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IB DP Biology Study Notes

1.1.5 Physical Properties and Aquatic Life

Understanding the properties of water is essential to appreciate the myriad adaptations and behaviours exhibited by aquatic life. This section delves deeper into these properties and contrasts them with those of air.

Physical Properties of Water


  • Definition: The upward force exerted by a fluid that counteracts the weight of an object immersed in it.
  • Implications for Aquatic Life:
    • Support and Structure: Due to the buoyant nature of water, aquatic organisms don't need strong skeletal structures like terrestrial animals. The water itself provides necessary support.
    • Energy Conservation: Aquatic organisms use less energy to stay afloat or maintain their position in the water column compared to organisms in the air.
    • Evolutionary Implications: Over time, organisms like fish have developed structures such as swim bladders that enable them to control their buoyancy, allowing them to remain at different depths without expending energy.
A diagrammatic representation of buoyancy in a fluid.

Image courtesy of Yupi666


  • Definition: Refers to the internal friction resulting from the molecular attraction that makes it resistant to flow.
  • Implications for Aquatic Life:
    • Resistance and Movement: The viscous nature of water necessitates certain adaptations for efficient movement. For instance, many aquatic organisms exhibit streamlined bodies to reduce drag.
    • Predation and Defence: The viscosity of water influences how fast predators and prey can move. It's why ambush predators, like the mantis shrimp, have evolved lightning-fast strikes.
    • Feeding Mechanisms: Creatures like jellyfish utilise water's viscosity by having tentacles that drift, entrapping minute organisms that cannot swiftly move away.
Diagram showing viscosity and intermolecular bonding in water, olive oil and honey.

Image courtesy of ThermoBlanket

Thermal Conductivity

  • Definition: The ability of a material to conduct and transfer heat.
  • Implications for Aquatic Life:
    • Stable Temperatures: Bodies of water, especially large ones, don't heat up or cool down as rapidly as air. This stability can offer more predictable environments for aquatic life.
    • Enzymatic Activity: Many biochemical reactions in aquatic organisms are sensitive to temperature. The relative temperature stability in water ensures that these reactions can occur more consistently.
    • Layered Habitats: Different temperatures at varying depths create stratified habitats. Many freshwater lakes exhibit this, with warmer waters near the surface and cooler waters below.

Contrast with Properties of Air

Buoyancy in Air vs Water

  • Air: While air also provides buoyancy, it's substantially less than water because of its lower density.
    • Example: Birds and insects must constantly expend energy to stay aloft, either by flapping wings or, in the case of some birds, riding thermal currents.
  • Water: Aquatic organisms can take advantage of the consistent buoyancy of water.
    • Example: Many aquatic plants float effortlessly on the surface due to air pockets in their stems and leaves.
Water floating plant, Salvinia natans (L.) All. (Floating Fern, Floating Watermoss, Floating Moss)

Water floating plant, Salvinia natans (L.) All. (Floating Fern, Floating Watermoss, Floating Moss).

Image courtesy of Le.Loup.Gris

Viscosity in Air vs Water

  • Air: Considerably less viscous than water.
    • Example: Flight in birds and insects requires adaptations like wing structure and strong flight muscles to overcome the low resistance and stay airborne.
  • Water: Its high viscosity means that organisms often need to be more energy-efficient in their movement strategies.
    • Example: Sharks have a unique, side-to-side tail movement coupled with a hydrodynamic body shape to move efficiently through water.

Thermal Conductivity in Air vs Water

  • Air: Air's lower thermal conductivity leads to more rapid temperature changes.
    • Example: The extreme temperature differences between day and night in deserts highlight air's lack of thermal stability.
  • Water: Water buffers temperature shifts, leading to relatively stable aquatic environments.
    • Example: Coral reefs rely on stable water temperatures; slight increases can lead to coral bleaching, affecting the entire ecosystem.
Increase in temperature and coral bleaching.

Image courtesy of NOAA: National Ocean Service

Detailed Implications for Aquatic Life

Evolutionary Advancements

  • Buoyancy: Marine mammals, like whales, have evolved blubber, which aids buoyancy and provides insulation.
  • Viscosity: The unique paddle-like limbs of turtles or webbed feet of ducks are evolutionary answers to the challenge of water's viscosity, allowing for efficient propulsion.
  • Thermal Conductivity: Polar marine animals, like seals, have developed thick layers of blubber not just for buoyancy but also as insulation against the cold waters.

Navigating Challenges

  • Buoyancy: Too much buoyancy can be problematic. Seaweed, for instance, has holdfasts to anchor them to the seafloor, preventing them from floating away.
  • Viscosity: The high viscosity of water means smaller organisms, such as plankton, move in a more constrained manner, relying on water currents for significant movement.
  • Thermal Conductivity: While water's higher thermal conductivity provides stability, sudden influxes of colder or warmer water (e.g., from underwater currents) can dramatically affect local aquatic environments, forcing organisms to adapt or relocate.

