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CIE IGCSE Maths Study Notes

2.4.4 Changing the Subject of Formulas

Changing the subject of a formula involves rearranging it to solve for a different variable. This skill is crucial in algebra and enables students to manipulate equations to focus on the desired variable, maintaining the equation's integrity.

Introduction to Formula Rearrangement

The process of changing the subject in an equation is essential for solving problems where the variable of interest is not isolated. This involves using algebraic operations to rearrange the equation.

Techniques for Rearrangement

Key to changing the subject of a formula is understanding how to apply inverse operations to both sides of the equation to isolate the desired variable.

Example 1: Rearranging Area of a Triangle

Given the formula for the area of a triangle A=12bhA = \frac{1}{2}bh, to make hh the subject:

1. Start with A=12bh.A = \frac{1}{2}bh.

2. Rearrange to isolate hh: Multiply both sides by 2 and then divide by bb.


2A=bh2A = bhh=2Abh = \dfrac{2A}{b}

Example 2: Rearranging Speed Formula

Given the formula for speed v=dtv = \frac{d}{t}, to make tt the subject:

1. Start with v=dtv = \frac{d}{t}.

2. Rearrange to isolate tt: Multiply both sides by tt and then divide by vv.


vt=dvt = dt=dvt = \dfrac{d}{v}

Example 3:  Converting Fahrenheit to Celsius

Given the formula relating the temperature Fahrenheit (°F): °F=(95)°C+32°F = (\frac{9}{5})°C + 32, change the subject to solve for the temperature in Celsius (°C).


1. Isolate °C.

2. °C is multiplied by 95\frac{9}{5} and then added to 32.

3. To isolate °C, perform the following steps:

  • Subtract 32 from both sides to remove the constant term.
  • Divide both sides by 95\frac{9}{5} to isolate the term with °C.

°F=(95)°C+32°F = (\frac{9}{5})°C + 32

°F32=(95)°C+3232°F - 32 = (\frac{9}{5})°C + 32 - 32

°F32=(95)°C°F - 32 = (\frac{9}{5})°C

(°F32)×(59)=(95)°C×(59)(°F - 32) × (\frac{5}{9}) = (\frac{9}{5})°C × (\frac{5}{9})

°C=(59)(°F32)°C = (\frac{5}{9}) (°F - 32)

Therefore, the new formula with °C as the subject is: °C=(59)(°F32).°C = (\frac{5}{9}) (°F - 32).

Converting Fahrenheit to Celsius

Real-World Application

Physics Example: Finding Mass

Given F=maF = ma, to find mm, the mass:

1. Start with F=maF = ma.

2. Rearrange to isolate mm: Divide both sides by aa.


m=Fam = \dfrac{F}{a}

Chemistry Example: Finding Volume

Given concentration formula C=mVC = \frac{m}{V}, to find VV, the volume:

1. Start with C=mVC = \frac{m}{V}.

2. Rearrange to isolate VV: Multiply both sides by VV and then divide by CC.


CV=mCV = mV=mCV = \dfrac{m}{C}

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