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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

18.1.1 Nature of Electric Fields

Introduction to Electric Fields

Electric fields, conceptualised by Michael Faraday, are pivotal in understanding electromagnetic interactions.

Conceptual Understanding

  • Invisible Force Fields: Electric fields are invisible regions that exert forces on charged particles. They are fundamental to understanding electrical phenomena.
  • Influence of Charge: A charged object creates an electric field that permeates the space around it, influencing other charged objects within this field.

Characteristics of Electric Fields

  • Directional Nature: Electric fields have direction and magnitude, making them vector fields. They point away from positive charges and towards negative charges.
Diagram explaining electric field due to positive and negative charge

Electric field

Image Courtesy Science Facts

  • Relative Strength: The strength of an electric field diminishes with distance from the charge creating it.

Calculation of Electric Field Strength

Electric field strength is a quantitative measure of the intensity of an electric field at a point in space.

Fundamental Formula

  • Electric Field Strength (E): Defined as the force (F) per unit charge (q) experienced in the field: E = F / q.
  • Units: Measured in Newtons per Coulomb (N/C).

Calculating for Point Charges

  • Coulomb's Law: For a single point charge, E = k * |q| / r2, where k is Coulomb's constant (approximately 8.99 x 109 Nm2/C2), q is the charge, and r is the radial distance from the charge.
Diagram showing Coulomb’s law and force between two charges

Coulomb’s Law

Image Courtesy User:Dna-Dennis

  • Direction: The direction of the field is radial, emanating from or converging to the point charge.

Electric Field in Uniform and Non-Uniform Fields

  • Uniform Fields: Characterised by parallel and equally spaced field lines, indicating a constant field strength.
Diagram showing uniform electric field

Uniform electric field

Image Courtesy Science Facts

  • Non-Uniform Fields: The field lines are neither parallel nor evenly spaced, indicating varying field strength.

Vector Nature of Electric Fields

The electric field is a vector field, necessitating an understanding of both magnitude and direction for comprehensive analysis.

Directional Properties

  • Positive to Negative: Electric field lines show the path a positive test charge would follow, moving from positive to negative regions.
  • Field Lines: These lines never cross, indicating the unique direction of the field at any point.

Superposition of Electric Fields

  • Multiple Charges: When multiple charges are present, the total electric field is the vector sum of the fields due to individual charges.
  • Calculations: This involves adding the electric field vectors considering both magnitude and direction.

Practical Applications and Examples

Understanding electric fields has practical implications in technology and natural phenomena.

In Technology

  • Capacitors: Store energy in the electric field between two conductive plates.
  • Particle Accelerators: Use electric fields to accelerate charged particles to high speeds.

Natural Phenomena

  • Lightning: A dramatic display of electric fields overcoming the insulating properties of air, causing a discharge.

Field Lines and Visualisation

Visualising electric fields through field lines enhances comprehension of their behaviour.

Diagram showing electric field lines emerging from the positive charge and converging towards the negative charge

Direction of electric field lines

Image Courtesy OpenStax College

Drawing Field Lines

  • Point Charges: Lines emanate radially from positive charges and converge at negative charges.
  • Dipoles: In a dipole configuration, field lines start at the positive charge and end at the negative charge.

Interpreting Field Lines

  • Density: The closeness of field lines indicates the strength of the field; closer lines signify stronger fields.
  • Direction: The lines provide a clear visual representation of the field's direction.


This exploration of electric fields covers their nature, calculation of field strength, vector characteristics, and their manifestation in natural and technological contexts. Understanding these principles is crucial for students of physics, providing foundational knowledge for further study in electromagnetism and its applications.


Electric field strength can be measured practically using several methods. One common method is using a test charge, where the force experienced by a known charge is measured, and the field strength is calculated using E = F / q. Another method involves using an electrometer, a device capable of measuring the electric potential difference, which can be related to electric field strength. Field strength can also be inferred using Hall probes, which measure the Hall voltage generated when a conductor with current is placed in the field. Additionally, in laboratory settings, field mapping techniques with small conductive probes are used to visualise and measure the field distribution.

The presence of a dielectric material in an electric field affects the field in several ways. Firstly, it reduces the field's strength within the material. This occurs because the dielectric becomes polarised in the presence of the field, with its molecules aligning in such a way that they create an opposing field. This opposing field partially cancels out the original electric field, resulting in a net reduction in field strength. The extent of this reduction is characterised by the material's dielectric constant. Additionally, dielectrics can also change the distribution of field lines, as they alter the way charges within and on the surfaces of the dielectric interact with the field.

Electric field lines are closer together near a charged object because this represents a region of stronger electric field strength. The density of these lines is a visual indicator of the field's intensity. Near the charge, the influence of the charge is more significant, resulting in a stronger force per unit charge. As you move away from the charge, the field lines spread out, indicating a decrease in field strength. This concept is vital for visualising and understanding the variations in electric field strength around different charge distributions and helps in predicting the behaviour of charged particles in these fields.

Yes, electric fields can exist in a vacuum. Unlike sound waves, which require a medium to travel through, electric fields are a manifestation of the electromagnetic force and do not need a material medium for their existence or propagation. In a vacuum, charged particles still exert electric forces on each other through their electric fields. These fields are represented by the force that would be exerted on a positive test charge placed in the field. The concept of electric fields in a vacuum is fundamental in physics, underpinning theories like electromagnetism and quantum mechanics.

Electric and gravitational fields are similar in that they both describe forces acting at a distance, but they have fundamental differences. Electric fields originate from electric charges and can exert forces on other electric charges. These fields can be either attractive or repulsive, depending on the nature of the interacting charges. In contrast, gravitational fields are generated by mass and always exert an attractive force. Another key difference is the strength and range: gravitational fields are comparatively weaker but act over longer distances, while electric fields can be incredibly strong but typically exert significant forces over shorter distances. Electric fields also vary greatly in strength depending on the charge and distance, whereas gravitational fields follow a more uniform inverse-square law with distance.

Practice Questions

A small plastic sphere with a charge of -3.0 x 10^-6 C is placed 0.2 m away from a small metal sphere with a charge of 5.0 x 10^-6 C. Calculate the electric field strength at a point halfway between the two spheres. Assume the spheres are in a vacuum.

To calculate the electric field strength at the midpoint, we consider the contributions from both spheres. For the plastic sphere, E = k * |q| / r2 = (8.99 x 109 Nm2/C2) * (3.0 x 10-6 C) / (0.1 m)2. For the metal sphere, E = (8.99 x 109 Nm2/C2) * (5.0 x 10-6 C) / (0.1 m)2. Since the charges are opposite, the fields at the midpoint add up. The total electric field strength is the sum of these two values, yielding a significant value that reflects the net effect of both fields.

Describe the electric field pattern around a single positive point charge and explain how the field strength varies with distance from the charge.

The electric field around a single positive point charge radiates outward uniformly in all directions. This radial pattern signifies that the field's influence extends equally in every direction from the charge. As for the field strength, it varies inversely with the square of the distance from the charge. This means that as the distance from the charge increases, the field strength decreases rapidly. This inverse square relationship is a fundamental characteristic of point charge fields and is crucial for understanding the behaviour of electric fields in various physical situations.

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