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AQA A-Level Chemistry Notes

1.5.3 Temperature and Reaction Rate

The Role of Temperature in Chemical Kinetics

Temperature profoundly influences the pace at which chemical reactions transpire. An elevation in temperature is typically associated with an acceleration in reaction rate, attributable to several fundamental mechanisms:

  • Elevation of Kinetic Energy: A rise in temperature correlates with an increase in the kinetic energy of molecules. This augmentation in kinetic energy enhances the frequency and vigour of collisions among reactant molecules, a crucial factor for reaction occurrence.
  • Surpassing the Activation Energy: The concept of activation energy is central to understanding chemical reactions. It represents the minimum energy threshold that colliding molecules must exceed for a reaction to ensue. At elevated temperatures, a larger fraction of molecules attain or surpass this threshold, thereby increasing the likelihood of reaction-inducing collisions.
  • Augmented Collision Frequency: The escalation in molecular velocities at higher temperatures leads to a higher collision rate. This increase in collision frequency further bolsters the probability of reaction occurrences.

Maxwell–Boltzmann Distribution: A Closer Look

The Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution provides a theoretical framework that elucidates the distribution of molecular kinetic energies within a gas. This distribution is instrumental in understanding the temperature-dependent nature of reaction rates.

Fundamentals of the Distribution

  • The Maxwell–Boltzmann curve graphically represents the number of molecules possessing various kinetic energies within a sample. It reveals that molecular energies are spread across a spectrum, rather than being uniform.
  • A critical aspect of this distribution is that only a subset of molecules have kinetic energies exceeding the activation energy, enabling them to partake in the reaction.

Temperature's Impact on the Distribution

  • Shift towards Higher Energies: An increase in temperature causes the peak of the Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution curve to shift towards higher energy values. This shift indicates that a greater proportion of molecules possess elevated kinetic energies.
  • Broadening of the Curve: Higher temperatures not only elevate the energies of molecules but also cause the distribution curve to flatten and broaden. This broadening signifies a diversification in the kinetic energies of the molecules, with more molecules achieving energies sufficient to overcome the activation energy barrier.

Implications in Practice

The Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution's sensitivity to temperature changes underpins the pronounced effect of even modest temperature increases on reaction rates. As the temperature rises, the exponential increase in the number of molecules exceeding the activation energy dramatically amplifies the rate of successful collisions, thereby accelerating the reaction rate.

The Arrhenius Equation: Quantifying Temperature Dependence

The Arrhenius equation offers a quantitative insight into the relationship between a reaction's rate constant and temperature, encapsulated in the expression:

( k = A \exp\left(-\frac{Ea}{RT}\right) )

where ( k ) denotes the rate constant, ( A ) the pre-exponential factor, ( Ea ) the activation energy, ( R ) the gas constant, and ( T ) the temperature in Kelvin.

This equation delineates how the rate constant, and consequently the reaction rate, escalates exponentially with temperature. It quantitatively corroborates the qualitative observations regarding the temperature's effect on reaction rates.

Practical Exploration: Temperature Effects on Reaction Rates

Case Study: Sodium Thiosulfate and Hydrochloric Acid Reaction

The reaction between sodium thiosulfate and hydrochloric acid serves as an exemplary case for studying the influence of temperature on reaction rates. This reaction is characterized by a visually observable change, making it ideal for practical kinetic studies.

Experimental Procedure

  1. Solution Preparation: A solution of sodium thiosulfate is prepared and maintained at a constant concentration for the duration of the experiment.
  2. Temperature Variation: The experiment is conducted at varying temperatures by heating the sodium thiosulfate solution to the desired temperature before introducing hydrochloric acid.
  3. Observation Criteria: The reaction's progress is monitored through the formation of a precipitate, which renders the solution cloudy. The disappearance of a mark beneath the reaction vessel, obscured by the precipitate, serves as a metric for the reaction rate.

Analytical Approach

  • Rate Comparison: The time required for the reaction to reach a predefined cloudiness level is compared across different temperatures.
  • Graphical Analysis: Plotting these reaction times against the temperatures provides a visual representation of the relationship between temperature and reaction rate, facilitating a clearer understanding.

Observational Insights

  • Enhanced Reaction Rate with Temperature: Consistent with theoretical predictions, the reaction rate increases with temperature. This observation substantiates the theoretical frameworks provided by kinetic theory andthe Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution.
  • Theoretical Application: Analyzing the experimental outcomes within the context of the Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution and the Arrhenius equation offers a practical demonstration of these theoretical concepts, bridging theory with empirical observation.

Deepening Understanding Through Practical Applications

The interconnection between temperature and reaction rate is a cornerstone of chemical kinetics. The theoretical underpinnings provided by the Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution and the Arrhenius equation afford a comprehensive understanding of how temperature modulations influence chemical reactions. Practical investigations, such as the reaction between sodium thiosulfate and hydrochloric acid, not only corroborate these theoretical principles but also enrich our empirical understanding of chemical kinetics. Through these studies, students gain invaluable insights into the dynamic nature of chemical reactions, fostering a more profound and practical understanding of chemical kinetics.


