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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

5.1.1 Work and Energy

Work in Physics: A Transfer of Energy

Work in physics signifies the transfer of energy through the application of force causing an object to move. It's a foundational concept linking work and energy.

  • Calculation of Work: Work (W) is the product of the force (F) exerted on an object and the displacement (s) of the object in the direction of the force. The formula is W = F * s.
  • Units of Work: Work is measured in joules (J) in the International System of Units (SI), where 1 joule equals 1 newton-meter (1 J = 1 Nm).
Diagram explaining work done when force F results in the displacement d

work done when force F results in the displacement d

Image Courtesy OpenStax

Work Done Against Forces

Gravitational Force

Understanding work against gravitational force is key in many physical scenarios, particularly in lifting objects.

  • Calculation Method: The work done against gravity is calculated using W = m * g * h, where m is mass, g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.81 m/s² on Earth), and h is the height.
Diagram explaining work done against gravitational force

Work done against gravitational force

Image Courtesy Profound Physics

  • Energy Conversion: This work results in an increase in the object’s gravitational potential energy.

Frictional Forces

Work done against friction is a common phenomenon in everyday life.

  • Energy Transformation: Work against friction typically converts into heat, indicating the transformation from mechanical to thermal energy.
  • Surface and Normal Force: The work done against friction varies with the nature of surfaces and the normal force.

Work Done at Various Angles

When force and displacement are not aligned, trigonometry is used to calculate work.

  • Modified Formula: For work at an angle, the formula is W = F * s * cos(theta), where theta is the angle between the force and displacement.
Diagram explaining work done at different angles

Work done at different angles

Image Courtesy OpenStax

  • Importance of Angle: This is especially relevant on inclined planes or with pulleys.

Example Calculations

1. Pushing a Box on a Floor:

  • If a 100 N force is applied to move a box 5 meters on a floor at a 30° angle, the work done is W = 100 * 5 * cos(30°), about 433 J.

2. Lifting an Object Vertically:

  • Lifting a 10 kg object 2 meters up, the work against gravity is W = 10 * 9.81 * 2, around 196.2 J.

3. Object on an Inclined Plane:

  • Pulling an object with a 150 N force up a 5-meter inclined plane at 45°, the work done is W = 150 * 5 * cos(45°), approximately 530 J.

Practical Applications and Considerations

Real-Life Scenarios

The understanding of work and energy transfer is crucial in areas like construction, engineering, and transportation, particularly in overcoming gravitational and frictional forces.

Conceptual Understanding

  • Path Independence: For conservative forces like gravity, work done only depends on initial and final positions, not the path.
  • Non-conservative Forces: For forces like friction, the path affects the total work done.

Challenges in Calculations

  • Complex Forces: Real-world situations often involve complex, non-linear forces.
  • Energy Losses: Energy loss, mainly as heat due to friction, affects total work done calculations.


The angle in the work calculation becomes 90° when the force applied is perpendicular to the direction of displacement. In such a case, since cos(90°) equals zero, the work done is zero. This situation occurs in scenarios like carrying a heavy bag while walking on a flat surface. The force exerted by a person is vertical (to support the weight of the bag), while the displacement is horizontal (the direction of walking). Since these directions are perpendicular, the work done by the person in holding the bag up (ignoring walking) is technically zero. This concept is crucial in distinguishing between situations where energy is being used to do work versus merely exerting a force.

In the context of physics, if there is no displacement, no work is done on an object, regardless of the amount of force applied. The fundamental formula for work, W = F * s, makes this clear, as the work done becomes zero if the displacement (s) is zero. This is true even in scenarios where a significant force is applied, such as pushing against a solid wall. Although effort is exerted, because the wall does not move, no work is technically done. This principle highlights that work in physics is as much about the effect of a force (i.e., displacement) as it is about the force itself.

The concept of work differs significantly between gravitational and frictional forces due to their different natures. When work is done against gravity, such as lifting an object, the work done is stored as gravitational potential energy. This process is generally reversible, meaning that the energy can be fully recovered, for example, when the object falls back down. In contrast, work done against frictional forces, like pushing an object across a rough surface, converts the mechanical energy into heat, which is typically dispersed into the environment and thus not recoverable. Friction, being a non-conservative force, dissipates energy, whereas gravity, a conservative force, allows for energy recovery.

In circular motion, such as swinging a pendulum, the concept of work can be more complex. When a pendulum swings, the force due to gravity acts downwards, while the displacement of the pendulum bob is along the arc of its swing. The angle between the force and displacement continuously changes throughout the motion. At the highest points of the swing, the force of gravity acts perpendicular to the displacement (angle 90°), meaning no work is done at these points. However, as the pendulum moves through its arc, gravity does work, converting potential energy into kinetic energy and vice versa. The work done in circular motion scenarios often involves calculating the components of force that are parallel to the displacement at various points, making these calculations more intricate than linear scenarios.

When the force applied is in the opposite direction to the displacement, the angle theta in the work formula W = F * s * cos(theta) becomes 180°. The cosine of 180° is -1, reflecting this opposition in direction. Therefore, the work done becomes negative, indicating that the force is acting against the direction of displacement. For instance, if a force is applied to pull an object back while it is moving forward, the work done by that force is negative. This scenario is common in situations where forces act to decelerate or stop a moving object. The negative work conceptually represents the removal or reduction of energy from the system.

Practice Questions

A crate of mass 50 kg is pushed across a horizontal surface with a constant force of 200 N for a distance of 4 meters. The force is applied at an angle of 30° to the horizontal. Calculate the work done in moving the crate.

To calculate the work done, the formula W = F * s * cos(theta) is used, where F is the force, s is the displacement, and theta is the angle between the force and the displacement. Here, F = 200 N, s = 4 meters, and theta = 30°. Therefore, the work done is W = 200 * 4 * cos(30°). Calculating this, cos(30°) is approximately 0.866. Thus, the work done is W = 200 * 4 * 0.866, which is about 693.6 joules. This shows that despite the force being applied at an angle, a significant amount of work is still done in moving the crate.

A ball of mass 2 kg is lifted vertically to a height of 3 meters. Calculate the work done against the gravitational force. Then, explain what happens to this work in terms of energy transformation.

The work done against gravitational force is calculated using the formula W = m * g * h, where m is the mass, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height. For the ball, m = 2 kg, g = 9.81 m/s² (standard value for gravity on Earth), and h = 3 meters. Therefore, the work done is W = 2 * 9.81 * 3, which is about 58.86 joules. This work done against gravity is transformed into gravitational potential energy of the ball. As the ball is lifted, its potential energy increases by the amount of work done on it, meaning the ball now possesses 58.86 joules of potential energy at the height of 3 meters. This energy transformation is a crucial aspect of the conservation of energy in mechanical systems.

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