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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

4.2.2 Equilibrium Conditions

Essential Conditions for Equilibrium

Equilibrium is a state where a system experiences no net force or torque, leading to a condition of rest or uniform motion.

Balance of Forces

  • Resultant Force Zero: For translational equilibrium, the vector sum of all forces acting on an object must equal zero. This implies that the forces are balanced, and there is no net force causing acceleration.
Diagram showing a see-saw in static equilibrium by balancing the forces

Balanced Forces and Static Equilibrium

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  • Static and Dynamic Equilibrium: In static equilibrium, the object remains at rest, while in dynamic equilibrium, it moves with constant velocity.
DIagram shows a car in dynamic equilibrium as it moves at a constant velocity

Dynamic Equilibrium

Image Courtesy OpenStax

Balance of Torques

  • Resultant Torque Zero: Rotational equilibrium requires that the sum of all torques (or moments) acting on an object is zero. This ensures no net rotational motion or change in rotational motion occurs.
  • Point of Application: The point where forces are applied plays a crucial role in determining the torque and, consequently, the rotational balance.

The Role of Resultant Force and Torque

Resultant forces and torques are central to understanding and achieving equilibrium in various systems.

Understanding Resultant Force

  • Direction and Magnitude: The resultant force is a single vector that represents the combined effect of all individual forces acting on a body. It determines the overall direction and magnitude of the force acting on the object.
  • Equilibrium Analysis: In equilibrium, the resultant force must be zero, meaning no unbalanced forces are present.

Understanding Resultant Torque

  • Rotational Influence: Resultant torque, or the sum of all individual torques, determines the rotational effect on an object. It considers both the magnitude of forces and their distance from the pivot point.
  • Conditions for Rotational Equilibrium: An object is in rotational equilibrium when the resultant torque is zero, indicating no net rotational effect.
Diagram explaining torque produced by an applied force depending on the direction of the pivot

Torque produced by an applied force

Image Courtesy OpenStax

Equilibrium in Engineering and Design

Applying principles of equilibrium is foundational in engineering and design, ensuring stability and functionality.

Structural Engineering

  • Building and Bridge Stability: Structures must be designed to maintain equilibrium under various loads, including their own weight, environmental forces like wind and earthquakes, and operational loads such as traffic on bridges.
  • Force Distribution: The distribution of forces and the design of support structures are key to maintaining equilibrium and structural integrity.

Mechanical and Automotive Engineering

  • Machine Design: Mechanical systems, including engines and rotating machinery, require careful balancing of forces and torques to ensure smooth operation and minimise wear.
  • Automotive Balance: In vehicles, equilibrium principles govern aspects like weight distribution, suspension systems, and aerodynamics for optimal handling and stability.

Product and Industrial Design

  • Functional Stability: Everyday products, from furniture to handheld devices, need to be designed considering equilibrium for stability and ease of use.
  • Ergonomic Considerations: Ergonomics, or the study of people's efficiency in their working environment, often involves understanding how to maintain equilibrium in various postures and with different tools.

Challenges in Achieving Equilibrium

Attaining equilibrium in practical situations involves overcoming various challenges.

Variable Forces and Dynamic Conditions

  • Changing Loads: In real-world scenarios, systems often face dynamic and changing loads, requiring adaptable designs to maintain equilibrium.
  • Responsive Design: Structures and mechanisms must be capable of adjusting to these variable conditions while preserving stability.

Environmental and External Influences

  • Weather and Natural Forces: External factors such as wind, water currents, and seismic activity can disrupt equilibrium, necessitating robust and resilient designs.
  • Material Responses: The choice of materials is crucial as their response to environmental conditions can affect the balance of forces and torques.

Technological and Innovative Approaches

  • Advanced Materials: Utilizing materials with superior strength-to-weight ratios or adaptive properties can aid in achieving equilibrium under challenging conditions.
  • Computational Modeling: Modern engineering extensively uses computational tools to model and predict equilibrium conditions, facilitating more efficient and accurate designs.


