Understanding Terminal Velocity
When an object falls through a fluid, it initially accelerates due to gravity. As its speed increases, so does the resistance (or drag) from the fluid. Terminal velocity is reached when this drag force equals the gravitational force, resulting in no further acceleration.
Balanced Forces at Terminal Velocity
- Gravitational Force: Acts downwards and is calculated as weight (mg, where m is mass and g is gravitational acceleration).
- Drag Force: Acts upwards, opposing motion, and increases with the object's velocity.

Terminal Velocity
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Factors Affecting Terminal Velocity
Several elements impact the terminal velocity of an object, including its shape, mass, and the properties of the fluid it falls through.
Object Characteristics
- Shape: Aerodynamic shapes experience less drag, leading to higher terminal velocities.
- Mass: Heavier objects generally have higher terminal velocities due to their greater inertia overcoming air resistance more effectively.
Medium Properties
- Air Density: Higher air density increases drag, reducing terminal velocity. Altitude affects air density, with higher altitudes having less dense air, leading to higher terminal velocities.
Calculating Terminal Velocity
Terminal velocity can be estimated using the balance of forces. The drag force at terminal velocity is equal to the gravitational force.
Formula for Terminal Velocity
- The terminal velocity, Vt, can be approximated by the equation Vt = sqrt((2mg)/(ρACd)), where ρ is the fluid density, A is the cross-sectional area, and Cd is the drag coefficient.
- Skydivers: Terminal velocity varies based on body position, affecting the area A in the equation.

Terminal Velocity in Skydivers
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- Raindrops: Smaller raindrops reach lower terminal velocities due to lesser mass and reduced cross-sectional area.
Terminal Velocity in Different Mediums
The concept applies to all fluids, including air and water, but the terminal velocity differs significantly due to the medium's density.
Air Versus Water
- Objects fall faster in air than in water because water's higher density increases the drag force more than air, reducing the terminal velocity.
Real-World Applications
Terminal velocity is not just a theoretical concept but has practical applications in various fields.
Engineering and Safety
- Parachute Design: Understanding terminal velocity is crucial in designing parachutes for effective deceleration.
- Automotive Safety: Car crash testing often involves calculations related to terminal velocity to improve safety features.
Natural World Observations
- Seed Dispersal: Some plants have adapted to use terminal velocity for effective seed dispersal.
- Animal Behavior: Birds and other animals use the concept of terminal velocity to glide or dive efficiently.
Objects with different weights but similar shapes and sizes reach terminal velocity at different rates primarily due to the difference in gravitational force acting on them. A heavier object experiences a greater gravitational pull, which means it requires a larger drag force to balance this pull and reach terminal velocity. Consequently, a heavier object will accelerate for a longer period and reach a higher terminal velocity than a lighter object. The shape and size being similar means the drag force acting on them due to air resistance starts increasing at similar rates as they accelerate.
The concept of terminal velocity is crucial in designing parachutes, as the main function of a parachute is to reduce the terminal velocity of a falling object, like a person, to a safe landing speed. Parachutes achieve this by increasing the air resistance. They are designed to have a large surface area to increase drag force significantly. This increased drag force reduces the terminal velocity to a level where the person can land safely. The material, size, and shape of the parachute are all designed considering terminal velocity to ensure it effectively slows the descent.
An object cannot reach terminal velocity in a vacuum because terminal velocity depends on the balance between gravitational force and drag force (air resistance). In a vacuum, there is no air or any other medium to provide the drag force. Without air resistance, the only force acting on the object is gravity, causing it to continuously accelerate under free fall. Therefore, in the absence of a medium, the concept of terminal velocity does not apply, as there is no force to counteract gravity and bring the object to a constant speed.
Terminal velocity directly affects the impact force when an object hits the ground. An object falling at terminal velocity has reached a constant speed, meaning its kinetic energy upon impact is determined by this velocity. The impact force is related to how quickly the object's momentum changes upon hitting the ground. A higher terminal velocity results in greater kinetic energy and momentum, leading to a larger impact force. Conversely, if the terminal velocity is lower, for instance, due to a parachute, the impact force is significantly reduced, making the landing safer.
When an object is dropped from a higher altitude, its terminal velocity can change due to variations in air density. At higher altitudes, the air density is lower, resulting in reduced air resistance. With less air resistance, the object can accelerate to a higher speed before the drag force balances the gravitational force. Therefore, the terminal velocity is higher at higher altitudes compared to lower altitudes. However, this is also dependent on the shape and mass of the object, as these factors also influence how quickly it reaches terminal velocity.
Practice Questions
To calculate the terminal velocity, we use the formula Vt = sqrt((2mg)/(ρACd)). Here, m is the mass of the skydiver (75 kg), g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s²), ρ is the air density (1.225 kg/m³), A is the cross-sectional area (0.7 m²), and Cd is the drag coefficient (1.0). Substituting these values, we get Vt = sqrt((2 × 75 kg × 9.8 m/s²)/(1.225 kg/m³ × 0.7 m² × 1.0)) = sqrt((1470)/(0.8575)) ≈ 39.2 m/s. Therefore, the terminal velocity of the skydiver is approximately 39.2 m/s.
A small metal ball reaches terminal velocity faster than a larger one due to the difference in their cross-sectional areas and the air resistance they encounter. The smaller ball has a lower mass and a smaller cross-sectional area, which means it experiences a lower gravitational force and less air resistance compared to the larger ball. As a result, the smaller ball reaches the point where the gravitational force is balanced by the air resistance more quickly, thus achieving terminal velocity in a shorter time. In contrast, the larger ball takes longer to reach this equilibrium due to its greater mass and higher resistance.