1. Biological Approach1.1 Main Assumptions0/01.1.1 Brain and Behaviour1.1.2 Genetics and Behaviour1.1.3 Evolution and Behaviour1.2 Core Studies0/01.2.1 Dement and Kleitman1.2.2 Hassett et al.1.2.3 Hölzel et al.1. Biological Approach1.1 Main Assumptions0/01.1.1 Brain and Behaviour1.1.2 Genetics and Behaviour1.1.3 Evolution and Behaviour1.2 Core Studies0/01.2.1 Dement and Kleitman1.2.2 Hassett et al.1.2.3 Hölzel et al.2. Cognitive Approach2.1 Main Assumptions0/02.1.1 Information Processing2.1.2 Individual Cognitive Differences2.2 Core Studies0/02.2.1 Andrade (Doodling)2.2.2 Baron-Cohen et al. (Eyes Test)2.2.3 Pozzulo et al. (Line-ups)2. Cognitive Approach2.1 Main Assumptions0/02.1.1 Information Processing2.1.2 Individual Cognitive Differences2.2 Core Studies0/02.2.1 Andrade (Doodling)2.2.2 Baron-Cohen et al. (Eyes Test)2.2.3 Pozzulo et al. (Line-ups)3. Learning ApproachPremium3.1 Main Assumptions0/03.1.1 Understanding Tabula Rasa3.1.2 Learning Processes3.2 Core Studies0/03.2.1 Bandura et al. (Aggression)3.2.2 Fagen et al. (Elephant Learning)3.2.3 Saavedra and Silverman (Button Phobia)3. Learning ApproachPremium3.1 Main Assumptions0/03.1.1 Understanding Tabula Rasa3.1.2 Learning Processes3.2 Core Studies0/03.2.1 Bandura et al. (Aggression)3.2.2 Fagen et al. (Elephant Learning)3.2.3 Saavedra and Silverman (Button Phobia)4. Social ApproachPremium4.1 Main Assumptions0/04.1.1 Social Influences 4.2 Core Studies0/04.2.1 Milgram (Obedience)4.2.2 Perry et al. (Personal Space)4.2.3 Piliavin et al. (Subway Samaritans)4. Social ApproachPremium4.1 Main Assumptions0/04.1.1 Social Influences 4.2 Core Studies0/04.2.1 Milgram (Obedience)4.2.2 Perry et al. (Personal Space)4.2.3 Piliavin et al. (Subway Samaritans)5. Research MethodologyPremium5.1 Research Methods0/05.1.1 Experiments5.1.2 Self-Reports5.1.3 Case Studies5.1.4 Observations5.1.5 Correlations5.1.6 Longitudinal Studies5.2 Methodological Concepts0/05.2.1 Aims and Hypotheses5.2.2 Variables5.2.3 Controlling Variables5.2.4 Types of Data5.2.5 Sampling of Participants5.2.6 Ethics 5.2.7 Validity5.2.8 Understanding Reliability5.2.9 Data Analysis5. Research MethodologyPremium5.1 Research Methods0/05.1.1 Experiments5.1.2 Self-Reports5.1.3 Case Studies5.1.4 Observations5.1.5 Correlations5.1.6 Longitudinal Studies5.2 Methodological Concepts0/05.2.1 Aims and Hypotheses5.2.2 Variables5.2.3 Controlling Variables5.2.4 Types of Data5.2.5 Sampling of Participants5.2.6 Ethics 5.2.7 Validity5.2.8 Understanding Reliability5.2.9 Data Analysis6. Specialist Option 1: Clinical Psychology (A Level)6.1 Schizophrenia0/06.1.1 Understanding Schizophrenia6.1.2 Delusions and Reality Testing6.1.3 Biological Underpinnings6.1.4 Cognitive Perspectives6.1.5 Pharmacological Treatments6.1.6 Psychotherapeutic Approaches6.1.7 Ethical Considerations in Research and Treatment6.1.8 Research in Practice6.1.9 Treatment Outcomes and Long-term Management6.2 Mood (Affective) Disorders0/06.2.1 Diagnostic Criteria6.2.2 Genetic and Biochemical Explanations for Depressive Disorder6.2.3 Psychological Explanations for Depressive Disorder6.2.4 Biological Treatments for Mood Disorders6.2.5 Psychological Therapies for Mood Disorders6.2.6 Ethical and Methodological Considerations in Treatment6.2.7 Research and Debates in Mood Disorders6.2.8 Measuring and Managing Outcomes6.3 Impulse Control Disorders0/06.3.1 Diagnostic Criteria6.3.2 Biological Explanations6.3.3 Behavioural and Cognitive Explanations6.3.4 