adenine pairs with Uracil (A-U): Mirroring DNA's A-T pairing but using uracil instead of thymine.
Representation of Chemical bonding between adenine and uracil bases.

Image courtesy of Yikrazuul

  • Cytosine pairs with Guanine (C-G): Remaining consistent with DNA's base pairing.

Role in Replication

For life to persist, cells must divide, and for cells to divide, DNA must replicate. Here's how complementary base pairing aids this:

  • Unwinding of DNA: With the help of enzymes, the DNA helix unwinds, exposing each strand.
  • Function of DNA polymerase: This enzyme plays a vital role by adding complementary nucleotides to the exposed strands.
  • Formation of Daughter Strands: As each base pairs up using the rules of complementarity (A with T, C with G), two new DNA strands are formed, ensuring genetic continuity.
A diagram of the unwinding of DNA strands and formation of new complementary strands.

Unwinding of DNA strands and formation of new daughter strands.

Image courtesy of Madprime

Role in Expression

Genetic expression is the way information from genes is used in the synthesis of functional products:

  • Transcription: DNA's information is transcribed to produce messenger RNA (mRNA). Complementary base pairing ensures the produced mRNA mirrors the DNA segment it originates from, but with uracil replacing thymine.
  • Translation: This mRNA then travels to the cell's ribosomes, where it's read and used to guide protein synthesis. Transfer RNA (tRNA) recognises specific three-base sequences in the mRNA and delivers the appropriate amino acid.

Implications of Base Pairing

  • Genetic Integrity: Complementary base pairing guarantees the genetic information's integrity during processes like replication. Errors (mutations) are rare, showcasing nature's precision.
  • Information Transfer: The universality of this genetic code, based on the four bases, allows for the conservation of genetic information across myriad life forms, ensuring continuity and evolution.


The double helix structure of DNA offers multiple functional advantages. Firstly, the intertwined strands provide a level of protection to the nitrogenous bases inside, shielding them from potential chemical damage. Secondly, the double-stranded nature allows for the principle of complementarity. Each strand can serve as a template for replication, ensuring accurate transmission of genetic information. Furthermore, the helical structure permits DNA to be packed efficiently into chromosomes, fitting vast amounts of genetic information into the tiny nucleus of a cell. Lastly, the double helix allows for regulatory proteins to bind and control gene expression, playing a crucial role in cellular processes.

The use of uracil in RNA instead of thymine is an evolutionary relic. Early in the evolution of life, uracil was likely cheaper and easier for cells to produce. However, uracil is more susceptible to mutations by deamination, where it can convert to cytosine. In the more stable, long-lasting DNA molecules, having thymine (which is essentially uracil with a methyl group) offers an added protection against such mutations. If deamination occurred in DNA with uracil, it would be hard to recognise and repair. By having thymine, cells can easily recognise the error and repair it, maintaining DNA's integrity.

Hydrogen bonds are non-covalent interactions that play a pivotal role in nucleic acid structure and function. In DNA, hydrogen bonds form between complementary base pairs: A-T forms two hydrogen bonds, while C-G forms three. These bonds provide the necessary stability to maintain the double helix structure. However, they're also weak enough to allow the strands to separate during processes like replication and transcription. Without hydrogen bonding, the strands wouldn't stay together, but if the bonds were too strong, the strands wouldn't separate when needed. Thus, hydrogen bonds strike a delicate balance, offering stability while still permitting flexibility in function.

Phosphodiester bonds provide stability to nucleic acids due to their strong covalent nature. They link the 5' carbon atom of one sugar molecule to the 3' carbon atom of another via a phosphate group. This creates a sugar-phosphate backbone for the nucleic acid strand. The negative charges on the phosphate groups contribute to the molecule's overall stability by repelling nucleases, enzymes that could potentially break down the nucleic acid. Additionally, the regular, repeating structure formed by these bonds offers rigidity and resistance to enzymatic degradation, ensuring the integrity of the genetic code.

The simplicity yet versatility of the four bases in DNA and RNA is a hallmark of evolution. These bases provide an optimum balance between genetic complexity and accuracy in replication. Four bases allow for a 64-codon combination (4 x 4 x 4) in the genetic code, which is more than sufficient to encode the 20 amino acids required to construct proteins in living organisms. Having more bases could increase the potential for errors during replication and transcription, while fewer bases might not provide the necessary diversity needed for complex life forms.

Practice Questions

Describe the significance of complementary base pairing in DNA replication and genetic expression.

Complementary base pairing is integral to both DNA replication and genetic expression. During replication, DNA unwinds, and each strand acts as a template. Complementary base pairing ensures the new strand is an exact replica of the original. Adenine pairs with thymine, and cytosine pairs with guanine, ensuring genetic information is precisely copied. When it comes to genetic expression, during transcription, DNA's base sequence is transcribed into mRNA. Here, thymine is replaced by uracil in RNA. This mRNA then guides protein synthesis in translation. Complementary base pairing ensures that genetic information is accurately transferred from DNA to RNA, and subsequently, to proteins.

Explain the differences in the sugar-phosphate backbone structure of DNA and RNA, highlighting the role of their respective sugars.

The sugar-phosphate backbone of DNA and RNA forms the structural framework of these nucleic acids. The key difference lies in the sugar component. DNA contains the sugar deoxyribose, which is missing one oxygen atom that is present in the ribose sugar of RNA. This absence gives DNA its 'deoxy' prefix. The deoxyribose in DNA makes the molecule more stable and less reactive compared to RNA, suitable for its long-term genetic storage role. In contrast, RNA, with its ribose sugar, is more reactive and is often involved in more transient processes in the cell, such as protein synthesis through mRNA or as part of the ribosome structure in rRNA.

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