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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

3.2.2 Force as Change in Momentum

Exploring Force as the Rate of Change of Momentum

Force is fundamentally linked to the change in an object's momentum over time. This concept is central to Newtonian mechanics and can be mathematically expressed as F = Δp/Δt.

The Mathematical Relationship

  • Formula Explanation: In the equation F = Δp/Δt, F denotes force, Δp represents the change in momentum, and Δt is the time interval over which this change occurs.
  • Vector Nature of Force and Momentum: Since both force and momentum are vector quantities, this relationship also involves the direction of the vectors. The direction of the force applied to an object determines the direction of its momentum change.
Diagram explaining the relationship between impulse and momentum using the Impulse-momentum theorem

Impulse-momentum theorem

Image courtesy Quizlet

Implications in Dynamics

  • Greater Force, Greater Rate of Change: A larger force results in a more rapid change in momentum. Conversely, a small force leads to a gradual change.
  • Instantaneous Force: In certain scenarios, understanding the instantaneous rate of change of momentum, obtained by differentiating momentum with respect to time, is essential.

Applications in Impacts and Collisions

The concept of force as the rate of change of momentum is particularly useful in analysing impacts and collisions, which are common in various physical contexts.

Collision Analysis

  • During a Collision: In a collision, whether elastic or inelastic, the rapid change in momentum involves significant forces. This principle is key to understanding the mechanics of collisions.
  • Momentum Conservation: In collisions within a closed system, the total momentum is conserved. The forces experienced by the colliding bodies are a result of the changes in their individual momenta.

Real-Life Examples

  • Automotive Safety: In car crashes, analysing the forces involved via momentum change helps in understanding crash dynamics and designing safety features.
  • Sports Physics: Sports like football, golf, or cricket often involve collisions where the change in momentum and the associated forces are crucial for performance analysis.
Diagram explaining impulse and momentum in a football

Impulse and Momentum

Image Courtesy OpenStax

Impulse and Momentum Change

Impulse is a concept that links force to the change in momentum, playing a significant role in understanding motion under varying forces.

Understanding Impulse

  • Impulse Definition: Impulse (J) is defined as the product of the force (F) and the time interval (Δt) over which it acts. Mathematically, J = FΔt.
  • Equivalence to Momentum Change: Impulse is equivalent to the change in momentum of an object, i.e., J = Δp. This relationship is fundamental in dynamics and is used in calculating the effects of forces over time.

Applications of Impulse

  • Safety Equipment: In designing safety gear like airbags or helmets, the impulse concept is used to minimise the impact force by increasing the time over which the force acts.
  • Ballistics and Rocketry: The impulse provided to projectiles or rockets determines their momentum change, influencing their motion and trajectory.

Momentum Change in Variable Force Scenarios

In real-world scenarios, the force acting on an object often varies over time, affecting how the object's momentum changes.

Handling Variable Forces

  • Force-Time Graphs: The area under a force-time graph gives the impulse, which is the change in momentum. This is particularly useful in cases where force varies.
  • Integrating Forces: In systems with non-linearly varying forces, integrating the force over the time interval provides the total impulse and hence the overall change in momentum.

Advanced Concepts in Momentum and Force

Beyond basic collisions, the relationship between force and momentum change is crucial in understanding more complex physical systems.

Multi-Object Systems

  • Interconnected Objects: In systems with multiple objects interacting, like a series of connected cars or particles, analysing the momentum change provides insights into the resultant motion post-interaction.
  • External Forces: When external forces like gravity or friction are involved, they contribute to the total momentum change and must be factored into the system's analysis.


The concept of force as the rate of change of momentum is also vital in understanding wave phenomena, particularly in the context of sound waves. When a sound wave travels through a medium, it exerts a force on the particles of the medium, causing them to oscillate. The momentum of these particles changes as they move back and forth, and this change in momentum over time (caused by the force exerted by the sound wave) is what propagates the wave through the medium. In acoustics, this principle helps in understanding how sound waves can transfer energy over distances without the physical movement of the entire medium. For instance, in designing acoustic systems or studying sound insulation, this concept is used to calculate how sound waves exert forces on different materials, leading to energy transfer and sound propagation.

