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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

15.2.1 Ideal Gas Behaviour

Introduction to Ideal Gases

An ideal gas is a hypothetical gas whose molecules exhibit no intermolecular forces and occupy no volume. This model simplifies the study of gas behaviour, particularly the relationship between key variables: pressure, volume, and temperature.

Pressure, Volume, and Temperature Relationship

Understanding the Variables

  • Pressure (P): It is the force per unit area exerted by gas molecules as they collide with the walls of their container. It is measured in Pascals (Pa).
  • Volume (V): The three-dimensional space occupied by a gas. It's usually measured in litres (L) or cubic meters (m³).
  • Temperature (T): Refers to the average kinetic energy of gas particles, measured in Kelvin (K).

The Proportional Relationship (pV ∝ T)

  • The product of pressure and volume of an ideal gas is directly proportional to its temperature.
  • This relationship is represented as pV ∝ T, where '∝' denotes direct proportionality.
Diagram showing the Ideal Gas Law

Ideal Gas Law

Image Courtesy Chemistry Learner

Real Gases and Ideal Behaviour

Conditions for Ideal Behaviour

  • Low Pressure: At low pressures, the volume occupied by the gas molecules is much less than the total volume of the gas, thus making the volume of individual molecules negligible.
  • High Temperature: Elevated temperatures increase the kinetic energy of gas particles, overpowering intermolecular forces.

Deviations from Ideal Behaviour

  • Deviations are notable at high pressures (where volume can't be ignored) and low temperatures (where intermolecular forces become significant).

The Ideal Gas Law (pV = nRT)

Breaking Down the Law

  • The ideal gas law relates the pressure, volume, temperature, and number of moles of a gas.
  • n is the number of moles, R (8.314 J/(mol·K)) is the universal gas constant, and T is the temperature in Kelvin.

Practical Applications

  • It's used to calculate one of the four variables (P, V, n, T) when the other three are known.
  • Essential in various applications, such as calculating gas density or changes in gas properties under different conditions.

Problem Solving with the Ideal Gas Law

Solving Real-World Problems

1. Pressure Calculation: Find the pressure exerted by a gas at a specific volume and temperature.

2. Volume Variation: Determine how the volume of a gas changes with fluctuations in temperature and pressure.

Approach to Problem Solving

1. Identify and list known variables.

2. Convert all measurements to SI units.

3. Rearrange the ideal gas equation to solve for the unknown.

4. Substitute known values and calculate the unknown.

In-Depth Study of Ideal Gas Behaviour

Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases

  • This theory underpins the ideal gas law, assuming that gas particles are in constant, random motion and collisions between particles are perfectly elastic.
Diagram explaining the properties of gas by kinetic theory

Kinetic theory of gas

Image Courtesy Science Facts

Applications in Real Life

  • Ideal gas law finds applications in fields like meteorology (predicting weather patterns), engineering (designing combustion engines), and even in space exploration (calculating rocket propulsion).

Advanced Concepts

  • The understanding of ideal gas behaviour leads to more complex topics such as thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, and fluid dynamics.

Key Points to Remember

  • The ideal gas model simplifies the complex behaviours of real gases under certain conditions.
  • Understanding the relationship between pressure, volume, and temperature is essential in physics.
  • The ideal gas law is a cornerstone in thermodynamics, providing a foundation for more advanced studies in the field.

By delving into these fundamental concepts, students gain a solid foundation in the principles governing the behaviour of gases. This knowledge is not only crucial for academic success in physics but also forms the basis for understanding real-world applications and more advanced scientific concepts.


The ideal gas law can be observed in everyday activities like inflating a balloon. When you inflate a balloon, you are increasing the number of gas molecules (n) inside it, thereby increasing the pressure (P) within the balloon. According to the ideal gas law (pV = nRT), if the temperature (T) and the amount of gas (n) are increased, the pressure (P) will also increase, assuming the balloon can expand, thus increasing its volume (V). This is why a balloon gets bigger as more air is pumped into it. Additionally, if you were to heat the balloon, the air inside would expand (due to increased temperature), further increasing the volume, which is another aspect of the ideal gas law in action.

