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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

12.1.1 Radian and Angular Displacement

1. Introduction to Radians

Radians are a pivotal unit of angular measurement in the realm of physics, offering a mathematically robust framework for analysing circular motion.

1.1. Definition and Nature of a Radian

A radian is the angle subtended at the centre of a circle by an arc equal in length to the radius of the circle. This definition is deeply rooted in the circle's geometry, making it a natural choice for angular measurements. A full circle encompasses 2π radians, aligning with the circumference of a circle being 2πr.

1.2. Why Radians in Physics?

The preference for radians in physics stems from their inherent connection to the circle's radius, leading to more streamlined calculations in angular motion scenarios. Radians are seamlessly integrated into equations of rotational kinematics, oscillatory motion, and even in the fields of electromagnetism and quantum mechanics.

Diagram explaining Radian in physics


Image Courtesy Stannered

2. Conversions Between Angular Measures

A comprehensive grasp of converting between radians, degrees, and revolutions is critical for accurately interpreting circular motion.

2.1. From Radians to Degrees

Radians and degrees, while measuring the same thing, have different bases. To convert radians to degrees, we use the relationship where 360 degrees is equivalent to 2π radians. The conversion formula is:

Degrees = Radians x (180/π)

2.2. Converting Degrees to Radians

Inverting the previous formula allows the conversion from degrees to radians:

Radians = Degrees x (π/180)

2.3. Revolutions to Radians and Vice Versa

A single revolution, representing a full turn (360 degrees), equals 2π radians. The conversion is straightforward:

Radians = Revolutions x 2π

Conversely, to find revolutions from radians:

Revolutions = Radians x (1/2π)

3. Angular Displacement in Circular Motion

Angular displacement is the angular distance an object moves along a circular path and is key to understanding circular motion dynamics.

3.1. Understanding Angular Displacement

Angular displacement, measured in radians, is the angle through which a point or line has been rotated in a specified sense about a specified axis. It is different from linear displacement, which measures the direct distance between two points, regardless of the path taken.

3.2. Calculating Angular Displacement

The formula for angular displacement (θ) is:

θ = s/r

where s is the length of the arc (the path travelled along the circle) and r is the radius of the circle. This formula directly relates angular displacement to the physical dimensions of the circular path.

Diagram explaining angular displacement

Angular Displacement

Image Courtesy Science Facts

3.3. Application and Examples

In practical scenarios, calculating angular displacement helps in understanding the motion of objects in circular paths. For instance, in mechanical gears, knowing the angular displacement of each gear is crucial for determining their rotational speeds and the resultant motion of the machinery.

Example Problem

A car's tire, with a radius of 30 cm, rotates through an arc length of 94.2 cm. To find the angular displacement:

θ = s/r = 94.2 cm / 30 cm = 3.14 radians

This value represents the tire's rotation in terms of the angle it has subtended at its centre.

4. Practical Implications and Advanced Concepts

The study of radians and angular displacement forms the foundation for more complex topics in physics, like torque in rotational motion, centripetal force in circular paths, and the analysis of oscillations and waves.

4.1. Radians in Advanced Physics

In advanced physics, radians are indispensable for defining angular velocity and acceleration, critical in studying rotational dynamics and harmonic motion. They also appear in the definitions and calculations of trigonometric functions, which are essential in wave mechanics and electromagnetism.

4.2. Bridging Linear and Angular Quantities

Understanding the relationship between linear and angular measures is vital. For example, linear velocity in circular motion is directly proportional to the radius and angular velocity, represented as v = rω, where ω is the angular velocity in radians per second.

4.3. Significance in Engineering and Astronomy

In engineering, radians aid in designing mechanisms involving rotational motion, such as engines and turbines. In astronomy, radians provide a natural scale for measuring large-scale rotational phenomena, like the rotation of celestial bodies and the angular size of objects in the sky.