Equilibrium is fundamental in human biomechanics, especially in maintaining posture and coordinating movement. The human body constantly adjusts to maintain balance, whether standing still or in motion. When standing, the body's centre of gravity must be aligned with its base of support (the feet), with forces from the ground and the weight of the body balanced. During movement, muscles work in pairs to produce opposing forces that keep the body in equilibrium. This balance is crucial for efficient movement and preventing falls or injuries, demonstrating the body's innate ability to apply principles of equilibrium.

Equilibrium concepts heavily influence aircraft design, ensuring stability and control during flight. An aircraft must maintain equilibrium in three axes: pitch, roll, and yaw. Designers must ensure that the lift generated by the wings balances the weight of the aircraft, and the thrust produced by the engines balances the drag. Additionally, the aircraft's centre of gravity must be carefully positioned, and control surfaces like ailerons, elevators, and rudders are used to maintain and adjust equilibrium during flight. Effective design considering equilibrium principles is critical for the aircraft's performance, fuel efficiency, and safety.

For a satellite in orbit, maintaining equilibrium is vital for its proper functioning and longevity. The satellite must balance various forces, including gravitational pull from the Earth and any other external forces, like pressure from solar radiation or drag from the Earth's atmosphere. If the satellite is not in equilibrium, it might experience uncontrolled spinning or changes in its orbit, which can lead to loss of communication or collision with other objects in space. Engineers design satellites with systems like gyroscopes and thrusters to maintain equilibrium and ensure that the satellite remains stable and in its intended orbit.

In electrical circuits, equilibrium principles are significant in ensuring stable and safe operation. For a circuit to function properly, the electrical forces (voltage) and resistances must be in equilibrium. This balance ensures that current flows through the circuit in a controlled manner, providing the desired output without causing damage. For instance, in a balanced Wheatstone bridge circuit, the voltage across the bridge is zero when the bridge is in equilibrium, allowing for precise measurements. Overloaded circuits, where this equilibrium is disrupted, can lead to excessive heat, potential circuit damage, or electrical fires, highlighting the importance of equilibrium in electrical engineering.

The principles of equilibrium are crucial in the design of suspension bridges. These structures must balance the forces acting on them, including the weight of the bridge itself, the load it carries, and environmental forces like wind and seismic activity. The cables in a suspension bridge distribute the weight of the load evenly across the bridge, creating a balance of forces. The tension in the cables and the compression in the towers and deck must be in equilibrium to maintain the bridge's stability. Engineers calculate these forces precisely to ensure that the bridge can support the intended loads without collapsing, adhering to the principles of equilibrium.

Practice Questions

A uniform beam is supported at its ends and has a weight of 600 N. A 400 N weight is placed 2 m from the left end of the beam, which is 5 m in length. Determine the reaction forces at both ends of the beam.

The beam is in equilibrium, so the sum of the moments about any point must be zero. Taking moments about the left end, the moment due to the weight is 400 N × 2 m = 800 Nm. The weight of the beam acts at its centre, which is 2.5 m from the left end, giving a moment of 600 N × 2.5 m = 1500 Nm. Let the reaction force at the right end be R. The moment due to R is R × 5 m. For equilibrium, 800 Nm + 1500 Nm = R × 5 m, giving R = 460 N. Since the total upward force must equal the total downward force (1000 N), the reaction at the left end is 1000 N - 460 N = 540 N.

Explain why a four-legged table is more stable than a three-legged table when placed on an uneven surface.

A four-legged table is more stable on an uneven surface due to the distribution of forces and the increased area of support. The four legs provide a wider base, which increases the table's ability to balance forces and moments. Even if one leg is not fully on the ground, the other three can provide sufficient support and stability by redistributing the weight of the table and any load on it. In contrast, a three-legged table has less flexibility in force distribution. If one leg is not properly supported, the table becomes unstable and is more likely to tip over, as it cannot redistribute the load effectively among the remaining legs.

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