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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

25.1.2 Inverse Square Law

Introduction to the Inverse Square Law

The Inverse Square Law provides a quantitative description of how light and radiation propagate through space. This law states that the intensity of radiation or light from a point source decreases in proportion to the square of the distance from the source. The mathematical representation of this law is:

F = L / 4πd2​


  • F represents the radiant flux intensity at a distance d from the source.
  • L is the luminosity of the source, indicating the total power of radiation emitted.
  • d is the distance from the radiation or light source.
Diagram explaining Inverse Square Law

Inverse Square Law

Image Courtesy BYJU’s

Core Principles of the Inverse Square Law

Radiant Flux Intensity (F)

  • Radiant flux intensity refers to the power per unit area received from a source.
  • It is a crucial measure in understanding how bright a light source appears from a given distance.
  • Measured in watts per square metre (W/m²).
Diagram explaining Radiant Flux Intensity

Radiant Flux Intensity

Image Courtesy Science Facts

Luminosity (L)

  • Luminosity is the total amount of energy a celestial body, like a star, emits per second.
  • It is a key concept in astrophysics, providing insights into the energy output of stars and other celestial objects.
  • Typically measured in watts (W).

Distance (d)

  • The distance factor in the Inverse Square Law is crucial in understanding the diminishing intensity of light.
  • It demonstrates the concept that as distance increases, the same amount of light or radiation spreads over a larger area, reducing its intensity at any given point.

Practical Applications of the Inverse Square Law

In Astronomy

  • Astronomers use this law to understand and measure the brightness of stars and galaxies.
  • It is instrumental in determining the distances to celestial bodies based on their observed brightness.

In Photography

  • Photographers apply the Inverse Square Law to calculate the proper lighting for subjects, adjusting the distance of light sources to achieve the desired exposure.

Understanding Flux Diminishment

As the distance from a light source increases, the area over which the light spreads out increases exponentially, causing a reduction in intensity. This concept is key in calculating the perceived brightness of celestial bodies from Earth.


  • Imagine a light bulb with a constant luminosity. Moving twice the distance away from the bulb will increase the area over which the light spreads by four times (since area increases with the square of the radius), thus reducing the intensity by a quarter.

Challenges and Limitations in Application


  • Non-Point Sources: The law applies best to point sources. For extended sources, like galaxies, the calculations need to be modified.
  • Medium Absorption: The presence of mediums like water or an atmosphere can affect the propagation of light, requiring adjustments to the law.


  • Complex Calculations: For extended sources, astronomers use more complex models and calculations to estimate distances and brightness.
  • Adjustments for Medium: When light passes through mediums like water or air, scientists apply correction factors to account for absorption and scattering.

Classroom Demonstrations

  • Educators often use light sources and sensors to demonstrate how light intensity decreases with distance, providing a hands-on experience for students to grasp the concept effectively.


The Inverse Square Law is an indispensable part of physics, with applications that span from the depths of space to practical uses in photography and medical physics. Its simplicity in form belies its significance in explaining and quantifying how light and radiation behave over distances.


The inverse square law has significant implications in astrophotography, particularly in terms of exposure and image brightness. When photographing celestial objects, understanding how light intensity decreases with distance is crucial for determining the correct exposure settings. This law helps astrophotographers calculate the amount of light that reaches the camera sensor from a distant star or galaxy. As celestial objects are often at vast distances, the light received is extremely faint, requiring long exposure times to collect enough light for a clear image. The law also explains why photographs of objects at different distances require different exposures; for example, photographing a nearby planet versus a distant galaxy. Additionally, in processing astrophotographs, understanding the inverse square law assists in adjusting brightness and contrast to reveal details of celestial objects, compensating for the decreased intensity of light received from these distant sources.

Yes, the inverse square law also applies to gravitational forces. It states that the gravitational force between two objects is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centres. This law is a fundamental principle in Newtonian gravity, expressed by Newton's law of universal gravitation. The formula is F = G(m1*m2)/r2, where F is the gravitational force, G is the gravitational constant, m1 and m2 are the masses of the two objects, and r is the distance between the centres of the two objects. This principle explains why gravitational forces weaken significantly with distance, which is crucial in understanding planetary orbits, the behaviour of satellites, and astronomical phenomena. The inverse square nature of gravity is fundamental to the calculations that predict the motion of celestial bodies and the structure of the universe on large scales.

The inverse square law is essential in radiation safety, particularly in protecting against exposure from radioactive sources. Understanding this law helps in determining safe distances from radiation sources and in designing shielding and safety protocols. For instance, in medical applications like X-rays or radiation therapy, knowing how radiation intensity decreases with distance helps in positioning patients and staff to minimise exposure. In nuclear power plants, this law is crucial for calculating safe distances for workers and for designing containment structures. The law underscores the principle that increasing distance from a radiation source is an effective means of reducing exposure, as the intensity of radiation decreases rapidly with distance. However, it's also important to note that the type of radiation (alpha, beta, gamma, or neutron) and the medium through which it travels can affect how rapidly its intensity decreases, necessitating additional protective measures beyond just distance.

Using the inverse square law for light intensity in water requires adjustments because water absorbs and scatters light, which affects the light's propagation. In clear water, light diminishes not only due to the spreading out of light waves but also because of absorption and scattering by water molecules and any suspended particles. The absorption varies with the wavelength of light; for instance, red light is absorbed more quickly than blue light, which is why underwater environments tend to have a blueish tint. To accurately calculate light intensity in water, one must consider the absorption and scattering coefficients of water for the specific light wavelength. These coefficients indicate how much light is absorbed and scattered per unit distance. This complexity means that while the inverse square law provides a starting point, more sophisticated models are required for precise calculations in aquatic environments.

The inverse square law applies to sound intensity in a manner similar to light. Sound intensity decreases with the square of the distance from the source. This is because sound energy, like light, spreads out as it travels from its source. As the distance from the source increases, the same amount of sound energy must fill a larger area, leading to a decrease in sound intensity. For example, if you move twice as far from a sound source, the intensity of the sound becomes one-fourth of its original value. However, this application assumes an ideal condition where the sound propagates in a free field without any reflections or absorption. In real-world scenarios, factors like air absorption, environmental noise, and reflections from surfaces can alter the way sound intensity decreases with distance. Therefore, while the inverse square law provides a basic understanding of how sound intensity diminishes, real-world applications often require additional considerations.

Practice Questions

A star emits a total power of 3.6 x 10^26 watts as radiation. Calculate the intensity of this radiation at a distance of 1.5 x 10^11 meters from the star.

To calculate the intensity of the radiation, we apply the inverse square law formula, F = L/(4πd2). Here, L = 3.6 x 1026 watts, and d = 1.5 x 1011 meters. Substituting these values, we get F = 3.6 x 1026 / (4π x (1.5 x 1011)2). After calculating, the intensity, F, equals approximately 2.04 x 103 W/m². This calculation demonstrates the inverse square law's application in determining the intensity of radiation from a celestial object at a given distance.

Explain why the inverse square law is not accurate when calculating the intensity of radiation from extended sources like galaxies.

The inverse square law assumes that the source of radiation is a point source, meaning the source is small enough that its size and shape do not affect the distribution of radiation. However, galaxies are extended sources, not point sources. Their significant size and non-uniform luminosity distribution mean the radiation emitted does not spread out uniformly in all directions. Therefore, the inverse square law, which is based on the assumption of a point source radiating energy uniformly in all directions, does not accurately calculate the intensity of radiation from such extended sources. Advanced models and calculations are required for these types of sources.

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