Treatment: Biological Interventions6.3.5 Treatment: Psychological Interventions6.3.6 Ethical and Methodological Considerations6.3.7 Research Application and Debates6.4 Anxiety Disorders and Fear-Related Disorders0/06.4.1 Diagnostic Criteria6.4.2 Biological Explanations of Fear-Related Disorders6.4.3 Psychological Explanations of Fear-Related Disorders6.4.4 Behavioural Therapy for Anxiety Disorders6.4.5 Psychological Therapy for Fear-Related Disorders6.4.6 Ethical and Methodological Considerations in Treatment6.4.7 Research Application and Debates6.5 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)0/06.5.1 Diagnostic Criteria for OCD6.5.2 Biological Explanations for OCD6.5.3 Psychological Explanations for OCD6.5.4 Treatment: Biological Interventions for OCD6.5.5 Treatment: Psychological Interventions for OCD6.5.6 Ethical and Methodological Considerations in Treatment and Research6.5.7 Research Application and Debates in OCD6. Specialist Option 1: Clinical Psychology (A Level)6.1 Schizophrenia0/06.1.1 Understanding Schizophrenia6.1.2 Delusions and Reality Testing6.1.3 Biological Underpinnings6.1.4 Cognitive Perspectives6.1.5 Pharmacological Treatments6.1.6 Psychotherapeutic Approaches6.1.7 Ethical Considerations in Research and Treatment6.1.8 Research in Practice6.1.9 Treatment Outcomes and Long-term Management6.2 Mood (Affective) Disorders0/06.2.1 Diagnostic Criteria6.2.2 Genetic and Biochemical Explanations for Depressive Disorder6.2.3 Psychological Explanations for Depressive Disorder6.2.4 Biological Treatments for Mood Disorders6.2.5 Psychological Therapies for Mood Disorders6.2.6 Ethical and Methodological Considerations in Treatment6.2.7 Research and Debates in Mood Disorders6.2.8 Measuring and Managing Outcomes6.3 Impulse Control Disorders0/06.3.1 Diagnostic Criteria6.3.2 Biological Explanations6.3.3 Behavioural and Cognitive Explanations6.3.4 Treatment: Biological Interventions6.3.5 Treatment: Psychological Interventions6.3.6 Ethical and Methodological Considerations6.3.7 Research Application and Debates6.4 Anxiety Disorders and Fear-Related Disorders0/06.4.1 Diagnostic Criteria6.4.2 Biological Explanations of Fear-Related Disorders6.4.3 Psychological Explanations of Fear-Related Disorders6.4.4 Behavioural Therapy for Anxiety Disorders6.4.5 Psychological Therapy for Fear-Related Disorders6.4.6 Ethical and Methodological Considerations in Treatment6.4.7 Research Application and Debates6.5 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)0/06.5.1 Diagnostic Criteria for OCD6.5.2 Biological Explanations for OCD6.5.3 Psychological Explanations for OCD6.5.4 Treatment: Biological Interventions for OCD6.5.5 Treatment: Psychological Interventions for OCD6.5.6 Ethical and Methodological Considerations in Treatment and Research6.5.7 Research Application and Debates in OCD7. Specialist Option 2: Consumer Psychology (A Level)Premium7.1 The Physical Environment0/07.1.1 Store Exterior Design7.1.2 Store Interior Layout7.1.3 Soundscapes in Retail Spaces7.1.4 Sensory Marketing: Olfactory Cues7.1.5 Spatial Dynamics and Consumer Comfort7.1.6 Consumer Psychology Research Methods7.1.7 Application of Research to Retail Strategy7.2 The Psychological Environment0/07.2.1 Wayfinding in Consumer Spaces7.2.2 Shopper Spatial Behaviour7.2.4 Personal Space and Consumer Comfort7.2.5 Social Dynamics in Queuing Behavior7.3 Consumer Decision-Making0/07.3.1 Models of Decision-Making7.3.2 Decision-Making