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IB DP Biology Study Notes

1.1.6 Extraplanetary Origin and Life Search

The quest to decipher water's origin on Earth and its pivotal role in the potential existence of extraterrestrial life interlinks biology with astrobiology. This segment offers a comprehensive exploration of these enigmatic subjects.

Origin of Water on Earth

Water's origin on Earth has long been a subject of study and debate among scientists. Several theories attempt to explain this, based on both terrestrial and extraterrestrial sources.

Cosmic Ice Theory

  • Hypothesis: Water was primarily introduced to early Earth through comets and asteroids that originated in the outer regions of the solar system.
  • Evidence:
    • The isotopic ratio of deuterium (heavy hydrogen) to hydrogen in Earth’s oceans matches that found in some comets.
    • The abundance of water in our solar system, especially beyond the frost line (the region in the solar system where volatile compounds can condense into solid ice crystals).
Origin of water on earth through comets and asteroids.

Image courtesy of The Irish Times

Volcanic Outgassing

  • Hypothesis: Water has been present in the Earth’s mantle since the planet's formation and has been gradually released through volcanic activities.
  • Evidence:
    • Even today, volcanic eruptions release substantial amounts of water vapour.
    • Certain minerals ejected during eruptions, when studied, indicate that they were formed in the presence of water.

Hydrous Minerals

  • Hypothesis: Earth was bombarded by celestial bodies containing water-rich minerals, which then contributed to the formation of oceans.
  • Evidence:
    • Many meteorites found on Earth, particularly carbonaceous chondrites, contain minerals indicating they were formed in the presence of water.

Retention of Water on Earth

One of the unique characteristics of Earth, making it hospitable for life, is its ability to retain water. The factors ensuring this retention are:

Earth’s Magnetic Field

  • Acts as a protective shield against charged particles from the Sun (solar winds).
  • Significance: Without this magnetic shield, solar winds could potentially strip away Earth's atmosphere, leading to loss of water into space.
Diagram showing magnetic field of earth.

Image courtesy of koray


  • Earth possesses the necessary gravitational strength to hold onto its atmosphere, preventing gases, including water vapour, from drifting into space.

Carbonate-Silicate Cycle

  • This geological process regulates atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.
  • Process:
    • Rain absorbs CO₂, forming carbonic acid.
    • The acid reacts with silicate rocks, eroding them and carrying the resulting bicarbonate to the ocean.
    • Over time, through tectonic activities, these rocks get pulled beneath the Earth's crust, where they release CO₂ back into the atmosphere via volcanic eruptions.
  • Significance: By regulating CO₂, this cycle helps maintain temperatures that ensure the stability of liquid water on Earth's surface.
Illustration of carbonate silicate cycel.

Image courtesy of Semantic Scholar

Significance of Water in Search for Extraterrestrial Life

Water isn’t just essential for life on Earth; its presence elsewhere could indicate potential habitats for extraterrestrial life forms.

Essential Solvent for Life

  • Water is vital for biochemistry as we understand it.
  • Roles:
    • Facilitates various biochemical reactions crucial for life.
    • Dissolves a plethora of molecules, aiding in nutrient transportation, waste removal, and metabolic processes.

Temperature Regulation

  • Water’s high heat capacity ensures it can moderate temperature extremes.
  • Significance: This property provides stable conditions, fostering life's evolution and sustenance.

Indication of Habitable Zones

  • The Goldilocks Zone is the area around stars where planetary conditions might allow for liquid water.
  • Significance: Planets within this zone have the potential for life, making them key targets for astrobiological studies.

Current Exoplanetary Research


  • Findings: Water ice at the poles, evidence of ancient riverbeds and lakes.
  • Potential: The past presence of water suggests that Mars may once have hosted life.

Europa (Moon of Jupiter)

  • Evidence: A subsurface ocean beneath its icy crust.
  • Potential: The existence of hydrothermal vents could provide energy sources for life.

Enceladus (Moon of Saturn)

  • Findings: Ejections of water-rich plumes from geysers.
  • Potential: Similar to Europa, a subsurface ocean might host microbial life.

Tools and Methods for Life Detection


  • Purpose: Detect and analyse light from celestial bodies to discern their composition.
  • Significance: Can detect biosignatures like oxygen, methane, and other organics, hinting at life or pre-life processes.
A diagrammatic representation of spectroscopy.


Image courtesy of Pearson Scott Foresman

Robotic Explorers

  • Examples: Rovers like Perseverance on Mars and potential future missions to Europa and Enceladus.
  • Purpose: Directly analyse surface conditions, collect samples, and test for signs of life or its potential.


