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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

4.3.2 Defining Pressure

Conceptualising Pressure

Understanding pressure involves comprehending how force is distributed over a surface.

Basic Definition

  • Pressure (P): Defined as the force (F) applied perpendicularly to a surface divided by the area (A) of that surface, P = F/A.
  • SI Unit: The standard unit for pressure is the Pascal (Pa), equivalent to one Newton per square meter (N/m²).

Calculating Pressure

The method of calculating pressure varies between fluids and solids, each with unique considerations.

Pressure in Fluids

  • Uniform Distribution: In fluids, pressure is exerted evenly in all directions and increases with depth.
  • Formula: Fluid pressure is calculated using the hydrostatic pressure equation, P = ρgh, where ρ is density, g is gravity, and h is height.

Pressure in Solids

  • Dependence on Area: In solids, pressure depends on the area over which the force is applied.
  • Application: Crucial in fields like structural engineering, where pressure determines the stress on materials.
Diagram explaining calculation of pressure in solids

Pressure in solids

Image Courtesy HyperPhysics

Factors Influencing Pressure

Understanding the variables that affect pressure is key in physics.

Role of Force

  • Proportionality: Pressure is directly proportional to force. Increasing force while keeping the area constant raises the pressure.
  • Applications: This principle is exploited in systems like car brakes, where a small force is amplified to exert high pressure.

Influence of Area

  • Inverse Relationship: Pressure is inversely proportional to the area. Spreading the same force over a larger area reduces pressure.
  • Implications: This is important in designing foundations for buildings, ensuring the ground pressure remains within safe limits.
Diagram explaining force and area as factors influencing pressure

Factors influencing Pressure

Image Courtesy OpenStax

Practical Applications of Pressure

Pressure principles are employed in various everyday and industrial contexts.

Domestic and Industrial Uses

  • Hydraulics: Used in machines like hydraulic lifts, where a small force is applied to move heavy loads.
  • Pneumatics: Employed in air brakes and pneumatic systems, using air pressure for operation.

Atmospheric Pressure

  • Weather Prediction: Variations in atmospheric pressure are indicators of changing weather patterns.
  • Altitude Effects: Atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude, impacting activities like aviation and mountaineering.

Advanced Aspects of Pressure

Pressure concepts are extended to more complex phenomena in science.

Pressure in Fluid Dynamics

  • Bernoulli’s Principle: Demonstrates how pressure varies with fluid speed and is applied in aerodynamics and hydrodynamics.
  • Venturi Effect: Used in measuring flow rates and designing efficient piping systems.

Pressure in Material Science

  • Stress-Strain Analysis: Pressure is related to stress, crucial for understanding how materials deform under various loads.
  • Material Selection: Pressure considerations guide the choice of materials in construction and manufacturing for safety and efficiency.

Environmental and Ecological Aspects

Pressure plays a role in environmental science and ecology.


  • Deep-Sea Exploration: Pressure increases with ocean depth, affecting the design of submersibles and underwater equipment.
  • Marine Life: The adaptation of marine organisms to high-pressure environments is a key study area.

Atmospheric Studies

  • Climate Research: Atmospheric pressure variations are critical in studying climate change and atmospheric phenomena.
  • Pollution Dispersion: Understanding how pressure influences the dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere is vital for environmental protection.


Pressure is fundamentally related to the concept of buoyancy in fluids. Buoyancy is the upward force that a fluid exerts on an object submerged in it. This force is a result of pressure differences within the fluid: the pressure at the bottom of the object is greater than the pressure at the top, creating a net upward force. According to Archimedes' principle, the magnitude of this buoyant force is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object. This principle explains why objects float or sink in fluids depending on their density relative to the fluid.

In a hydraulic system, pressure is used to transmit force from one point to another through an incompressible fluid, typically oil. When a force is applied at one point in the fluid, it creates pressure in the system. According to Pascal's principle, this pressure is transmitted undiminished throughout the fluid, allowing a force applied to a small area to be transmitted to a larger area. This results in a magnified force at the output, allowing hydraulic systems to lift or move heavy loads. This principle is widely used in various mechanical systems, including car brakes, hydraulic jacks, and heavy machinery.

Pressure plays a significant role in determining weather patterns. Weather systems are largely driven by differences in atmospheric pressure, which cause air to move from high-pressure areas to low-pressure areas. High-pressure systems are generally associated with clear, calm weather, as they involve descending air that inhibits cloud formation. Low-pressure systems, on the other hand, often lead to unsettled weather conditions, including rain and storms, due to rising air that promotes cloud development. Meteorologists use barometers to measure atmospheric pressure, helping them predict weather changes and providing crucial information for weather forecasts.

Atmospheric pressure decreases with an increase in altitude. This is because atmospheric pressure is a result of the weight of the air above the point of measurement. As altitude increases, there is less air above the point, thus exerting less pressure. This decrease in atmospheric pressure with altitude has several implications. For instance, it affects the boiling point of water, which decreases at higher altitudes due to the lower pressure. It also has physiological effects on the human body, such as altitude sickness, caused by reduced oxygen levels at high altitudes. In aviation, understanding these changes in atmospheric pressure is crucial for altitude measurement and cabin pressurisation.

Deep-sea divers experience greater pressure as they dive deeper due to the increasing weight of the water above them. Water is much denser than air, so the pressure increases rapidly with depth. The pressure experienced by a diver at a certain depth is calculated using the hydrostatic pressure equation, P = ρgh. Here, ρ is the density of the water, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the depth of the water. As the diver goes deeper, h increases, leading to an increase in pressure. This increased pressure can have physiological effects on divers, such as decompression sickness, and requires careful management through decompression stops and specialised equipment.

Practice Questions

A force of 50 N is applied to the end of a screwdriver with a handle area of 0.005 m². Calculate the pressure exerted by the screwdriver on a screw.

To calculate the pressure exerted by the screwdriver, we use the formula P = F/A, where P is pressure, F is force, and A is area. Here, the force F is 50 N, and the area A is 0.005 m². Substituting these values into the formula, we get P = 50 N / 0.005 m² = 10,000 N/m² (or Pascals). Therefore, the pressure exerted by the screwdriver is 10,000 Pa.

Explain how the pressure at a depth of 10 meters in water differs from the pressure at the same depth in a solution of saltwater, assuming the saltwater is denser.

The pressure at a certain depth in a fluid depends on the density of the fluid, the depth, and the acceleration due to gravity. As the saltwater is denser than pure water, the pressure at the same depth will be greater in the saltwater solution. Pressure in a fluid is calculated using the formula P = ρgh, where ρ is the density, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the depth. Since the depth and gravity remain constant, the increase in density of saltwater compared to pure water results in a higher pressure at the same depth. This is because a denser fluid has more mass per unit volume, exerting a greater force on objects submerged at the same depth.

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