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CIE IGCSE Physics Notes

1.4.2 Determining Density

Understanding Density

Density is quantitatively defined as mass per unit volume, expressed using the formula:


ρ = m/V


  • ρ (rho) represents density
  • m is the mass of the substance
  • V is the volume of the substance

This fundamental property is essential in many scientific and practical applications, such as material science, engineering, and environmental studies.

Methods for Determining Density

Determining Density of Liquids

Experimental Technique

  • 1. Selecting the Container: Choose a graduated cylinder or a volumetric flask for accurate volume measurements.
  • 2. Measuring Initial Mass: Weigh the empty container using a precision balance to obtain the most accurate mass.
  • 3. Adding the Liquid: Carefully fill the container with the liquid whose density is to be measured, avoiding spillage or air bubbles.
  • 4. Measuring Final Mass: Weigh the container now filled with the liquid. The increase in mass corresponds to the mass of the liquid.
  • 5. Volume Measurement: Read the volume of the liquid from the graduated markings on the container. It's crucial to eye level the meniscus – the curve seen at the top of the liquid.


  • Density is calculated using the formula ρ = m/V, where m is the mass of the liquid (obtained by subtracting the mass of the empty container from the filled one) and V is the measured volume.

Determining Density of Regularly Shaped Solids

Experimental Technique

  • 1. Measuring Mass: Use a balance to find the mass of the solid object.
  • 2. Volume Calculation: For regular shapes like cubes, spheres, or cylinders, calculate volume using geometric formulas. For instance, the volume of a rectangular block is length × width × height.
  • 3. Precision in Measurement: Use calipers or rulers for accurate measurement of dimensions. For curved surfaces, like spheres, use formulas involving radius or diameter.


  • Apply the density formula ρ = mV. Here, m is the mass of the object, and V is its volume calculated using the appropriate geometric formula.

Determining Density of Irregularly Shaped Solids

Experimental Technique

  • 1. Mass Measurement: Weigh the irregular solid on a balance to find its mass.
  • 2. Volume Displacement Method:
    • Fill a graduated cylinder with a known volume of water.
    • Gently submerge the irregular solid into the water, ensuring it's fully submerged and not touching the sides.
    • Measure the new water level. The increase in volume indicates the volume of the solid.


  • Density is calculated using ρ = mV, with m being the mass and V the volume found through water displacement.

Experimental Considerations

  • Accuracy: Ensure precise measurement of mass and volume. Small errors can significantly affect density calculations.
  • Reading Volume: When measuring liquids, be aware of the meniscus. The correct reading is at the bottom of the meniscus.
  • Temperature Effects: Remember that temperature can affect both the volume of liquids and solids. Most densities are reported at standard room temperature (20°C).
  • Irregular Solids and Water: Before using water displacement for volume measurement, check that the solid does not react with or dissolve in water.

Density in Context

Density is more than just a physical property; it's a concept that helps explain phenomena in nature and technology. For example, understanding the density of materials is crucial in ship design, allowing engineers to ensure that vessels can float and carry loads effectively. In environmental science, density is key to understanding pollution patterns in air and water.

Laboratory Safety

  • Balances and Glassware: Handle balances and glassware with care to avoid accidents.
  • Substance Compatibility: When using water displacement for irregular solids, ensure the solid does not react with water.
  • General Safety: Always follow general laboratory safety rules, including wearing protective equipment and following proper waste disposal protocols.

This comprehensive exploration of density determination methods equips IGCSE Physics students with the knowledge and skills necessary for practical applications in various scientific fields. Understanding these principles is foundational for future studies in physics and related disciplines.


In engineering and design, understanding the density of materials is crucial in numerous applications. In civil engineering, density is key for selecting appropriate construction materials, ensuring structural integrity and stability. For example, in building foundations and bridges, engineers must choose materials with suitable densities to support loads and resist environmental forces. In aerospace engineering, density is vital for material selection in aircraft and spacecraft design, where weight and strength are critical. Materials with high strength-to-weight ratios are preferred. In mechanical engineering, density helps in designing machinery and automotive parts, ensuring components can withstand operational stresses while maintaining efficiency. In chemical engineering, understanding the density of substances is essential for designing reactors and processing systems, as it affects flow rates, mixing, and chemical reactions. Overall, density is a fundamental property that influences material choice, product design, safety, and functionality across various engineering disciplines.