  • Usage: Study exoplanets and their atmospheres in detail.
  • Significance: Telescopes like the James Webb Space Telescope can potentially detect atmospheres or even signs of life on distant exoplanets.
A picture of telescope.

Image courtesy of Ericd


Searching for life on exoplanets presents numerous challenges. Firstly, the vast distances involved mean that direct exploration, like sending spacecraft, is currently unfeasible. Instead, scientists rely on indirect methods, such as studying the light of exoplanets as they pass in front of their host stars. However, distinguishing biosignatures, or signs of life, from these light observations is challenging due to potential false positives. For instance, methane could be a sign of biological activity, but it can also be produced through non-biological processes. Additionally, life on other planets might not necessarily rely on the same biochemistry as Earth, meaning we could overlook signs of 'alien' life forms that are fundamentally different from what we understand.

Hydrothermal vents on Earth's ocean floors are unique ecosystems where life thrives without sunlight. Instead of photosynthesis, organisms here rely on chemosynthesis, using chemicals like hydrogen and sulfur released from the vents to produce energy. This suggests that life can exist in extreme environments and in the absence of sunlight. When we consider celestial bodies like Europa, which might have subsurface oceans beneath icy crusts, the presence of potential hydrothermal vents makes it a compelling location in the search for life. If organisms can thrive in Earth's deep-sea vents, it's plausible that similar environments on extraterrestrial bodies could also harbour life.

Water's role as a universal solvent is paramount for life because it provides a medium in which a vast array of biochemical reactions can occur. Its polar nature allows it to dissolve numerous substances, creating an environment where nutrients, waste products, and other molecules can be transported within organisms. Furthermore, it facilitates interactions between various biomolecules, enabling processes like protein folding, enzyme function, and DNA replication. The ability of water to dissolve salts and minerals also aids in maintaining necessary ionic balances within cells. Without water's solvent properties, the intricate web of biochemical interactions that underpin life would be impossible.

The isotopic ratio of deuterium (heavy hydrogen) to regular hydrogen in water provides clues about the water's origin. This is because different celestial bodies, formed under varied conditions, exhibit unique isotopic signatures. By comparing the D/H ratio in Earth’s water with that found in other bodies like comets, asteroids, or meteorites, scientists can infer potential sources of Earth's water. For example, a matching D/H ratio between Earth's oceans and a particular type of comet could suggest that these comets played a role in delivering water to our planet. It offers a kind of 'fingerprinting' technique to trace the origin or pathway of water.

Many planets in our solar system lack the necessary conditions to retain water, especially in liquid form. For instance, Venus, despite having a thick atmosphere, has surface temperatures that are too high, causing any water to vaporise. Its past water is believed to have been lost due to solar winds stripping its atmosphere, a fate Earth's magnetic field has prevented. Mars, on the other hand, shows signs of past water flow, but its thin atmosphere and low temperatures mean most of its water is in ice form. Outer planets, being gas giants, don't have a solid surface for liquid water, but some of their moons, like Europa and Enceladus, show promising signs of subsurface oceans.

Practice Questions

Describe the significance of the Carbonate-Silicate cycle in relation to Earth's ability to retain water.

The Carbonate-Silicate cycle, often termed Earth's thermostat, plays a pivotal role in the Earth's capacity to sustain water. The process begins when rainwater absorbs CO₂ from the atmosphere, forming carbonic acid. This acid then reacts with silicate rocks, breaking them down and producing bicarbonate ions which are transported to oceans. Over geological time scales, these rocks undergo subduction beneath the Earth's crust. Here, they release CO₂, which then returns to the atmosphere through volcanic outgassing. The cycle's significance lies in its capacity to regulate atmospheric CO₂ levels, which in turn maintains Earth’s temperature within a range that allows liquid water to persist. The consistent presence of water is thus intertwined with this crucial geochemical cycle.

Explain the importance of water as a potential indicator of extraterrestrial life in the context of the Goldilocks Zone.

Water is integral for life as we comprehend it due to its unique solvent properties, enabling a myriad of biochemical reactions essential for life processes. The Goldilocks Zone, or the habitable zone, is a region around stars where conditions may permit liquid water to exist on a planet's surface. Planets within this zone are neither too hot, causing water to vaporise, nor too cold, leading to its freezing. The presence of liquid water is viewed as a strong indicator of possible life, making planets within the Goldilocks Zone primary targets for astrobiological exploration. Thus, water acts as a pivotal beacon in the search for extraterrestrial life.

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