Adaptational Contrast: Water vs Air

In both mediums, life has found ways to thrive, each carving out niche strategies for survival. In water, the gentle support of buoyancy, the drag of viscosity, and the blanket of thermal stability have directed evolution in a way that's markedly different from the more variable, free-form expanse of air. Whether it's the majesty of a whale using blubber to navigate the cold depths, or a hawk utilising thermals to soar, each has been moulded by the unique challenges and benefits of their environment.


Water's capability as a solvent is crucial for aquatic ecosystems. It can dissolve many substances, leading to nutrient-rich waters. These dissolved nutrients are essential for primary producers, like phytoplankton and aquatic plants, which form the base of aquatic food webs. As these producers photosynthesise, they take in dissolved nutrients and convert them into energy-rich molecules, benefiting the entire ecosystem. Moreover, the solubility of gases, like oxygen and carbon dioxide, in water facilitates essential respiratory processes for aquatic life. However, this solubility also means pollutants can easily contaminate aquatic ecosystems, emphasising the need for careful stewardship of water sources.

Water molecules have a tendency to stick together, especially at the surface, creating what's known as surface tension. This cohesive force is due to hydrogen bonding between water molecules. For small organisms, like water striders, this surface tension acts like a thin "skin" that they can walk or float upon. These organisms have evolved special adaptations, such as hydrophobic legs, that allow them to exploit this property without breaking the water's surface tension. This ability to live on the water's surface offers them unique niches to inhabit, away from many potential predators and with easy access to surface-dwelling prey.

Sound travels faster and over longer distances in water than in air due to water's density and elasticity. Many marine organisms, particularly marine mammals like whales and dolphins, have capitalised on this property. These creatures use echolocation, producing sound waves that bounce back after hitting an object, enabling them to navigate, communicate, and locate prey in the vast and often murky ocean. However, human-made noises, such as from ships and underwater constructions, can interfere with these natural acoustical communications. Such noise pollution can disrupt migratory patterns, communication, and even breeding habits of marine life, underscoring the need for awareness and mitigation measures in human marine activities.

The refractive index of a medium determines how much light bends when it enters that medium. Water has a different refractive index than air. For aquatic organisms, this means light behaves differently underwater, influencing how they perceive their surroundings. Many aquatic organisms have evolved eyes adapted to this refractive property. For instance, fishes have more spherical lenses that focus light more effectively in the denser medium of water. Some marine creatures can also see parts of the spectrum that are absorbed quickly in water, such as ultraviolet. This adaptation to the refractive index allows aquatic organisms to hunt, navigate, and communicate efficiently in their watery habitats.

Water's high heat capacity means it can absorb a lot of energy without a significant rise in temperature. In shallow waters, where sunlight penetrates easily, this property is particularly beneficial. While the sun heats the surface, water's high heat capacity prevents rapid temperature fluctuations, ensuring the environment remains relatively stable. Aquatic organisms in these areas, such as frogs, small fish, and various invertebrates, rely on this stability. Rapid temperature changes could be harmful, possibly affecting metabolic rates or disrupting reproductive cycles. The consistent environment provided by water's high heat capacity ensures that these organisms can maintain their regular biological processes without the stress of constant adaptation to temperature swings.

Practice Questions

How do the physical properties of water, particularly buoyancy and viscosity, influence the structural and functional adaptations of aquatic organisms? Use examples to support your answer.

Aquatic organisms exhibit a range of structural and functional adaptations influenced by water's physical properties. Buoyancy, the upward force exerted by water, allows many aquatic organisms to have less dense skeletal structures compared to their terrestrial counterparts. For instance, fish possess swim bladders, enabling them to maintain their depth without constantly swimming. This adaptation directly relates to the buoyant property of water. On the other hand, viscosity, which is the resistance to flow, has led to the evolution of streamlined bodies in organisms like fish and dolphins. A streamlined shape reduces drag, allowing these organisms to move efficiently through the water. Furthermore, organisms such as jellyfish utilise the viscous property by drifting their tentacles to trap minute prey that cannot move away swiftly. In essence, the physical properties of water have profoundly influenced the evolutionary adaptations of its inhabitants.

Contrast the thermal conductivity of water with that of air and discuss its implications on aquatic and terrestrial organisms.

Water possesses a higher thermal conductivity than air, meaning it can conduct heat more effectively. This results in water being a more thermally stable environment compared to air, leading to fewer and slower temperature fluctuations. Aquatic organisms, especially those in larger bodies of water, benefit from this stability, as they experience a more consistent temperature, which is crucial for biochemical processes, such as enzymatic activities. For instance, coral reefs rely on stable water temperatures; even slight deviations can lead to coral bleaching. In contrast, terrestrial organisms in air must deal with more rapid temperature changes. Desert animals, for example, have evolved behaviours and physiological mechanisms to cope with the extreme temperature differences between day and night. This includes being nocturnal to avoid daytime heat and having adaptations like thick fur to endure cold nights. Thus, the differing thermal conductivities of water and air significantly influence the survival strategies of both aquatic and terrestrial organisms.

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