In uniform circular motion, angular displacement is closely related to frequency and period. The frequency of an object in circular motion refers to the number of complete revolutions it makes per unit time, typically measured in revolutions per second or hertz. The period is the time taken to complete one full revolution. Since one complete revolution corresponds to an angular displacement of 2π radians, the angular displacement over a certain time can be directly related to the frequency and period. The higher the frequency, the greater the angular displacement in a given time. Conversely, a shorter period implies a faster rate of rotation, leading to a larger angular displacement in the same duration. This relationship is crucial in understanding the dynamics of rotational systems and their periodic behaviour.

Yes, angular displacement can be negative. In the context of circular motion, the sign of angular displacement signifies the direction of rotation. A positive angular displacement indicates rotation in the anti-clockwise direction, while a negative angular displacement indicates rotation in the clockwise direction. This convention is especially important in physics and engineering, where the direction of rotation can significantly affect the analysis and design of systems. For example, in a motor system, the direction of angular displacement would determine the direction in which the motor rotates, which in turn affects the movement of connected mechanical parts.

Understanding angular displacement is crucial in the study of centripetal force because it allows for the analysis of motion in a circular path. Centripetal force is the force that keeps an object moving in a circular path and is directed towards the centre of the circle. The magnitude ofthe centripetal force depends on the object's mass, the radius of the circle, and the square of the angular speed. By understanding angular displacement, one can determine the angular speed, which is essential for calculating the centripetal force. This understanding is vital in various practical applications, such as designing roller coasters, where ensuring the right balance of centripetal force is crucial for safety and functionality. Furthermore, concepts of angular displacement and centripetal force are foundational in fields like orbital mechanics and rotational dynamics.

The radian is considered a more natural unit for measuring angles in circular motion because it directly relates to the radius of the circle, which is a fundamental property of circular shapes. When an arc length equals the radius of the circle, the angle subtended at the centre is one radian. This direct relation simplifies many mathematical expressions, making calculations more intuitive in the context of circular motion and trigonometry. In contrast, degrees are an arbitrary division of a circle into 360 parts, which does not have a natural or direct relationship with the circle’s properties. The radian's inherent connection to the circle's geometry makes it the preferred unit in advanced mathematics and physics, especially in the study of rotational and oscillatory motions.

Angular displacement and linear displacement are fundamentally different concepts in circular motion. Angular displacement refers to the angle through which an object rotates around a fixed point, measured in radians. It describes the change in the angular position of an object in circular motion. In contrast, linear displacement measures the direct distance between two points along a straight line, irrespective of the path taken. In circular motion, linear displacement would refer to the distance travelled along the circumference of the circle. While angular displacement gives a sense of rotational progress, linear displacement is concerned with the actual path length covered by the moving object. Understanding both is crucial for comprehensively analysing motion in a circular path, as they provide different perspectives of the same motion.

Practice Questions

A Ferris wheel with a radius of 10 meters completes one full revolution in 40 seconds. Calculate the angular speed of the Ferris wheel in radians per second.

To calculate the angular speed, we need to consider that one full revolution is equivalent to 2π radians. Since the Ferris wheel completes this in 40 seconds, the angular speed (ω) can be calculated using the formula ω = θ / t, where θ is the angular displacement and t is the time taken. Here, θ = 2π radians (one full revolution), and t = 40 seconds. Therefore, ω = 2π / 40 = π / 20 radians per second. This means the Ferris wheel rotates at an angular speed of π / 20 radians per second.

A record player’s disc rotates at a constant speed, making 33.5 revolutions per minute. Calculate the angular displacement in radians of the disc after 3 minutes.

First, we need to determine the total number of revolutions the disc makes in 3 minutes. Since it rotates at 33.5 revolutions per minute, in 3 minutes it will make 33.5 × 3 = 100.5 revolutions. Knowing that one revolution is equal to 2π radians, the angular displacement can be calculated by multiplying the number of revolutions by 2π. Therefore, the angular displacement is 100.5 × 2π = 201π radians. This calculation shows that after 3 minutes, the record player's disc will have undergone an angular displacement of 201π radians.

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