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CIE IGCSE Physics Notes

2.3.5 Radiation Experiments in Thermal Energy Transfer

Introduction to Infrared Radiation

  • Infrared radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation, situated just beyond the red end of the visible light spectrum.

  • Unlike visible light, infrared radiation is not detectable by the human eye but can be felt as warmth.

  • Objects emit infrared radiation as a result of the thermal agitation of their molecules; the hotter the object, the greater the radiation emitted.

Fundamentals of Radiation Emission and Absorption

  • All objects, regardless of temperature, emit some level of thermal radiation.

  • The rate of emission of infrared radiation is influenced by two primary factors: the object's surface temperature and surface area.

  • Objects with darker colours and more textured surfaces are typically more efficient at both absorbing and emitting infrared radiation.

Experiment 1: Investigating Radiation Emission


To explore how surface temperature affects the emission of infrared radiation.


  • Employ a Leslie cube, a hollow, watertight cube, painted black and filled with hot water.

  • Each face of the cube has a different temperature, allowing for comparison.

  • Use an infrared thermometer or detector to measure the radiation emitted from each face.

Observations and Analysis

  • The face of the cube at the highest temperature will emit the most infrared radiation.

  • This supports the principle that objects emit more infrared radiation at higher temperatures.


This experiment underlines the direct correlation between surface temperature and radiation emission, a fundamental concept in thermal physics.

Experiment 2: Examining the Effect of Surface Area


To understand how the surface area of an object affects its radiation emission.


  • Select two objects made of the same material, with identical surface finishes but different sizes.

  • Heat them to the same temperature and measure the radiation emitted using an infrared detector.

Observations and Analysis

  • The object with a larger surface area emits more infrared radiation.

  • This is attributed to the fact that there is a larger area from which radiation can be emitted.


This experiment demonstrates the importance of surface area in the emission of infrared radiation, highlighting that larger areas result in more significant radiation emission.

Experiment 3: Absorption of Infrared Radiation


To investigate how different surface characteristics influence the absorption of infrared radiation.


  • Use two identical metal plates, one painted black and the other white.

  • Expose both to the same infrared radiation source for a fixed time.

  • Measure the temperature increase in each plate.

Observations and Analysis

  • The black-coloured plate absorbs more radiation and experiences a greater temperature increase than the white plate.

  • Darker colours and matte textures enhance absorption of infrared radiation.


This experiment vividly illustrates how surface characteristics affect the absorption of infrared radiation, with darker colours being more efficient absorbers.

Radiation Emission: Dependence on Temperature

  • Stefan-Boltzmann Law: This law quantitatively describes the relation between an object's temperature and the amount of radiation it emits.

  • It states that the total energy radiated per unit surface area is directly proportional to the fourth power of the black body's absolute temperature.

Radiation Emission: Dependence on Surface Area

  • Larger Area, More Emission: The radiation emitted by an object increases with its surface area.

  • This is essential in applications ranging from designing radiators for heating to understanding how animals adapt to their environments.

Practical Applications and Insights

  • These principles are central in fields like building design, where thermal insulation is crucial.

  • They are also pivotal in the design of thermal wear and survival gear, where controlling radiation emission and absorption can be life-saving.

  • In the natural world, these principles help explain how animals like penguins huddle to conserve heat or why elephants have large ears to dissipate heat.

Analysis of Experiments

  • Conducting these experiments allows students to directly observe and measure the principles of thermal radiation.

  • They provide a hands-on approach to understanding complex concepts, making them more tangible and easier to grasp.

Critical Thinking and Real-World Implications

  • Students should consider the implications of these principles in everyday life, like the efficiency of different types of cookware or the design of solar panels.

  • Reflecting on how these principles apply to global challenges, such as climate change and energy efficiency, can deepen understanding and foster a connection between theoretical physics and real-world problems.

In summary, the study of radiation experiments in thermal energy transfer is not only fundamental to understanding key physics concepts but also crucial in applying these concepts to practical, real-world scenarios. From the design of everyday objects to the broader understanding of environmental challenges, the principles of radiation emission and absorption play an integral role.


The emission of infrared radiation from a surface at a given temperature depends largely on the surface's emissivity, a property that determines how efficiently it emits radiation. Emissivity varies based on the material's colour, texture, and composition. Surfaces that are darker and more matte tend to have higher emissivity, meaning they emit more infrared radiation. This is because these surfaces absorb more radiation, and according to Kirchhoff's law of thermal radiation, a good absorber at a particular wavelength is also a good emitter at that wavelength. On the other hand, shiny or reflective surfaces, like those of metals, have lower emissivity. They reflect most of the radiation falling on them and thus emit less infrared radiation. The molecular structure of the material also plays a role; rough or complex surfaces create more opportunities for molecular vibrations and hence, emit more infrared radiation. This concept is crucial in applications such as designing radiators or thermal imaging.

