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CIE A-Level Psychology Notes

1.1.2 Genetics and Behaviour

The Role of Genetics in Behaviour

Genetics serves as a fundamental determinant in behavioural development. The genetic makeup we inherit from our parents sets the foundation for our physical and psychological attributes.

Genetic Influence on Psychological Traits

Genetic Basis of Behaviour

Behavioural traits such as temperament, risk-taking tendencies, and personality aspects are often deeply rooted in our genetic code. For instance, the DRD4 gene has been linked to novelty-seeking behaviours, illustrating a direct genetic influence on certain personality traits.

Heredity and Mental Health

Studies have shown that genes contribute to the risk of developing mental health disorders like anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia. For example, the 5-HTTLPR gene variant has been associated with an increased risk of depression in the context of stressful life events.

Gene-Environment Interaction

Nature and Nurture Interplay

The intricate blend of genetic predispositions and environmental stimuli shapes our behaviour. A landmark study by Caspi et al. (2003) demonstrated how the interaction of specific gene variants with stressful life events increased the risk of depression.


This emerging field examines how environmental factors like diet, stress, and prenatal exposure can modify gene expression. A notable study on rats showed that maternal care affected the methylation of DNA, altering stress responses in offspring.

Genetics and Individual Differences

The genetic basis of behaviour is key to understanding individual uniqueness.

Genetic Diversity

Variations in Genes

Each person's unique genetic makeup leads to individual differences in behaviour and cognition. For instance, variations in the MC1R gene contribute to differences in pain sensitivity and red hair colour.

Twin Studies

Research on identical twins, such as the Minnesota Twin Study, reveals that despite genetic similarities, environmental factors can lead to behavioural differences, underscoring the role of environment in behaviour.

Behavioural Genetics

Polygenic Traits

Most behavioural traits are influenced by multiple genes. Intelligence, for instance, is shaped by the interplay of numerous genes, each contributing a small effect.

Heritability Estimates

These statistical measures show the proportion of trait variation due to genetics. For example, the heritability of intelligence is estimated to be around 50%, indicating a significant genetic contribution.

Genetic and Environmental Correlations

The interaction between genetics and environment is complex and intertwined.

Passive and Reactive Correlations

Passive Correlation

Occurs when parents provide both genes and environment, like musically inclined parents raising a child in a music-rich environment.

Reactive Correlation

The environment reacts to an individual's genetic tendencies, such as a genetically extroverted child eliciting social interactions.

Active Correlation (Niche-Picking)

Individuals seek environments aligning with their genetic predispositions. An athlete with a genetic inclination for physical endurance might pursue sports, nurturing their innate abilities.

The Biological Basis of Behavioural Genetics

Understanding the biological mechanisms behind genetics and behaviour offers deeper insights.

Brain Function and Genetics

Neurotransmitters and Genes

Genes influence neurotransmitter production and function, crucial in mood regulation and cognition. For example, variations in the COMT gene affect dopamine levels, impacting cognitive functions and emotional responses.

Brain Structure and Genetics

Genetic influences on brain structure can affect cognitive functions and personality traits. Neuroimaging studies have shown that genetic factors contribute to structural differences in brain regions like the hippocampus, affecting memory and spatial navigation.

Hormonal Influences

Genetic Regulation of Hormones

Hormones such as cortisol and serotonin, regulated by genes, significantly impact stress responses and mood regulation. Genetic variations can influence how individuals respond to stressors, affecting their susceptibility to stress-related disorders.

Hormones and Behavioural Responses

The interplay between genetic predisposition and hormonal responses can explain behavioural variations, especially in response to stress or emotional stimuli.

Genetics, Evolution, and Behaviour

The evolutionary perspective broadens our understanding of the genetic basis of behaviour.

Evolutionary Psychology

Adaptive Behaviours

Behaviours influenced by genetics may have evolved due to their survival or reproductive advantages. For example, altruistic behaviour, potentially influenced by genetic factors, may have evolved because it contributed to the survival of kin.

Evolutionary Influences on Modern Behaviour

Traits like aggression or altruism can be contextualized within the evolutionary pressures our ancestors faced. Genetic predispositions for these behaviours could have been advantageous in ancestral environments and thus were passed down through generations.


Heritability estimates are a crucial tool in behavioural genetics, providing insights into the proportion of variance in a trait within a population that is attributable to genetic differences. These estimates do not apply to individuals but to variations within a group. For example, if the heritability of intelligence in a population is estimated to be 50%, it means that half of the variation in intelligence scores in that population is due to genetic factors. However, this does not mean that 50% of an individual's intelligence is inherited. Heritability estimates are significant as they help in understanding the relative contribution of genetics to complex traits and behaviours. They also inform research into the biological mechanisms underlying these traits and can guide interventions. It's important to note that heritability is not constant and can vary between populations and over time, influenced by environmental factors.

