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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

18.2.1 Uniform Electric Fields


Uniform electric fields are a cornerstone concept in electromagnetism. Understanding their properties and mathematical frameworks is essential for grasping more complex physical phenomena.

Definition and Properties of Uniform Electric Fields

Uniform electric fields play a crucial role in understanding electrical forces and their effects.

What is a Uniform Electric Field?

  • Definition: A uniform electric field is defined as a region where the electric field strength is consistent in both magnitude and direction.
  • Visual Representation: Typically represented as equidistant parallel lines. These lines symbolise the field's direction and uniformity.
Diagram showing uniform electric field

Uniform electric field

Image Courtesy Science Facts

Key Properties of Uniform Electric Fields

  • Direction: The field is directed from positive to negative charge regions.
  • Uniformity: Characterised by a constant electric field strength across the entire field.
  • Effects on Charged Particles: A charged particle within this field experiences a steady force, which affects its motion.

Mathematical Relationship: Voltage, Field Strength, and Distance

The relationship between voltage, field strength, and distance in a uniform electric field is pivotal for understanding electrical phenomena.

Fundamental Equation

  • Equation: E = ΔV / Δd
  • Components Explained:
    • E is the electric field strength, measured in Newtons per Coulomb (N/C).
    • ΔV signifies the potential difference or voltage change, in Volts (V).
    • Δd is the distance over which the voltage change occurs, in meters (m).
Diagram explaining the equation for uniform electric fields

Equation for uniform electric field

Image Courtesy OpenStax

In-Depth Understanding of the Equation

  • Proportional Relationship: The equation indicates a direct proportionality between field strength and voltage difference and an inverse proportionality with distance.
  • Field Strength Calculation: This relationship allows for precise calculations of the electric field strength in various scenarios.

Practical Application Scenarios

  • 1. Predicting Particle Motion: The formula aids in predicting how charged particles will behave in the field.
  • 2. Designing Electrical Components: Engineers use this relationship to design components like capacitors, where uniform electric fields are critical.

Visualising Electric Fields

Diagrams are instrumental in conceptualising uniform electric fields.

Diagram Components

  • Field Lines: Depict the field's direction, represented as parallel, evenly spaced lines.
  • Arrows: Indicate the positive to negative charge direction.

Interpreting Field Diagrams

  • Field Strength Indicators: The uniform spacing of lines demonstrates a constant field strength.
  • Charged Particle Trajectories: The diagrams help in visualising the path of charged particles in the field.

Practical Applications and Real-World Examples

Uniform electric fields are not merely theoretical constructs but have significant practical applications.

Wide-Ranging Applications

  • Particle Accelerators: Utilise uniform electric fields to control and accelerate charged particles.
  • Electrostatic Precipitators: Employ these fields to cleanse air by removing particulates.

Everyday Examples

  • Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) Technology: Found in older TV sets, utilising uniform electric fields to direct electron beams.
  • Capacitors: Store electrical energy, functioning through uniform electric fields between their plates.

Advanced Technological Applications

  • Semiconductor Manufacturing: Uniform electric fields are crucial in fabricating electronic components like transistors.
  • Medical Imaging Equipment: Devices like MRI machines rely on principles related to electric fields.

Extended Mathematical Applications

The mathematical relationship in uniform electric fields extends beyond the basic equation, offering deeper insights into electromagnetism.

Advanced Calculations

  • Force on Charged Particles: Using the equation F = qE, where F is the force on a charge q in an electric field E, one can determine the force experienced by a particle in a uniform field.
  • Energy Considerations: The potential energy of a charge in a uniform field can also be calculated, providing insights into the energetics of charged particles.

Conceptual Depth

  • Field Lines and Equipotential Lines: Understanding the perpendicular nature of field lines to equipotential lines in a uniform field deepens comprehension of electric field concepts.


In a uniform electric field, the electric field lines are depicted as parallel and equidistant to represent the constant strength and direction of the field. The parallel nature of the lines illustrates that the field's direction is the same at every point within the field. The equidistant spacing between the lines indicates that the field's strength is uniform throughout. This means that the force exerted on a charged particle would be the same in magnitude and direction anywhere in the field. These visual characteristics help differentiate a uniform electric field from non-uniform fields in diagrams and conceptual models.

The shape of electrodes significantly influences the uniformity of an electric field. In parallel plate capacitors, where the electrodes are flat and parallel to each other, the electric field between the plates is uniform. This is because the effect of edge fields is negligible compared to the large area of the plates, leading to a constant field strength and direction. However, if the electrodes have curved surfaces or are not parallel, the electric field becomes non-uniform. In such cases, the field lines may converge or diverge, indicating variations in field strength and direction.

The concept of a uniform electric field can be analogously applied to understand certain aspects of gravitational fields. Similar to a uniform electric field, a uniform gravitational field is one where the gravitational force is constant in magnitude and direction at all points. This is typically the case near the Earth's surface, where the gravitational field can be considered uniform for practical purposes. The principles of uniformity, such as constant acceleration of objects and the representation of field lines (parallel and equidistant), can be transferred to understand gravitational fields, providing a useful analogy for students.

In a Cathode Ray Tube (CRT), the electric field strength plays a crucial role in determining the motion of electrons. The uniform electric field between the cathode and anode accelerates the electrons, determining their speed as they move towards the screen. The stronger the electric field (higher voltage difference), the greater the acceleration, resulting in higher speed of the electrons. Additionally, the electric field's direction influences the path of the electrons. In CRTs, deflection plates create additional electric fields to steer the electron beam, allowing the control of where the electrons strike the phosphorescent screen, thus creating images.

Uniform electric fields are characterised by having constant electric field strength and direction throughout the field. This means that the force experienced by a charged particle in a uniform field is consistent in magnitude and direction at any point within the field. In contrast, non-uniform electric fields have varying electric field strengths and/or directions at different points in the field. Consequently, a charged particle in a non-uniform field experiences varying forces. In diagrams, uniform fields are depicted with parallel lines evenly spaced, while non-uniform fields have lines that converge, diverge, or are unevenly spaced.

Practice Questions

A parallel plate capacitor with a plate separation of 0.02 meters has a potential difference of 6000 Volts applied across it. Calculate the electric field strength between the plates.

The electric field strength in a uniform field, such as the one between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor, is given by the equation E = ΔV / Δd. In this case, the potential difference ΔV is 6000 Volts, and the plate separation Δd is 0.02 meters. Therefore, the electric field strength E equals 6000 V divided by 0.02 m, which equals 300,000 V/m or 300,000 N/C. This calculation demonstrates a direct relationship between the voltage and the electric field strength and highlights the inverse relationship with the distance between the plates.

Describe how the motion of a positively charged particle would be affected if it was introduced into a uniform electric field, travelling perpendicular to the field lines.

In a uniform electric field, a positively charged particle introduced perpendicular to the field lines would experience a constant force in the direction of the field. This is because the field exerts a force on the particle that is proportional to its charge. The motion of the particle would be uniformly accelerated along the field lines, similar to the motion under gravity, but along the direction of the electric field. It would not deviate from its path unless acted upon by an external force. This scenario exemplifies the fundamental principles of electromagnetism, where electric fields exert forces on charges.

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