The colour of an object significantly influences its ability to absorb and emit infrared radiation due to the way different colours interact with light and radiation. Darker colours, especially black, are excellent absorbers of all wavelengths of light, including infrared radiation. This is because dark surfaces absorb more light and convert it into heat, rather than reflecting it. Consequently, these surfaces also emit more infrared radiation when they are heated. In contrast, lighter colours, particularly white, reflect most of the light and hence absorb less. This means they will emit less infrared radiation when heated. The colour of an object is a key factor in its thermal properties and plays a vital role in applications such as thermal insulation in buildings, the design of clothing for different climates, and even in the animal kingdom, where colouration can affect an animal's thermal regulation.

Studying infrared radiation is critical in understanding global warming because it directly relates to the Earth's energy balance and the greenhouse effect. The Earth receives energy from the sun, mostly in the form of visible and ultraviolet light. This energy is absorbed by the Earth's surface and then re-emitted as infrared radiation. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, like carbon dioxide and methane, absorb this infrared radiation and re-emit it in all directions, including back towards the Earth's surface. This process traps heat in the atmosphere, leading to a rise in global temperatures. Understanding the mechanisms of infrared radiation emission and absorption helps in comprehending how changes in greenhouse gas concentrations can affect the Earth's climate. It also aids in the development of strategies to mitigate the impacts of global warming, such as designing more efficient energy systems or developing materials with specific thermal properties.

The principles of infrared radiation find extensive application in everyday technology. For instance, remote controls for televisions and other electronics often use infrared light to transmit signals. Infrared cameras are used in various fields, including security and surveillance, by capturing the infrared radiation emitted by objects and people, which is particularly useful in low-light conditions. Thermography, which involves the use of infrared cameras, is applied in building construction to detect heat leaks and improve insulation. Infrared sensors are employed in many automatic devices like hand dryers, where they detect the presence of hands and activate the machine. Additionally, in medicine, infrared imaging is used for diagnostic purposes, such as examining blood flow and detecting inflammations. These applications demonstrate the versatility and significance of understanding infrared radiation in modern technology.

The surface area of an object plays a significant role in its rate of cooling, primarily due to the process of thermal radiation. An object with a larger surface area has more space to emit infrared radiation, leading to a faster rate of heat loss. This principle is evident in objects that are designed to cool quickly; they often have extended surfaces or fins to increase their surface area. For example, radiators and heat sinks in electronic devices are designed with fins to maximize surface area, thereby enhancing heat dissipation. The same principle applies in nature; large-eared animals like elephants use their ears as radiative surfaces to cool down by increasing blood flow to their ears, thereby losing heat more efficiently. In contrast, a smaller surface area restricts the amount of infrared radiation that can be emitted, leading to slower cooling. This concept is crucial in various fields, including engineering and environmental science, for designing efficient cooling systems and understanding thermal regulation in living organisms.

Practice Questions

A student conducts an experiment to measure the infrared radiation emitted by two identical metal plates, one painted black and the other white. Both plates are heated to the same temperature. Explain, in terms of the properties of infrared radiation, why the black plate is likely to emit more infrared radiation than the white plate.

Infrared radiation is emitted more efficiently by surfaces that are good absorbers of radiation. The black plate is a better emitter of infrared radiation than the white plate because black surfaces are generally better absorbers of radiation. Since emission and absorption are directly related, the black plate, having absorbed more radiation initially, will consequently emit more. This is due to its surface characteristics, which make it more effective at both absorbing and emitting infrared radiation. The white plate reflects more radiation and thus absorbs and emits less compared to the black plate.

Describe an experiment to investigate how the surface area of an object affects the amount of infrared radiation it emits. Include a brief explanation of what you expect to observe and why.

An experiment to investigate the effect of surface area on infrared radiation emission could involve using two objects made of the same material and with the same surface characteristics, but different sizes. Heat these objects to the same temperature and then measure the amount of infrared radiation each emits using an infrared detector. I expect to observe that the object with the larger surface area emits more infrared radiation. This is because a larger surface area provides a greater 'space' for the radiation to be emitted from. Thus, with more area available for emission, more infrared radiation should be emitted from the larger object, adhering to the principles of thermal radiation.

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