The 'transition state' concept is pivotal in understanding the temperature dependence of reaction rates. The transition state represents a high-energy, unstable arrangement of atoms that occurs during the transformation of reactants into products. For reactants to reach this state, they must overcome the activation energy barrier, which is influenced by temperature. As temperature increases, more reactant molecules gain sufficient kinetic energy to reach the transition state, thereby increasing the likelihood of a successful reaction. The transition state is at the peak of the energy profile for a reaction, reflecting the maximum energy point that reactants must achieve to proceed to products. Temperature's role in providing the necessary kinetic energy to more molecules to reach this critical state elucidates the temperature dependence of reaction rates. The stability and energy of the transition state, influenced by molecular interactions and the reaction environment, further dictate the reaction's temperature sensitivity and overall rate.

In theory, a reaction with a negative activation energy would imply that the rate of the reaction increases as the temperature decreases, which is counterintuitive to the typical behaviour of chemical reactions. Negative activation energy suggests that the reactants are more ordered than the transition state, meaning that adding thermal energy actually disrupts the pathway to the transition state, thus slowing down the reaction. However, in practice, such scenarios are extremely rare and typically involve complex mechanisms or specific conditions where reactions might proceed via quantum tunneling or involve unusual bond formations. In these cases, lower temperatures can facilitate the reaction by reducing thermal disruptions, aligning more closely with the reactant's structured state, thereby enhancing the reaction's progression. It's crucial to note that these are exceptional cases and the vast majority of chemical reactions adhere to the principle that an increase in temperature accelerates the reaction rate.

The concept of activation energy is integral to the energy profile of a chemical reaction, which graphically represents the energy changes during a reaction. Activation energy is depicted as the energy barrier between the reactants and the transition state—the highest energy point along the reaction path. It represents the minimum amount of energy required for reactants to transform into products. In an energy profile diagram, the vertical difference between the energy level of reactants and the peak of the transition state illustrates the activation energy. For endothermic reactions, the activation energy is part of the energy absorbed, leading to a higher energy level of products compared to reactants. In exothermic reactions, despite the overall release of energy, the activation energy must first be provided to initiate the reaction, after which the energy is released as the reaction proceeds from the transition state to the lower energy products. This concept underscores the importance of activation energy in determining the rate and feasibility of a chemical reaction.

Even though exothermic reactions release energy, an increase in temperature generally accelerates these reactions due to the enhanced kinetic energy of the reactant molecules. Higher temperatures increase the average kinetic energy of molecules, which in turn raises the frequency and energy of molecular collisions. For a reaction to occur, molecules must collide with sufficient energy to surpass the activation energy barrier. In exothermic reactions, despite the release of energy, the initial input of thermal energy facilitates more reactant molecules to reach or exceed the activation energy threshold. Consequently, this increased proportion of molecules with higher kinetic energy results in more effective collisions, thereby accelerating the reaction rate. The initial temperature increase essentially provides the necessary activation energy for more molecules, leading to a faster initiation of the reaction process before the exothermic nature of the reaction contributes to the overall energy release.

Not all collisions between reactant molecules result in a reaction due to the specific requirements for a successful reaction: proper orientation and sufficient energy. Even at high temperatures, while the kinetic energy of molecules increases, leading to more frequent and energetic collisions, the orientation factor still plays a crucial role. Molecules must collide in a specific manner that allows for the correct alignment of reactive sites to form new bonds. If the orientation is incorrect, the collision will not overcome the activation energy barrier, regardless of the energy involved. Additionally, even at high temperatures, there exists a distribution of molecular energies (as described by the Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution), and not all molecules will have energy exceeding the activation energy threshold. These factors combined mean that only a subset of collisions, even in a high-energy environment, are successful in leading to product formation, highlighting the complexity of chemical reaction dynamics beyond mere energy considerations.

Practice Questions

Describe how an increase in temperature affects the Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution of molecular energies in a gas and explain the resulting impact on the rate of a chemical reaction. Include in your answer the role of activation energy.

An increase in temperature shifts the Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution curve towards higher energies and broadens it, indicating that more molecules have higher kinetic energies. This shift increases the proportion of molecules with energy exceeding the activation energy, leading to more successful collisions. The activation energy acts as a barrier that only molecules with sufficient energy can overcome to react. As temperature rises, the number of molecules capable of overcoming this barrier increases, significantly enhancing the reaction rate. This demonstrates the direct relationship between temperature and reaction kinetics, as governed by the Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution.

A student investigates the effect of temperature on the reaction rate between sodium thiosulfate and hydrochloric acid by observing the time it takes for a cross beneath a reaction vessel to become obscured. Describe the expected changes in this time with an increase in temperature and explain these changes in terms of molecular collision theory and activation energy.

As the temperature increases, the time taken for the cross beneath the reaction vessel to become obscured is expected to decrease. This is because higher temperatures elevate the kinetic energy of the sodium thiosulfate and hydrochloric acid molecules, leading to an increase in the frequency and energy of collisions between them. According to the collision theory, for a reaction to occur, particles must collide with sufficient energy to overcome the activation energy barrier. At higher temperatures, more molecules have the required energy to surpass this barrier, resulting in a faster reaction rate and thus a quicker obscuration of the cross.

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