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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

1.1.2 Estimation of Physical Quantities

Techniques for Making Reasonable Estimates

Understanding Orders of Magnitude

  • Concept: Orders of magnitude provide a comparative scale to understand how large or small a quantity is. It's about categorising numbers based on their logarithmic scale, typically powers of ten.
  • Practical Application: For instance, if a quantity is in the order of 103, it's in the thousands, while 10−6 represents a millionth of a unit.

Dimensional Analysis

  • Fundamental Principle: This technique involves checking the consistency of units in an equation or estimate. It's based on the principle that physical laws must be independent of the units used to measure the variables.
  • Example: In calculating speed, if you end up with units of meters per second squared (m/s2), there's a mistake since speed should have units of m/s.

Scaling Laws

  • Understanding Scaling: Scaling laws describe how different physical quantities change in relation to each other when the scale of a system changes.
  • Example: The surface area of a sphere scales as the square of its radius, while the volume scales as the cube. So, doubling the radius increases the area by a factor of four and the volume by a factor of eight.
Diagram explaining scaling law

Image Courtesy LaurensvanLieshout

Simplifying Assumptions

  • Methodology: This involves breaking down complex systems into simpler components or ignoring less significant factors.
  • Utility: Such assumptions are crucial in making quick yet reasonably accurate estimates in complex situations.

Common Physical Quantities Estimation

Estimating Lengths and Distances

  • Reference Objects: Using everyday objects as benchmarks. For example, a standard door is approximately 2 meters tall.
  • Human Scales: Estimating distances based on body parts, like a foot (about 30 cm) or a stride (roughly 1 meter).

Estimating Masses and Weights

  • Comparative Estimation: Relating unknown masses to familiar objects, like a bag of sugar (1 kg) or a small car (about 1 tonne).
  • Density and Volume: Utilizing the density of materials (e.g., water's density is
  • 1 g/cm3) and the volume of objects to estimate mass.

Estimating Time Intervals

  • Natural Time Scales: Using common time intervals like a second (duration of a heartbeat) or an hour.
  • Sequential Estimation: Breaking down events into smaller segments for easier estimation.

Utilisation in Experimental and Theoretical Physics

Experimental Physics

  • Experiment Design: Estimations are vital in planning experiments, especially in determining the scale of measurements and predicting possible outcomes.
  • Error Analysis: Understanding the potential margin of error in measurements and its implications on experimental results.

Theoretical Physics

  • Model Development: Estimations are used to develop and refine theoretical models, providing a basis for predictions and hypotheses.
  • Predictive Power: Estimations enable predictions about unobserved phenomena or the behaviour of systems under new conditions.

Bridging Theory and Experiment

  • Hypothesis Testing: Estimations assist in formulating hypotheses that can be empirically tested.
  • Data Interpretation: They play a key role in interpreting experimental data, particularly when direct measurements are challenging.


Estimation in physics differs from everyday estimation primarily in its reliance on scientific principles and mathematical rigour. In daily life, estimations are often based on intuition or rough guesses without much systematic methodology. In contrast, physics estimations are grounded in scientific concepts, equations, and a logical approach. For example, estimating the height of a building in physics would involve principles of kinematics and known values like the acceleration due to gravity, whereas in everyday life, one might just compare the building to a known reference object. Physics estimations also often require consideration of units, significant figures, and error analysis, making them more structured and precise.

Estimation techniques are universally applicable across all branches of physics, though their application and emphasis may vary depending on the field. In experimental physics, estimations are often used in the planning stages of experiments or when direct measurements are not feasible. In theoretical physics, estimations are crucial for developing models and hypotheses. In fields like astrophysics or quantum physics, where direct measurements can be challenging, estimations based on observable phenomena are fundamental. However, the level of precision required in estimations can differ significantly. For instance, in engineering physics, estimations might need to be more precise compared to cosmology, where vast scales naturally involve greater uncertainties.

Understanding the limitations of estimations in physics is vital because it helps in recognising the context and accuracy of the results. Estimations are based on assumptions and simplifications, which means they inherently carry a degree of uncertainty. Recognising these limitations is crucial for interpreting the results correctly and for knowing when a more precise measurement is necessary. For example, in designing an experiment or a theoretical model, if the estimation is too crude, it might lead to incorrect conclusions or ineffective designs. Therefore, a good physicist not only knows how to estimate but also understands the extent to which these estimates can be trusted and the scenarios in which they are applicable.

Significant figures are crucial in the estimation of physical quantities as they reflect the precision of an estimate. When making an estimate, it's important to consider the number of significant figures to use, as this indicates the level of certainty or uncertainty in the measurement. For instance, if you estimate the length of a room to be approximately 5.2 meters, using two significant figures (5.2) rather than one (5) conveys a higher precision in your estimation. However, it's also important not to overstate precision. In physics, especially in estimations, it's better to err on the side of fewer significant figures to avoid implying a false sense of accuracy. This approach helps maintain a balance between precision and practicality in measurements.

Estimation skills are invaluable for students in their future scientific careers or studies as they foster critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and a deep understanding of physical concepts. These skills enable students to make quick yet informed decisions, especially in situations where precise data is unavailable or impractical to obtain. In research and industry, the ability to make accurate estimations can lead to more efficient experiment designs, better resource management, and quicker troubleshooting. Furthermore, estimation skills are often a stepping stone to more advanced analytical skills, as they require a fundamental understanding of how different physical quantities interact and influence each other. This foundational knowledge is essential in almost all scientific and engineering fields.

Practice Questions

Boldly estimate the height of a building using a smartphone. A student drops a small stone from the top of the building and records the time taken for the stone to hit the ground using the stopwatch function on their smartphone. The time recorded is 3.2 seconds. Assume the acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s².

To estimate the height of the building, we use the equation of motion s = ut + 1/2 at². Since the stone is dropped, its initial velocity u is 0. Plugging in a = 9.8 m/s² and t = 3.2 s, we get s = 0 * 3.2 + 1/2 * 9.8 * (3.2)². Calculating this, the height s is approximately 50.2 meters. This method shows how we can use basic physics principles and simple measurements to estimate significant physical quantities like height.

A student needs to estimate the mass of a textbook without using a scale. They know that a standard sheet of A4 paper weighs about 5 grams and estimate that there are around 400 sheets in the textbook. Estimate the mass of the textbook.

To estimate the mass of the textbook, we multiply the mass of one sheet of paper by the estimated number of sheets in the textbook. Given each A4 sheet weighs about 5 grams, and estimating around 400 sheets in the textbook, the total mass would be 5 grams/sheet * 400 sheets = 2000 grams, or 2 kilograms. This example shows how estimation, based on reasonable assumptions and simple multiplication, can be used effectively when precise measurements are not available.

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