Strategies7.3.3 Choice Heuristics7.3.4 Cognitive Biases in Decision-Making7.4 The Product0/07.4.1 Gift-Wrapping and Consumer Perceptions7.4.2 Packaging Design and Sensory Perception7.4.3 Shelf Placement and Visual Attention7.4.4 Interpersonal Sales Techniques7.4.5 Consumer Purchase Decision Models7.5 Advertising0/07.5.1 Advertising Communication Theories7.5.2 Advertising Media and Technology7.5.3 Marketing Mix Models in Advertising7.5.4 Interaction Between Advertising and Consumer Traits7.5.5 The Impact of Branding on Consumer Perception7. Specialist Option 2: Consumer Psychology (A Level)Premium7.1 The Physical Environment0/07.1.1 Store Exterior Design7.1.2 Store Interior Layout7.1.3 Soundscapes in Retail Spaces7.1.4 Sensory Marketing: Olfactory Cues7.1.5 Spatial Dynamics and Consumer Comfort7.1.6 Consumer Psychology Research Methods7.1.7 Application of Research to Retail Strategy7.2 The Psychological Environment0/07.2.1 Wayfinding in Consumer Spaces7.2.2 Shopper Spatial Behaviour7.2.4 Personal Space and Consumer Comfort7.2.5 Social Dynamics in Queuing Behavior7.3 Consumer Decision-Making0/07.3.1 Models of Decision-Making7.3.2 Decision-Making Strategies7.3.3 Choice Heuristics7.3.4 Cognitive Biases in Decision-Making7.4 The Product0/07.4.1 Gift-Wrapping and Consumer Perceptions7.4.2 Packaging Design and Sensory Perception7.4.3 Shelf Placement and Visual Attention7.4.4 Interpersonal Sales Techniques7.4.5 Consumer Purchase Decision Models7.5 Advertising0/07.5.1 Advertising Communication Theories7.5.2 Advertising Media and Technology7.5.3 Marketing Mix Models in Advertising7.5.4 Interaction Between Advertising and Consumer Traits7.5.5 The Impact of Branding on Consumer Perception8. Specialist Option 3: Health Psychology (A Level)Premium8.1 The Patient–Practitioner Relationship0/08.1.1 Non-Verbal Communication8.1.2 Verbal Communication and Terminology8.1.3 Diagnostic Processes8.1.4 Seeking and Misusing Health Services8.2 Adherence to Medical Advice0/08.2.1 Types and Consequences of Non-Adherence8.2.2 Psychological Explanations for Non-Adherence8.2.3 Assessing Non-Adherence8.2.4 Interventions to Improve Adherence8.2.5 Ethical and Methodological Issues in Adherence Research8.3 Pain0/08.3.1 Functions and Types8.3.2 Theoretical Models of Pain8.3.3 Pain Measurement Approaches8.3.4 Biological and Psychological Pain Management8.3.5 Alternative Pain Treatments8.3.6 Ethical and Cultural Considerations in Pain Treatment8.4 Stress0/08.4.1 Stress Physiology and Health8.4.2 Causes and Psychological Theories of Stress8.4.3 Biological and Psychological Measurement of Stress8.4.4 Stress Management Interventions8.4.5 Ethical and Methodological Considerations in Stress Research8.5 Health Promotion0/08.5.1 Fear Arousal in Health Campaigns8.5.2 Information Provision in Health Promotion8.5.3 School-Based Health Promotion Programs8.5.4 Workplace Health and Safety Initiatives8.5.5 Optimism and Health Behaviour8.5.6 Positive Psychology and Health8. Specialist Option 3: Health Psychology (A Level)Premium8.1 The Patient–Practitioner Relationship0/08.1.1 Non-Verbal Communication8.1.2 Verbal Communication and Terminology8.1.3 Diagnostic Processes8.1.4 Seeking and Misusing Health Services8.2 Adherence to Medical Advice0/08.2.1 Types and Consequences of Non-Adherence8.2.2 Psychological Explanations for Non-Adherence8.2.3 Assessing Non-Adherence8.2.4 Interventions to Improve Adherence8.2.5 Ethical and Methodological Issues in