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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

5.2.1 Gravitational Potential Energy (GPE)

Derivation of GPE Formula

Work Done Against Gravity

  • Defining Work: Work done is defined as the product of force and displacement in the direction of the force.
  • Gravitational Force as the Basis: In the context of GPE, the force considered is gravitational force, which is the product of mass (m) and gravitational field strength (g).

Mathematical Derivation

  • Expression for Work: Work done (W) in lifting an object is calculated as the force exerted (weight) times the vertical displacement (height, h). Therefore, W = mgh.
  • GPE Equation: Consequently, the gravitational potential energy, which is the work done to lift the object, is given by GPE = mgh.
Diagram explaining gravitational potential energy

Gravitational potential energy

Image Courtesy OpenStax

Calculating Change in GPE

Influential Factors

  • Mass: The larger the mass of an object, the greater its GPE for a given height.
  • Height: An increase in height directly translates to an increase in GPE in a uniform gravitational field.
  • Gravitational Field Strength (g): The value of g varies with location (e.g., higher on Earth’s surface, lesser at higher altitudes).

Calculation Examples

  • Raising an Object: Lifting a 15 kg object by 3 meters in a place where g = 9.81 m/s2, GPE = 15 kg x 9.81 m/s2 x 3 m.
  • GPE at Different Heights: Comparing GPE at different heights while keeping mass and g constant provides insight into how GPE scales with altitude.

Applications of GPE

Everyday Examples

Lifting Objects

  • Home and Workplace: Lifting furniture or equipment stores energy in the form of GPE.
  • Machinery: Devices like cranes convert electrical or mechanical energy into GPE when lifting loads.

Mountain Climbing

  • Energy Expenditure: The energy a climber expends in ascending is stored as GPE.
  • Safety Mechanics: Understanding GPE is crucial in designing safety equipment like harnesses and ropes that bear the weight of climbers.

Advanced Applications

Architectural Design

  • Structural Analysis: Engineers consider GPE in designing structures, especially in seismic zones where potential energy can be converted into kinetic energy during earthquakes.
  • Energy Conservation: Modern architecture incorporates concepts like GPE to optimise energy usage, for example, in designing water towers.

Space Exploration

  • Satellite Deployment: Calculating GPE is fundamental in determining the energy required to place satellites into orbit.
  • Planetary Science: GPE calculations help in understanding phenomena like tidal forces and orbital mechanics.


In physics, gravitational potential energy can be negative depending on the reference point chosen. GPE is often calculated relative to a specific level, typically the ground or the lowest point in the problem. In scenarios where an object is below this reference level, its GPE is considered negative. This concept is especially relevant in astronomical contexts. For example, the GPE of an object within a gravitational well (like a satellite in orbit around Earth) is negative, reflecting the energy required to move it from that point to an infinitely distant point where the gravitational influence is zero.

When an object is in free fall, its gravitational potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. As the object falls, it loses height and thus loses GPE, but this loss is compensated by a gain in kinetic energy due to increased velocity. This conversion is a manifestation of the principle of conservation of energy, where the total energy (kinetic + potential) remains constant. At any point during the fall, the sum of the kinetic and potential energy equals the initial potential energy at the starting height, assuming no other forces (like air resistance) are doing work on the object.

In hydroelectric power plants, gravitational potential energy plays a crucial role. Water stored in a reservoir at a certain height possesses significant GPE. When the water is released and flows down through turbines, this GPE is converted into kinetic energy, which then drives the turbines to generate electricity. The amount of energy produced depends on the mass of the water and the height from which it falls, illustrating the practical application of the GPE = mgh formula. Efficient hydroelectric power generation relies on maximising this conversion of gravitational potential energy into kinetic and subsequently electrical energy.

Gravitational potential energy (GPE) at high altitudes continues to increase, but not at a constant rate as it does near the Earth's surface. The formula GPE = mgh assumes a uniform gravitational field, which is a good approximation for small heights above the Earth's surface. However, at very high altitudes, the gravitational field strength (g) decreases with distance from the Earth's centre according to the inverse-square law. Consequently, the increase in GPE becomes progressively less for the same increase in height as you move further from the Earth, leading to a non-linear relationship between GPE and altitude at these extreme heights.

In orbital mechanics, gravitational potential energy is a key concept in understanding the motion of satellites and other celestial bodies. A satellite in orbit around the Earth has both kinetic and potential energy. The potential energy is due to its position in the Earth's gravitational field, while the kinetic energy arises from its velocity. The balance of these two forms of energy keeps the satellite in orbit. At higher orbits, the satellite has less kinetic energy but more potential energy. This balance is crucial in calculating the necessary velocity and altitude for a satellite to maintain a stable orbit, applying the principles of GPE in an astronomical context.

Practice Questions

A 2 kg ball is lifted vertically to a shelf 3 meters above the ground. Calculate the increase in the gravitational potential energy of the ball. Take the gravitational field strength g as 9.8 m/s^2.

To calculate the increase in gravitational potential energy, the formula GPE = mgh is used, where m is the mass, g is the gravitational field strength, and h is the height. In this case, m = 2 kg, g = 9.8 m/s2, and h = 3 m. Thus, the increase in GPE = 2 kg x 9.8 m/s2 x 3 m = 58.8 Joules. This calculation demonstrates the direct relationship between height and gravitational potential energy, showing that lifting an object higher in a gravitational field increases its potential energy.

A mountain climber with a mass of 70 kg climbs to a height of 800 meters. Calculate the climber's gravitational potential energy at this height. Assume the value of g to be 9.8 m/s^2.

To determine the gravitational potential energy at the climber's new height, use the formula GPE = mgh. Here, m = 70 kg, g = 9.8 m/s2, and h = 800 m. Therefore, GPE = 70 kg x 9.8 m/s2 x 800 m = 548,800 Joules. This significant increase in gravitational potential energy illustrates the effect of both mass and height in the calculation of GPE, emphasising how gravitational potential energy is a measure of the work done against gravitational force to reach a certain height.

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