In environmental science, the concept of density plays a pivotal role in studying pollution and ecosystems. Density differences in air and water can influence the distribution and movement of pollutants. For instance, in water bodies, pollutants with a density higher than water tend to sink, affecting the benthic (bottom) layers, while less dense pollutants may float, impacting the surface layers and aquatic life there. This stratification is crucial in understanding the ecological impact of pollution. In

air pollution studies, the density of various gaseous pollutants determines their dispersion and concentration at different atmospheric levels, influencing air quality and health impacts. Additionally, density plays a role in the study of ocean currents and thermohaline circulation, which are driven partly by density differences caused by temperature and salinity variations. These currents are crucial in distributing nutrients and heat globally, affecting climate patterns and marine ecosystems. Understanding density also aids in the development of remediation strategies, such as designing barriers or containment methods for pollutants based on their density relative to the surrounding environment. Hence, density is a key parameter in environmental monitoring, pollution control, and ecosystem management.

Temperature significantly affects the density of substances, primarily through thermal expansion. As most materials heat up, they expand, increasing in volume while their mass remains constant, leading to a decrease in density. For liquids, this expansion is more pronounced than in solids. When measuring the density of a substance, it's crucial to consider the temperature at which the measurement is taken and compare it to a standard temperature, typically 20°C for laboratory measurements. If the temperature of the substance differs from the standard, a correction factor or a temperature-density chart may be used to adjust the density to standard conditions. This consideration is particularly important in precision industries and scientific research where small variations in density can lead to significant changes in results or product quality.

Determining the density of a composite material can be more complex than for a single substance due to its heterogeneous nature. However, the general principle of density calculation remains the same: density = mass / volume. For a composite material, you first need to measure its overall mass using a balance. The challenge lies in accurately determining its volume. If the composite material has a regular shape, geometric formulas can be applied. For irregular shapes, the water displacement method is suitable. It's important to ensure that the composite material does not absorb water or react with it during this process. After obtaining the mass and volume, apply the density formula. This calculation gives an average density, which may not represent all components equally if the material is not uniformly mixed. This method is widely used in materials science for composites like concrete, fibreglass, and laminated materials.

When using the water displacement method to determine the volume of an irregular solid, it's crucial that the solid does not touch the sides of the graduated cylinder to avoid inaccuracies in volume measurement. If the solid touches the sides, it can create an adhesion effect, where the water level rises along the side of the cylinder more than it would due to displacement alone. This phenomenon, known as the meniscus effect, can lead to an overestimation of the volume of the solid. To ensure accuracy, the solid should be suspended in the water, ideally with a string or thin wire, allowing the water to displace around it freely. This method ensures that the rise in water level reflects only the volume of the solid, leading to a more accurate determination of its density.

Practice Questions

A rectangular block of metal has dimensions of 4 cm, 3 cm, and 2 cm. The block's mass is measured to be 96 grams. Calculate the density of the metal and identify whether it will sink or float in water. (Water's density is approximately 1 g/cm³.)

The density of the metal block can be calculated using the formula density = mass/volume. The volume of the block is 4 cm x 3 cm x 2 cm = 24 cm³. The mass is given as 96 grams. Therefore, the density is 96 g / 24 cm³ = 4 g/cm³. Since the density of the metal block is greater than that of water (1 g/cm³), it will sink in water. This is because objects with a higher density than the fluid they are in will sink.

Describe an experiment to determine the density of an irregularly shaped stone. Include the equipment used, the method, and how the density is calculated.

To determine the density of an irregularly shaped stone, use a balance and a graduated cylinder. First, measure the mass of the stone using the balance. Next, fill the graduated cylinder with a known volume of water and record this initial volume. Then, gently submerge the stone in the water, ensuring it's fully immersed and not touching the sides of the cylinder. Record the new water level. The increase in volume is the volume of the stone. Finally, calculate the density using the formula density = mass/volume, where mass is the mass of the stone and volume is its volume determined by water displacement. This method ensures accurate determination of the stone's volume and, subsequently, its density.

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