Adherence Research8.3 Pain0/08.3.1 Functions and Types8.3.2 Theoretical Models of Pain8.3.3 Pain Measurement Approaches8.3.4 Biological and Psychological Pain Management8.3.5 Alternative Pain Treatments8.3.6 Ethical and Cultural Considerations in Pain Treatment8.4 Stress0/08.4.1 Stress Physiology and Health8.4.2 Causes and Psychological Theories of Stress8.4.3 Biological and Psychological Measurement of Stress8.4.4 Stress Management Interventions8.4.5 Ethical and Methodological Considerations in Stress Research8.5 Health Promotion0/08.5.1 Fear Arousal in Health Campaigns8.5.2 Information Provision in Health Promotion8.5.3 School-Based Health Promotion Programs8.5.4 Workplace Health and Safety Initiatives8.5.5 Optimism and Health Behaviour8.5.6 Positive Psychology and Health9. Specialist Option 4: Organisational Psychology (A Level)Premium9.1 Motivation to Work0/09.1.1 Maslow’s Hierarchy in the Workplace9.1.2 McClelland’s Achievement Motivation9.1.3 Goal-Setting and Employee Engagement9.1.4 Vroom's Expectancy Theory9.1.5 Extrinsic Rewards and Performance9.1.6 Intrinsic Rewards and Work Culture9.1.7 Integrating Motivational Theories into Organisational Practice9.2 Leadership and Management0/09.2.1 Evolution of Leadership Theories9.2.2 Behavioural and Style Approaches to Leadership9.2.3 Leader-Follower Interaction9.2.4 Contextual Influences on Leadership9.2.5 Research and Methodology in Leadership Studies9.3 Group Behaviour in Organisations0/09.3.1 Theories of Group Development9.3.2 Roles and Decision-Making in Teams9.3.3 Social Facilitation and Loafing9.3.4 Monitoring and Influencing Group Performance9.3.5 Conflict Management in Groups9.4 Organisational Work Conditions0/09.4.1 Influence of Physical Work Environment9.4.2 Work Schedule Design and Impacts9.4.3 Health and Safety in the Workplace9.4.4 Methodological Approaches to Studying Work Conditions9.5 Satisfaction at Work0/09.5.1 Frameworks of Job Satisfaction9.5.2 Job Design and Satisfaction9.5.3 Tools for Assessing Job Satisfaction9.5.4 Attitudinal Influences on Work Behaviour9.5.5 Cultural and Individual Factors in Job Satisfaction9. Specialist Option 4: Organisational Psychology (A Level)Premium9.1 Motivation to Work0/09.1.1 Maslow’s Hierarchy in the Workplace9.1.2 McClelland’s Achievement Motivation9.1.3 Goal-Setting and Employee Engagement9.1.4 Vroom's Expectancy Theory9.1.5 Extrinsic Rewards and Performance9.1.6 Intrinsic Rewards and Work Culture9.1.7 Integrating Motivational Theories into Organisational Practice9.2 Leadership and Management0/09.2.1 Evolution of Leadership Theories9.2.2 Behavioural and Style Approaches to Leadership9.2.3 Leader-Follower Interaction9.2.4 Contextual Influences on Leadership9.2.5 Research and Methodology in Leadership Studies9.3 Group Behaviour in Organisations0/09.3.1 Theories of Group Development9.3.2 Roles and Decision-Making in Teams9.3.3 Social Facilitation and Loafing9.3.4 Monitoring and Influencing Group Performance9.3.5 Conflict Management in Groups9.4 Organisational Work Conditions0/09.4.1 Influence of Physical Work Environment9.4.2 Work Schedule Design and Impacts9.4.3 Health and Safety in the Workplace9.4.4 Methodological Approaches to Studying Work Conditions9.5 Satisfaction at Work0/09.5.1 Frameworks of Job Satisfaction9.5.2 Job Design and Satisfaction9.5.3 Tools for Assessing Job Satisfaction9.5.4 Attitudinal Influences on Work Behaviour9.5.5 Cultural and Individual Factors in Job Satisfaction