Epigenetic changes refer to modifications in gene expression that do not involve alterations to the underlying DNA sequence. These changes can be influenced by various environmental factors and, in some cases, can be passed down to subsequent generations, affecting their behaviour and psychological traits. For example, studies have shown that trauma experienced by one generation can lead to behavioural changes in subsequent generations, a phenomenon observed in the offspring of Holocaust survivors. These offspring often exhibit heightened stress responses, which may be attributed to epigenetic changes inherited from their parents. Another study in mice demonstrated that a diet lacking in methyl donors led to coat colour changes and weight gain in offspring, mediated through epigenetic mechanisms. These examples illustrate how environmental factors can cause epigenetic modifications that influence gene expression, thereby affecting behaviour in not just individuals, but potentially their descendants as well.

Yes, genetic predispositions can often be influenced, or even overridden, by environmental factors. This concept is a key aspect of the gene-environment interaction. For example, a person may have a genetic predisposition towards obesity, but this can be mitigated by a healthy diet and regular exercise. Similarly, someone with a genetic vulnerability to a mental health condition like depression might never exhibit symptoms if they grow up in a supportive, nurturing environment. Another notable instance is the phenomenon of resilience in individuals with high-risk genetic profiles who, despite adversities, develop into well-adjusted adults, often due to protective environmental factors. This interplay demonstrates that while genetics lay the groundwork for various traits and tendencies, environmental factors have a significant role in shaping the actual manifestation and development of these traits.

Genetic mutations, which are changes in the DNA sequence, can have significant impacts on behaviour and psychological traits. These mutations can occur spontaneously or be inherited from parents. For instance, mutations in the FMR1 gene lead to Fragile X Syndrome, the most common inherited form of intellectual disability and a leading genetic cause of autism. Individuals with this mutation often exhibit specific behavioural traits, such as social anxiety, hyperactivity, and repetitive actions. Similarly, a mutation in the MTHFR gene has been associated with an increased risk of depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. This gene is involved in the processing of folate and homocysteine, substances that play a role in brain function and development. Mutations can affect the brain's structure and function, neurotransmitter systems, and hormonal balance, thereby influencing a wide range of behaviours and psychological states. The extent to which a mutation affects behaviour depends on its nature, location in the genome, and interaction with other genetic and environmental factors.

Neurotransmitters are chemicals in the brain that transmit signals from one neuron to another and play a vital role in regulating many aspects of behaviour and psychological functioning. The genetic basis of behaviour is partly explained by genes that influence the production, release, and reception of these neurotransmitters. For instance, variations in the genes encoding for dopamine receptors and transporters can affect dopamine levels in the brain, influencing behaviours related to reward, motivation, and attention. Similarly, the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTT) has variants that affect the reuptake of serotonin, a neurotransmitter involved in mood regulation, which can influence an individual's susceptibility to depression and anxiety. Genes affecting neurotransmitter systems can also interact with environmental factors to influence behaviour. For example, individuals with certain variants of the 5-HTT gene may be more vulnerable to depression following stressful life events. Understanding the genetic influences on neurotransmitter systems is crucial for comprehending the biological underpinnings of various psychological traits and disorders.

Practice Questions

Explain the role of gene-environment interaction in determining human behaviour, using specific examples.

Gene-environment interaction plays a crucial role in shaping human behaviour. This interaction means that the effects of genes on behaviour are influenced by the environment. For instance, the gene variant 5-HTTLPR has been linked to depression, but its impact is significantly moderated by environmental stressors. Individuals with this variant are more susceptible to depression following stressful life events. Similarly, the DRD4 gene, associated with risk-taking and novelty-seeking behaviours, exhibits its influence more prominently in environments that provide opportunities for such behaviours. Thus, behaviour results from the complex interplay between our genetic predispositions and the environments we encounter.

Discuss the importance of twin studies in understanding the genetic basis of behaviour. Provide an example to support your answer.

Twin studies are pivotal in disentangling the genetic and environmental contributions to behaviour. They compare monozygotic (identical) twins, who share 100% of their genes, with dizygotic (fraternal) twins, who share about 50%. This comparison helps in estimating the heritability of traits. A classic example is the Minnesota Twin Study, which found that even when identical twins were reared apart, they showed remarkable similarities in personality, interests, and attitudes. This suggests a strong genetic component to these traits. Twin studies highlight that while genetics have a significant influence on behaviour, environmental factors also play a vital role in shaping individual differences.

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