The ideal gas law is less accurate under conditions of very high pressure and low temperature. At high pressures, the volume of the gas molecules becomes a significant fraction of the total volume of the gas, violating the assumption of ideal gas particles having negligible volume. Additionally, at low temperatures, the kinetic energy of the gas particles decreases, making the effects of intermolecular forces more significant. These intermolecular forces are ignored in the ideal gas model. Therefore, under these conditions, real gases do not behave as ideal gases, and the ideal gas law does not provide accurate results. Other models, like the van der Waals equation, are used to better predict the behaviour of real gases under these conditions.

The Kelvin scale is used in the ideal gas law because it is an absolute temperature scale, starting at absolute zero, the theoretical point where particles have minimal thermal motion. The ideal gas law, pV = nRT, where R is the gas constant, requires an absolute temperature scale for accurate calculations. Unlike the Celsius or Fahrenheit scales, which are based on arbitrary points like the freezing and boiling points of water, the Kelvin scale directly relates to the kinetic energy of particles. As temperature increases in Kelvin, the kinetic energy of gas particles increases linearly, making it the most appropriate scale for gas laws and thermodynamic equations.

The increase in pressure of an ideal gas when its temperature rises, while keeping the volume constant, is due to the kinetic theory of gases. According to this theory, gas particles are in constant, random motion. When the temperature of the gas increases, the kinetic energy of the gas particles also increases. This results in the gas particles moving faster and colliding with the walls of the container more frequently and with greater force. Since pressure is the force exerted by gas particles per unit area on the walls of its container, these more frequent and forceful collisions lead to an increase in pressure. Thus, at a constant volume, the pressure of the gas increases with temperature.

Ideal gases are considered 'ideal' because they perfectly follow the gas laws (like Boyle's law, Charles's law, and Avogadro's law) under all conditions of temperature and pressure. This is based on two critical assumptions: ideal gas particles do not have any volume (point particles), and there are no intermolecular forces between them. In contrast, real gases have molecules with a finite volume and experience intermolecular forces. These characteristics of real gases lead to deviations from the ideal gas law, especially under high pressure (where volume becomes significant) and low temperature (where intermolecular forces become influential). However, under many conditions (especially high temperature and low pressure), real gases approximate the behaviour of ideal gases.

Practice Questions

A sealed container with a fixed amount of an ideal gas has a volume of 2.0 m³ at a temperature of 300 K. If the temperature is increased to 600 K, what will be the new volume of the gas, assuming the pressure remains constant?

In this scenario, we apply Charles's Law, which states that the volume of an ideal gas is directly proportional to its temperature when pressure is constant. The initial conditions are a volume (V₁) of 2.0 m³ at a temperature (T₁) of 300 K. The final temperature (T₂) is 600 K. Using the formula V₁/T₁ = V₂/T₂, we rearrange to find V₂ = V₁(T₂/T₁). Substituting the values, we get V₂ = 2.0 m³ × (600 K / 300 K) = 4.0 m³. Thus, the new volume of the gas at 600 K is 4.0 m³.

A gas cylinder contains 0.50 moles of an ideal gas at a pressure of 100 kPa and a temperature of 27°C. Calculate the volume of the gas.

To calculate the volume, we use the ideal gas law, pV = nRT. First, we convert the temperature from Celsius to Kelvin: T = 27°C + 273 = 300 K. The values given are n = 0.50 moles, p = 100 kPa (which is 100,000 Pa), and R = 8.314 J/(mol·K). Rearranging the equation to V = nRT/p and substituting the values, we get V = (0.50 moles × 8.314 J/(mol·K) × 300 K) / 100,000 Pa. The calculation gives V ≈ 0.0125 m³. Therefore, the volume of the gas in the cylinder is approximately 0.0125 m³.

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