In sports, understanding and utilising the concept of force as a change in momentum is crucial for enhancing performance. For instance, in games like golf or tennis, players aim to maximise the change in momentum of the ball. By applying a force over a longer contact time with the ball (a longer swing), they increase the impulse, which consequently increases the ball's momentum and thus its speed and distance travelled. Similarly, in athletics, sprinters use forceful, quick strides to rapidly change their momentum and increase speed. In all these cases, the key is efficiently transferring the athlete's energy (force over time) to the object (ball, self) to maximise the change in momentum, thereby optimising performance.

A photonic rocket operates on the principle of force as a change in momentum, but instead of expelling conventional mass, it utilises photons (light particles). According to physics, photons have momentum despite having no rest mass. When a photonic rocket emits photons, it exerts a force due to the change in momentum associated with the emitted light. The photons moving in one direction impart a small but measurable momentum change in the opposite direction to the spacecraft. This concept is particularly attractive for space exploration as it provides a means of propulsion without the need for carrying conventional fuel. However, the force generated is extremely small because the momentum carried by photons is minuscule. Consequently, while the theory is sound, the practical application of photonic rockets in producing significant acceleration or in manned space travel is still a topic of research and development.

The design of safer cars heavily utilises the concept of force as the rate of change of momentum, particularly in features like crumple zones and airbags. In a collision, a car's momentum changes rapidly. Crumple zones are designed to deform in a controlled manner, increasing the time over which the momentum change occurs, thereby reducing the force experienced by the occupants. Similarly, airbags inflate quickly during a crash to increase the time taken for the occupant's momentum to reach zero. This longer duration reduces the force exerted on the occupants, minimising injuries. Engineers study collision dynamics to optimise these safety features, ensuring that they absorb and redistribute the forces of impact effectively, thereby protecting passengers by limiting the rate of momentum change.

The application of force as a change in momentum is fundamental in rocket and spacecraft technology. When a rocket burns fuel, it expels exhaust gases at high speeds in the opposite direction of its desired travel, creating a force on the rocket. According to Newton's third law, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The momentum of the expelled gases (product of their mass and velocity) generates an equal and opposite change in momentum for the rocket, propelling it forward. This change in momentum over the time during which the force is applied (burn time of fuel) is essential in calculating the rocket's velocity and trajectory. It's not just the amount of fuel, but how quickly it is expelled that determines the rocket's speed and direction. In space, where there is little to no external resistance, even small forces can lead to significant changes in momentum, making precise calculations vital for manoeuvres and maintaining orbits.

Practice Questions

A hockey puck of mass 0.15 kg is sliding on ice with an initial velocity of 5.0 m/s. It is brought to rest by a net force acting over a time of 0.25 seconds. Calculate the magnitude of the average force exerted on the puck.

The key to solving this question is using the impulse-momentum theorem. Initially, the puck’s momentum (p) can be calculated using p = mv, which gives 0.15 kg × 5.0 m/s = 0.75 kg·m/s. The final momentum is 0, as the puck comes to rest. Therefore, the change in momentum (Δp) is -0.75 kg·m/s (negative because the puck is slowing down). Now, using the formula for impulse (Impulse = Force × Time), where impulse is equal to Δp, we can calculate the average force as Force = Δp / Time = -0.75 kg·m/s / 0.25 s = -3.0 N. The negative sign indicates that the force acts in the opposite direction to the puck's initial motion.

In a crash test, a car of mass 1200 kg, initially travelling at 20 m/s, comes to a stop in 0.5 seconds upon hitting a barrier. Calculate the average force exerted on the car during the collision.

To find the average force exerted on the car, first calculate the change in momentum. The initial momentum is given by p = mv, which equals 1200 kg × 20 m/s = 24000 kg·m/s. Upon stopping, the final momentum is 0 kg·m/s. Therefore, the change in momentum, Δp, is -24000 kg·m/s. The negative sign represents a decrease in momentum. Now, applying the impulse-momentum theorem, where impulse equals Force × Time and impulse is the same as Δp, we get Force = Δp / Time = -24000 kg·m/s / 0.5 s = -48000 N. This large negative force highlights the intensity of the collision, acting opposite to the car’s initial direction.

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